
Syrup and capsules "Frutolax" - reviews prove the effectiveness of the drug

The drug "Frutolax", which is confirmed by its effectiveness, is produced by VIS Ltd. - an enterprise specializing in the production of biologically active food additives. It can be prescribed to adults or children older than 14 years. The drug is produced in two dosage forms - in syrup and in capsules. The effect of its use is due to the specific composition of the drug: it includes dietary fiber, fruit extracts and medicinal plants. Each of the components of the laxative "Frutolax" (reviews prove its effectiveness), struggles with this or that cause of constipation, having a natural, soft effect on the body.

The contractions of the intestines, provided by its smooth muscles, are well stimulated by fiber - fibers that are contained in vegetables and fruits. It is the lack of plant foods in the diet experts tend to consider one of the reasons leading to sluggishness of the intestine and to its irregular emptying. The composition of capsules "Frutolax" includes not only much needed dietary fiber obtained from sugar beet, but also its dry juice. As you know, this root has a pronounced laxative and diuretic effect. In folk medicine for relaxation, in addition to eating beetroot juice, microclysters with beet broth were practiced: this remedy helped to quickly and painlessly release the intestines.

The drug "Frutolax" (and capsules, and syrup) contains an extract of senna leaves. This plant is traditionally used to treat chronic constipation caused by atony - bowel flaccidity. In addition, it includes extracts of fruits of prunes, fennel, figs and apricots. Prunes stimulate the musculature of the large intestine, improves the separation of digestive juices and promotes an increase in appetite. The pectic substances (polysaccharides) contained in figs have a soft, laxative effect. The extract of apricot is a unique complex of nutrients, which have a restorative and tonic, laxative and diuretic effect on the body. These fruits improve digestion and metabolism, enrich the body with vitamins and mineral salts. Extract of the same fruits of fennel, has long been used in medicine as a carminative agent, promotes relaxation of the intestine and the release of intestinal gases.

In addition to these components, lactulose, a prebiotic that contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, is included in both pharmaceutical forms of the drug "Frutolax" (reviewed by its effective effect) and is, in addition, an osmotic laxative. It is not addictive and does not irritate the intestinal wall. The relaxing effect of osmotic laxatives is based on their ability to soften the stool and increase their volume, which facilitates the quick and easy emptying of the intestine.

Recommended dosage of the drug is as follows: "Frutolax" for children from 14 years of age appoint 2, and adults - 2-4 capsules (syrup, respectively, one or two teaspoons). Take the medicine in the evening - in this case, cleansing of the intestine will occur in the morning.

Due to the properties of its constituents, natural and completely harmless, the preparation "Frutolax" (the reviews confirm this) can be used as a laxative not only by adults and adolescents, but also by elderly people suffering from the age-related weakness of the intestinal musculature. However, in the event that there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a doctor: taking the medication can exacerbate some of them. Contraindication to its use is also age till 14 years. The drug "Frutolax" in pregnancy and lactation is also not worth taking.

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