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Catching martens with traps. Rules for hunting martens with a trap

The marten is a small predatory animal, which forms its own family of the same name. In Europe, its forest and stone varieties are most often found. Among her "relatives" are such fur-bearing representatives as sable, ermine, mink, badger, wolverine, etc.

general information

Kunitsa is an indefatigable hunter. She in search of prey can pass for the night up to ten kilometers, catching on her way literally everything that moves: from mice and squirrels to birds, frogs and insects. Sometimes this animal manages to even grab the bunny, which is several times bigger than she herself.

The fur of the marten is very beautiful and durable. And this is the reason that she was hunted at all times. From her skins they sew hats and fur coats, make collars.

Forest marten prefers cluttered dark coniferous and mixed plantations. Although this animal perfectly climbs trees, leaping like a squirrel, from branch to branch, it often prefers to move along the ground or over snow.


Despite the fact that this is a vigorous predatory animal, nevertheless he likes to eat berries and is not averse to pampering himself with the larvae of wild bees and the "product" of their vital activity. Apparently, therefore, trapping the marten with traps for honey is very prey.

In general, this animal belongs to one of the complex objects for hunting. In those days, when the uncontrollable catch of marten was conducted, its population in the European part of our country was reduced almost to zero. And this despite the fact that hunting for this animal requires the highest endurance, hardening and professionalism. However, today this "deplorable" situation has radically changed, marten has become an ordinary inhabitant of Russian forests, it has already been removed from the list of fur-bearing animals, the catch of which is subject to licensing.


The specific time for hunting for marten is set before each season by the relevant territorial offices. For example, in the Murmansk region it is allowed from the middle of October and lasts until the end of March. In Kaliningrad - from the fifteenth of November until the last winter day. In the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, martens martens trap (2013 data) lasts three months - from the end of the autumn and until the last winter month.

Hunting with a dog

This animal leads mostly nocturnal life. The most common are catching martens with traps and tracking them with a husky in a small snow. When the hunter appears in the forest at dawn, most of the prey is already hiding in its shelters.

If the marten passed to its nest just before it, then the dogs will easily take its trace and bring the person to the place of her day. However, the animal could lie deep in the night, then the husky is very difficult to come out on it. By chance, in dogs, there is very little chance of finding a day's worth of chances.

Sometimes the marten lives early in the morning or in the daytime. In this case, it is much easier for dogs to detect prey. On a fresh trail, the husky is driven by a beast under a fallen tree, on a tree or in a hollow. Dogs themselves are gambly trying to get to the prey. Therefore, if she is hiding on the ground, they are sometimes able to strangle her or pull her out of the shelter alive. However, more often than not, catching marten in this way ends up in the fact that a man himself must extract it from a shelter with the help of an ax or a sturdy stick.


In winter, when the forest is swept up by snow, many prefer to hunt without a dog. At this time the marten is unable to walk "long" along the trees and therefore has to descend to the ground. Tracking in this case it is better to lead on a fresh powder. Detecting traces, the hunter, walking along them, reaches the day of the animal. Such a catch of a marten is not difficult. It is known that prey, as a rule, does not confuse its tracks.


Toward the end of winter, this representative of the family of Cunha prefers to arrange shelter in the snow: these can be places under fallen trees, under the roots of trees or stumps. At this time, it is common to catch marten with a trap or with the help of a litter - a thin, but strong network with a cell about three centimeters in size. Along the lower and upper edges of such tackle are strong rebounds.

The hunters hunt the ground shelters of the martens with an obmete, hanging it on stakes that are inclined and with a vertex inclined to the outside. In this case, the lower edges of the net trample down in the snow. The fabric must be hung freely. Therefore, the production caught in such a network appears to be in a sack.

Catching martens with a trap

This species is considered the most common, especially in the eastern regions of our country. Catching martens martens can be done in several ways. At the same time, they all suggest the use of edible odorous baits. More often than not, trapping marten with traps may catch on the fermented meat - carcass of squirrels, birds or some other rodent. The bait needs to be poured a little so that it does not freeze too much. Not bad this animal is caught and on pieces of honeycomb honeycomb, and on rags, which are well impregnated with honey.

To determine the location of future hunting, it is necessary to examine the territory in advance. It's good to do this even before the opening of the season, after a preliminary bait. If the well-known place is already defined, and those who are accustomed to finding food there, the martens become frequent guests, then it is possible to engage directly in the placement of prepared traps.

If the hunter enters the territory for the first time in the snow, then the ability to "read" the traces of his prey will be useful to him.

Preliminary reconnaissance

You must first determine an approximate zone where animals can be. Most often this is a coniferous or mixed forest. The hunter must also check the presence of old trees with hollows on the site. This is very important, because the martens love to rest in them. In their absence, the animal arranges itself in the plexus of fallen trees.

When a hunter is identified with the territory, he has to figure out what to lure the prey to. Well suited as baits and entrails of animals, which need to be held for several days in the warmth, so that they smell stronger. The feather of birds can either be added to the bait, or scattered nearby.

What trap to put

If traditional hunting, carried out with a gun, requires the mandatory presence of a person, then the use of this device can be attributed to the passive way of extracting the coveted trophy. But catching martens with traps requires the presence of special skills, knowledge of the terrain of this locality, the habits of the animal, the places of its feeding and lodging.

These devices are used most often for hunting small prey. Therefore, the marten trapping is carried out with the second or third number. Although experienced hunters know: if the trap needs to be suspended, then the zero or the first one will do.

Recently, martens fishing with martens trap KP 120 is common. These are the through traps, which weigh a little more than half a kilogram. Install them as follows: the springs rotate so that they are located outside the frames, then they are compressed and fixed with a safety hook.

Principle of operation

Catching marten trapping occurs as follows: these iron devices, which from the activation of the spring slam, press the body of the catch caught in them.

As a rule, for this little animal two kinds of traps are used: frame or plate. Sometimes hunters use numerous variants of self-trapping traps - kulemok, which can be installed on the tree and on the ground.

The principle of this design is capture of production. When the marten thrusts his head into its frame to pull the bait from the lodge, the frame on the neck of the animal slams. The kulema is usually placed in a box, so that the birds and other small forest dwellers will not take the bait. This trap does not carry snow, in addition, it works in any weather, whereas the usual traps in the frost that has occurred after the thaw may not be slammed.

Where it is better to set traps

Today, hunters are very common trapping martens. Photo of their trophies, many hunters put on the Internet, showing off captured trophies. But if you do not know the right places where you need to set traps, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to catch prey.

You can put traps in almost any place, the main thing is that the animal there often appeared. The best places among experienced hunters are the peaks of ravines, crossroads of forest paths, sloping slopes and areas between old trees.


The marten just never approaches the traps. Hunters must always put baits. As a rule, catching a marten with traps on a booth is the most catchable. As a bait used fish or foul meat, which produces a sharp smell. You can take and carcass of small small rodent animals, for example, squirrels, muskrats or small birds.

The lure for the marten must necessarily be tied in such a way that it hangs and at the same time it would not be noticed by flying birds. And under the pride, at a distance of up to thirty centimeters, you need to "charge" the trap.

The marten is literally "driven" to the smells of essential oils. Therefore, many hunters spray this fragrant liquid at a distance of five to six meters from the traps. But you need to be careful and do not overdo it, otherwise the prey can scare away a too sharp smell.

Experienced hunters, for whom catching martens trappings - trapping - has long become a common thing, use aniseed oil, as well as tincture of valerian or iodoform.

How to Install a Trap

The kapkan must necessarily be attached to some solid and immovable object or structure, otherwise, in anticipation of its extraction, it can suffer a sad fate: any large bird can easily grab a trap and drag it with it.

Quite often, when instead of the cherished marten, other animals are resorting to the smell of bait. That's why it is better to install traps at the height of human growth, and privado - about thirty centimeters from it. Many hunters over their "charged" traps design a canopy of fir branches.

Trapping martens is carried out near the trees. They can also be installed in the hollow of the fallen trunk. The bait is put in the depths, and the trap is at the entrance. If there is no hollow in the tree, the hunters often cut it themselves with an ax.

Features of catching

Traps should not emit a smell of metal, it frightens off the beast. It is better to boil them and rub them with needles of some kind of wood.

Often inexperienced hunters, leaving traps on the ground, make a mistake. The fact is that the martens that fall into the trap escape with it, pulling out paws from there. In addition, the traps located on the ground cause other forest animals to spoil the skin of the prey caught in them. As a rule, rodents do this.

Catching marten traps today is very common among professional hunters. And this is not surprising: after all, they can catch two or three "skins" at once, especially if the place is prepared in advance, and the extraction is fed.

In cold winter months, traps are too often not to be checked: it is enough to bypass them once a week. Whereas in a thaw it needs to be done more often, so that the decomposition does not spoil the skin.

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