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Do you have a shaking hand? Reasons can be serious!

Many people noticed that their hands are shaking. This symptom may not be associated with a serious illness, but it is better that it does not appear. This phenomenon is also called tremor. Many therefore hide their hands, ashamed to show them. In society, the opinion has developed that tremor is a sign of alcoholism, but this is not entirely true.

Did you notice that sometimes you have a shaking hand? The reasons can be very different. As a rule, this phenomenon does not occur in young people. If you are by no means old, and your hand is shaking every now and then , the reasons can be serious. For example, tremor in some cases is caused by a lesion of the cerebellum. If all your things fall out of your hands literally, your legs tremble and your knees buckle, but you do not know the reason, you should contact the doctor. Tremor can occur due to poisoning by any hazardous substances (for example, gas) or unsatisfactory state of the nervous system. There are a number of other ailments that lead to this phenomenon, for example, encephalitis, hormonal disorders, hyperthyroidism and so on.

If you have a shaking hand, the reasons may not be related to the disease. Have you been drinking recently? If so, you are likely to have experienced an alcoholic tremor. Perhaps you think you drank "nothing at all". But each person has his own individual sensitivity to alcohol. Some people start shaking from one glass. This is a sign of alcohol intoxication and the first signal that one should not get carried away with hot drinks. If the next morning after the "merry" evening you hardly bring the spoon to the mouth, do not think that everything in itself will pass when you get drunk. Moreover, you will be surprised, but an alcoholic tremor is not quite an innocuous phenomenon, and often a sign that the patient urgently needs medical help.

If you are naturally nervous and inclined to experience (and often in small things), it is possible that your hand often shakes. The reasons for this are in your character. Tremor can occur if you are excessively sensitive or quick-tempered. In this case, you should spare your nervous system. Work out steadfastness and composure, it will help not to worry about trifles. This will help, for example, yoga.

The so-called "physiological tremor" sometimes occurs in representatives of certain professions. Most often in dancers and models. In addition, limbs tremble from fatigue after running or other types of exercise. Physiologic tremor can be overcome, since it is most often caused by a strong fatigue of the muscles of the body.

Older people often tremble their hands. If this happens in a state of rest and your fingers seem to be sorting through small objects, this is a sign of Parkinson's disease. It usually begins by the age of 57-60.

If you have not reached adulthood, tremor is not a sign that you have a disease. When the hands of a teenager shake , at this age it most often indicates only certain changes in his body. This also indicates an increased excitability of the central nervous system, which after some time will necessarily decrease.

What should I do if my hands are shaking? First, we must clearly understand the reason for this tremor. If it is physiological, it is enough just to rest. If before you took alcohol, it is better to "tie", since it is a serious signal of your body, which stops coping with processing alcohol. If the tremor is accompanied by any symptoms or has been troubling you for a long time, you need a medical examination and specialist help.

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