Food and drink, Recipes
Capelin of spicy salting
The mallow (Mallotus villosus) belongs to the family of smelt, extremely common along the eastern coast of Greenland, near the island of Jan Mayen and Iceland, and also inhabits the cold Arctic seas around the world. Her catch is mainly for caviar. An important commercial use is the production of fish meal (from bones) and fish oil (from fabrics). Due to the pleasant taste of the pulp resembling herring, it is considered as a high-value product, and is used in cooking for snacks, one of the most popular is capelin spicy salting, as well as second courses (served in baked or fried form) and soups. Caviar (masago) canned with wasabi (this plant is often called Japanese horseradish, its root is used as a seasoning), it is sold as "Wasabi caviar". The capelin is a fatty fish, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Caviar is a supplier of vitamin C, thiamine and folic acid, as well as a very good source of protein, vitamin E, riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium. Capelin is very high in cholesterol.
Recipe 1
Small fish can be easily prepared at home. Capelin of spicy salting is especially good with boiled potatoes. The following products will be required:
- 2 kg of capelin (you can not clean it) washed thoroughly with cold water and spread on a colander;
- ½ thin glass of salt;
- 1 teaspoon white pepper ;
- 12 pairs of sweet pepper;
- 1 tablespoon cumin dining room;
- 10 currant leaves;
- 3 bay leaves;
- Cloves.
Requires enameled dishes. Fish pour salt and put it tightly in prepared dishes: backs down, belly up. Spices are distributed evenly on each layer. Above crushed with a load: a wooden circle or a porcelain plate with a diameter slightly less than a pan, on which a stone or a glass container filled with water is placed. They are kept at room temperature for two days, the fish should be completely in brine. Once the capelin of spicy salting is ready, it is placed in the refrigerator.
Recipe 2
For three days it will turn out excellent capelin of spicy salted, for this prepare a special marinade. Ingredients:
- 2 kg of capelin washed with cold water and cleaned (remove the head and entrails);
- 1 liter of water;
- 2 table spoons of sugar;
- 5 tablespoons of salt;
- Leaf of laurel;
- Coriander seeds;
- Carnation
- Black peppercorns .
Capelin is salted in an enamel saucepan. First prepare the brine: bring the water to a boil, pour salt and sugar into it. After their dissolution, the water should once again boil. All the spices are thrown into the solution, after 30 seconds, the heat is turned off, and the mixture is allowed to cool. When the room temperature is reached, all the fish are put into the brine, pressed and closed. Leave for 3 days in a cool place. Store in the refrigerator.
Recipe 3
A snack of fresh cucumbers with mayonnaise perfectly complements the capelin of spicy salting. The recipe for quick cooking of fish is quite suitable for these purposes. For marinating you will need:
- 3 kg of capelin without head and entrails;
- 1 ½ liter of water;
- 2 tablespoons of tea vinegar;
- 3 tablespoons sugar;
- 5 tablespoons of salt;
- 5 clove buds;
- 18 peas of black pepper;
- 3 bay leaves;
- 1 ½ tablespoons of mustard tea powder.
Marinate capelin in an enamel saucepan. For the marinade, heat the water, pour out the sugar and salt, bring to a boil, cool. Stack in a saucepan tightly, pouring each layer of mustard and spices. Pour marinade, squeeze the plate, leave in a cool place. A day later, capelin is ready for consumption.
Recipe 4
For sandwiches or snacks with a boiled egg and mayonnaise, capelin is excellent. The recipe for its preparation is very simple, the ingredients are all available:
- 1 kg of capelin is washed and cleaned (remove internals with black film and head);
- 1 onion, cut into rings;
- 2 table spoons of salt;
- 1 teaspoon of black ground pepper.
In an enameled pot, lay, alternating layers, prepared capelin and onions. Each layer of fish is poured with salt and pepper. Put under oppression and leave in a cool place. A day later, capelin is ready for consumption.
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