HealthHealthy Eating

Brown rice and its beneficial properties

As an independent dish or one of the components of different dishes in our country, rice is quite common. However, on the shelves we see already its processed version. In fact, the same white rice, only not completely cleared, is brown rice. Its use is contained in the shell, which is removed when grinding. It contains more than fifteen useful substances for our body. These are protein compounds, iron, sodium, nicotinic acid, potassium and B vitamins.

If the brown rice is processed, we will get the habitual white version of this cereal crop, devoid of most of its useful properties. Then why is it being processed? The answer is quite simple. This product is very sensitive to oxidation and has a relatively short shelf life. In polished rice, the main constituent is starch, and therefore it can be stored for a long time. It is for these reasons, by purchasing a useful brown rice, carefully look at the expiration date and try to use it as soon as possible. Only in the freezer for a long time you can store brown rice.

The benefits of it have long been known to medical professionals. Even in the Middle Ages, this rice was used for the prevention and treatment of beriberi, which is caused by a lack of vitamin B1. Doctor Christian Aikman, dealing with this problem, drew attention to the fact that the basis of the population's diet is rice polished. After replacing him with brown patients, they quickly recovered.

Nutritionists from all over the world recommend that patients eat brown rice instead of a polished variant . Caloric content is almost the same, but the useful properties are incommensurably greater. It helps lower the cholesterol in the blood, and therefore, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Due to its high magnesium content, this cereal culture strengthens the bones, is the best preventative against strokes and heart attacks, alleviates the symptoms of asthma and helps lower blood pressure.

Recently, scientists have found that brown rice contains some trace elements that promote the synthesis of new cells and the replacement of damaged cells. That is, its consumption helps to stimulate the processes in DNA, and therefore, can prevent the development of cancer. In brown rice contains a lot of important for our body vitamins of group B, which most beneficially affects the functioning of the nervous system, skin, hair and nails. In addition, many diets are based on brown rice. Caloric content is not large, and purifying abilities are simply beautiful.

The only inconvenience associated with the consumption of this product, you can name a fairly long way of cooking. Unlike white rice, brown rice should be soaked for about eight hours, and it is best to leave it overnight, filling the required amount of filtered water. After a certain time, the rice is washed, poured with water and cooked.

The ideal cooking option for this product is cooking in two stages. We let the rice boil and cook it for no more than ten minutes. We remove from the fire, drain the water and rinse well. Then re-fill with water and cook brown rice for another fifteen to twenty minutes. We remove from the plate and wrap it in a pre-cooked blanket. In such a wrapped state, the rice will come to its own accord. If you follow this recipe, you can make really delicious and crumbly rice, preserving all its useful properties.

This herb has a distinct nutty taste distinct from all its other brethren. It is ideally combined with vegetables, fish or chicken, especially it is recommended to people who are watching their health and figure.

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