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"Brain drain". Causes

According to sociological polls, about what "brain drain" is known in our country is not all. Less than 90% of Russians have heard something about this and only about 60% know exactly what it is. Meanwhile, this issue is important and serious, because this process significantly affects the most diverse spheres of society.

"Brain drain" is a global outflow (emigration) of scientists, associated with negative changes in the country. Since the beginning of the nineties, when the Soviet government collapsed with a crash, and in Russia there was a crisis, especially manifested in economic spheres, a significant part of the diplomaed doctors, researchers and other representatives of the academic world decided to change their place of residence by traveling to other countries. Thus, in less than 10 years the number of specialists has decreased by half. "Brain drain" continues today. Perhaps, it is not so active, but its results are quite noticeable.

However, the crisis is a common cause, which does not fully form a picture of the current problem. The consequence of the negative economic situation in the country was that the state spent the main means of the budget on the development of other spheres, forgetting about the scientific branches. Thus, there was practically no money that would have been sufficient for the normal existence of the research world (not to mention the possibility of new discoveries and the support of innovations). And the "brain drain" began to occur for the reason that foreign countries were ready to offer scientists not only a sufficient amount of financial resources, but also a socially worthy existence.

The intellectual level of the country is not so much a quantitative, as a qualitative indicator. And the problem of "brain drain" is that skilled cadres who are citizens of Russia and able to bring significant benefits to their homeland are engaged in research activities abroad. The percentage of such people from the total number of scientists is approximately 80. The rest 20 theoretically and practically can make real scientific revolutions. The discoveries made by them can significantly accelerate technical progress, bringing Russia to a new level of development.

The negative tendency was tried to correct in many ways. For example, in some countries, according to the Institute of Labor Research, it was officially forbidden to emigrate to highly qualified teachers and doctors. However, even considering this fact, people found ways to change their place of residence.

"Brain drain" has several directions. It's not necessarily going abroad. Quite often, promising scientists or students who graduated from higher educational institutions decide to re-qualify, working, for example, in the service sector. It is not uncommon for the so-called "leak of ideas": scientists from the country do not leave, they just sell their projects and ideas to foreign customers. In addition, very often Russian researchers cooperate with employers from other countries. And the reason is one - the state does not want or can not provide the scientific sector with a sufficient amount of finance. That is why the problem of "brain drain" today is one of the most urgent.

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