
Camellia: caring for the insensitive beauty

Camellia - a symbol of callousness and soullessness. At all times, the camellia was the emblem of proud, handsome, unfeeling women who lured men, not loving.

The Greek legend of the camellias says that when Eros was fed up with ordinary earthly women, he flew to another planet. And there he met unprecedented beauties with silver hair, white body and light eyes. These women were made of ice, they did not know the passions and desires. They remained indifferent to the sharp arrows of Eros, who in desperation complained to his mother Aphrodite. And then Aphrodite sent them down to the ground, turning them into beautiful but soulless flowers - camellias.

Today in the Russian gardens quite often there is a camellia. Care of this plant requires careful observation of all necessary conditions, otherwise the Japanese beauty ceases to bloom or sheds leaves. Experienced growers can grow this flower in their own house in a pot. Camellia room blooms from January to April. But if necessary, the flowering time can be moved. How to take care of a camellia in a room?

What can be more beautiful than a cold, gloomy winter than a camellia blooming in your room? Care for this complex culture requires a strict adherence to the temperature regime. In winter camellias should grow in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees. Do not place the plant under direct sunlight. At a higher temperature, the camellia discards the buds, and you will never see it flowering.

Watering the camellia with very soft water, which was defended for a couple of days at room temperature. Watering should be very tidy and economical. You just need to slightly moisten the soil to avoid decaying the roots. But at the same time the camellia needs high humidity of air. It is recommended to regularly spray the leaves of the plant and the air around it. The pot is placed on a pallet in which moistened pebbles are. Camellia is fed from the beginning of flowering until July. When the plant ceases to bloom, the fertilizer is applied every four weeks.

No flower lover can remain indifferent to the bushy, abundantly flowering camellia. Care of the plant during flowering implies timely pruning of wilted buds. In addition, if one of the shoots formed a lot of buds, it is better to cut less developed ones, leaving only one or two of the healthiest. This will make them blossom brighter and will prevent premature wilting. If you would like to move the flowering time of this spectacular plant, put a pot of camellia in a dark place and keep it at a temperature of 8 degrees. For a couple of weeks before the desired flowering period, plant the plant in the light.

In the spring after flowering, the camellia needs to be transplanted. To do this, choose a soil mix for rhododendrons that contains peat, turf, leaf ground and sand (2: 1: 2: 1). Before transplanting the plant must be cut off - so it will become lush and bushy. Be sure to remove all the shoots, which were flowers. Under no circumstances should pruning be pruned, as late pruning can lead to a lack of flowers next year.

Camellia is propagated both with seeds and cuttings. But it is best to use cuttings for reproduction. In January or July it is necessary to cut off cuttings from the top of the plant with 3-5 leaves. Planting material is planted in a mixture of peat and sand and put in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees. Planting is often recommended to spray. Once the cuttings have roots, they are transplanted into a pot for an adult plant.

What else should you know to those who are interested in camellia? Care for a beauty may seem to novice growers too complex, but professionals know a few nuances. If the buds of camellia fall, and the leaves acquire a brown tinge, there are two possible causes - overmoistening and improperly selected substrate (heavy, with alkaline reaction). Brown spots on the leaves indicate sunburn. Often, the cause of falling leaves is a lack of moisture or its excess.

Have patience, and in time you will learn to understand the needs of your camellia.

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