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Calendar for determining the sex of the child. Pregnancy planning
In ancient times, there was no ultrasound, and our ancestors could not calculate the gender of the child to within a hundred percent. They conducted observations, recorded the results, transmitting their own conclusions from generation to generation. Thus, there was a calendar for determining the sex of the child. Every nation has its own. The calendar does not guarantee the birth of a child of one sex or another. Most often it was built on the principle of guessing on the basis of long-term observations and the conditions of existence of this people. Nevertheless, according to the calendar, it is possible to predict the birth of a girl or boy with a certain probability in percent.
Calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child
There are many ways that will help to calculate the date of conception. One of them is the ovulation calculator. Such a calculator should be used only if the woman's menstrual cycle is stable, and each month of the cycle lasts the same number of days. It is enough to enter in the calculator's lines the month and year of the planned pregnancy, the date and the number of days of the last menstruation, and he will give out the result. With this calculation, there is an error, because the organism of each future mother is individual, and the date of ovulation can occur between 8 and 16 days of the menstrual cycle, so it is difficult to accurately predict the birth of a boy or girl. The gynecological calendar for determining the sex of the child involves calculating the probability of conception of the baby of a particular sex, relying on the date of ovulation. The author of the technique is the Polish doctor František Benedo. For the formation of a child's sex, sperm responds: with a Y-chromosome - for a boy, with an X-chromosome - for a girl. Spermatozoa with Y-chromosome move faster and live less than "female" counterparts. Viability depends on the acidity of the female genitalia. Approximately two to three days before the onset of ovulation, it changes from alkaline to acidic, which is favorable for "female" spermatozoa. These days the probability of conception of the girl is higher. In an earlier period, the probability of conception of a boy is higher.
How to determine the date of ovulation?
To use the gynecological calendar, you need to determine the exact date of ovulation. The most accurate method is the calculation of the date from the basal temperature measurement. It is necessary to measure it 3-5 months, in order to determine exactly when the temperature jumps occur. Before ovulation, the body temperature rises to 37 ° C, and on the day of ovulation it is the highest and sometimes can reach 37.4 - 37.6 ° C. The data is recorded in a special schedule by day, call it the "Gender Determination Calendar". If ovulation occurs in the same number of days from the beginning of the cycle, you can plan the sex of the child. It all depends on which of the chromosomes, "female" or "male", gets to the ovule first. Dr. Schettles published in the 60's. 20th century studies in which he argued that the method of calculating sex by ovulation (gynecological method) works with an accuracy of 75-90%. The calendar for determining the sex of the child makes it possible to trace the pattern in the menstrual cycle and, based on this, to plan the sexual activity of the couple. In order for the method to work effectively, it is necessary not only to observe at the conception the time interval relative to the date of ovulation, but also the depth of penetration. In order for a girl to appear, he recommends having sex for a certain number of days before the date of ovulation with a shallow penetration and vice versa. In the first case, the probability for the X chromosome to reach the egg first is high, in the second - for the Y chromosome.
Vanga's Calendar: Determining the Sex of the Child
This table implies the dependence of the child's sex from the month of conception and the age of the mother. Compiled by her student Vanga Ludmila Kim. In order to calculate the sex of the future baby, it is necessary to choose the line with the year of birth of the mother and the column with the month in which the conception is planned. The cell at the intersection will indicate the sex of the baby. Denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:
How to determine the gender of the child in the Chinese calendar?
The Chinese calendar for determining a child's sex has the same construction as the Vanga table. Here is the age interval of the mother from 18 to 35 years. The cell at the intersection of the row and column will indicate the gender of the unborn child. Denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:
How to determine the sex of a child according to the Japanese calendar?
The Japanese calendar for determining the sex of the child allows you to find out who will be born, by the date of conception. This calendar consists of two tables. The first table uses the months of the birth of the mother and father of the unborn child. Calendar for determining the sex of the child: Part 1 - obtaining a secret number-code.
At the intersection of the column and the line, the number-code is obtained, which is used in the second table. In the second table, the month of conception of the future child and the number-code are taken, in the cell at the intersection of the two values, the sex of the future child will be obtained. Calendar for determining the sex of the child: part 2 - the definition of sex by the month of conception and the secret number-code. Denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl.
Which calendar for sex determination is considered the most accurate?
The exact calendar for determining the sex of the child is not currently established. Of the three above-mentioned calendar-tables, none gives a one hundred percent accurate answer. Rather, it's just an accident. For the future mother, the most important thing is for the child to be born absolutely healthy and for the delivery to take place without negative consequences for the mother and baby. The most accurate is the pregnancy calendar - determining the sex of the child using the ovulation date calculation. Proceeding from the fact that the viability of sperm-carriers of a sex affects the acidity of the vagina, you can try to influence the change in acidity, using certain foods. Some physicians argue that eating foods that contain potassium and sodium contributes to an increase in the likelihood of a boy being born. This effect is associated with the fact that minerals, penetrating the woman's blood, affect the acidity of the vagina, changing it to an alkaline environment. Thus, the viability of "male" spermatozoa increases and the probability of conception of a boy. From the scientific point of view, no calendar of determining the sex of a child is considered reliable.
People's signs that allow you to predict the sex of the child:
1. Guessing with the use of a key. The key must be single without key rings and rings. If the future mother takes the key from the table for a long part of it, a girl will be born. If she takes the key for the round part - the boy. If you take it in the middle - there will be twins.
2. An ancient popular belief. If the family already has children, you need to remember which of the parents the baby in infancy first called. When a child calls his mother - a girl will be born, when the first named father - a boy.
3. Sign of nutrition of the future mother. If before the conception the future mother will use sour and salty foods - a boy will be born, if sweet - a girl.
4. Fortune-telling. It is necessary to take a needle with a black thread and place it above the palm of your hand. Ask the question: "Who will I be born now?" If the pendulum will move in a straight line, there will be a boy, if in a circle - a girl. If you use a ring as a pendulum, the result is read the other way round.
5. Divination by the date of conception. If the month of conception and the year of birth of the mother are even, or both are odd, a girl will be born, if there are no parity, there will be a boy. Guessing is true for the menstrual cycle from the beginning of the month. For cases when conception occurs in the month of birth of the mother, the result is invalid.
People's signs that allow you to determine the sex of the baby according to the state and behavior of the pregnant:
1. If during pregnancy "pulls" on sour and salty, there will be a boy. If you want to eat sweets - a girl.
2. If the pregnant woman asks to show her hands turns their hands up, a girl will be born, if the boy is down.
3. In pregnant women who expect a girl's birth, toxemia is more severe in the early stages.
4. In a pregnant woman who expects the birth of a girl, the abdomen is higher than that of the one who will give birth to the boy.
5. Guessing on the belly. The wedding ring is taken and hung on a black string. The resulting pendulum is placed over the belly of the pregnant woman and the question is asked: "Who will be: a boy or a girl?" If the pendulum circling around, a girl will be born, if in a straight line - a boy.
Believe in people's signs or in the calendar of determining the sex of the child - the choice of everyone. Neither the calendar nor the signs of a 100% result will not give. Before planning a child, it is recommended to visit the future mother of a gynecologist, and to a married couple - to pass all the necessary tests to exclude hidden infections. This will increase the likelihood of a healthy baby. And in this case the floor is absolutely not important!
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