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Books by David Ike: A Stunning Truth

In this article, let's talk about an English writer and speaker, like David Von Hayk. The books written by him arouse genuine interest among the reader, since in them the author tries to give answers to the most urgent problems of mankind. Sixteen literary works of Hayk are translated into 8 languages. The theories he puts forward have followers around the world. More than six hundred thousand users visit its site every day. Over the period from 2000 to 2006 his lecture was attended by more than 30 thousand people.

What books should I read in the first place? Or are they all worthy of attention? Consider the main facts of the writer's biography and his creative and research activities.

Biographical information

David Vaughn was born in Leicester on April 29, 1952. For a long time worked as a sports commentator on the air force and was the speaker of the British Green Party. Once, when he was already 38 years old, at one of the sessions the psychic told David that he has a gift and can become a healer. Already next year at the world-famous show Terri Uogana Hayk said that he is the son of God. The public took this ambiguously. Later from asserted that his words were interpreted incorrectly. In addition, he dared to predict the next cataclysms in the world - tsunamis and earthquakes.

Theories of Hayk: a reptilian race of werewolves and computer illusion

According to the writer's suggestion, there is a certain inter-dimensional reptilian race, which is responsible for the creation of man and controls all processes on earth. Ike argues that some presidents of the United States of America, as well as the royal family of Great Britain, are representatives of the hybrid race of Annunaki, which resulted from the crossing of the DNA of "those who came from heaven" with human DNA. Without crossing people, a reptilian race can not stay on our planet for a long time because of the difference in the frequency ranges of them and our worlds.

In addition to this hypothesis, David put forward the idea that our world is an illusion, something reminiscent of a computer game or a hologram, in other words, a matrix. A person is a conscious "unstable" being experienced in this reality, and his brain is a wave decoder that catches signals from space. David Ike, explaining his idea, draws an analogy with the work of the receiver: information becomes available to a person only when it turns on the TV, computer, internet or radio, but exists independently of this.

In his book The Perception of Deception, David Ike tries to find the source of this wave radiation. And it comes to amazing conclusions: it is connected with heavenly bodies - the Moon and Saturn. The last object is an incredibly powerful matrix wave translator, and the Moon is a signal amplifier. In his speeches the writer repeatedly refers to the work of Russian mathematicians Shcherbakov and Vasin, whose calculations are confirmed by the fact that the moon is a hollow heavenly body.

Books by David Hayk

Why is there suffering, war, stress and pain in the world? What is emotion? Why do they control us? Who created religion and for what purpose? Who runs the world? Who is this person really? Why does it exist? What goals should be achieved? These and many other questions are answered by the book of David Ike. Consider a brief summary of some of his works.

"Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is an illusion"

A key place in Ike's philosophy is the concept of infinite love. The author claims that love is the only thing that exists in our world objectively. The task of each person is to realize himself as a single infinite consciousness. These concepts Ike introduces to describe the real essence of a man free from captivity matrix.

The books of David Ike are mostly devoted to exploring the world of simulation and how to get rid of it. The main problem of the race that governs mankind, he calls fear not to survive, and therefore encourages everyone through the gradual eradication of fear from consciousness to free itself from its influence, to see itself and the world in a new quality.

Love is something to which humanity should strive to get rid of total control. The vibrational flow eventually transforms the matrix, the person gets rid of fear and regains freedom.

The book "The human race, rise from the knees. The lion no longer sleeps "

The twenty-year anniversary of his work, Hayk noted the release of the most impressive of his books, in which he raises to a new level of understanding the manipulation of mankind and the very structure of reality. His call is to get rid of the networks of beings that covertly control the world throughout its history.

David Ike: The book "The Greatest Mystery"

With amazing documented accuracy, the author reveals data on how dynasties of non-human origin have controlled the planet for thousands of years. This book reveals the biggest secret. David Ike with the release of this work created a worldwide effect of the bomb, because he outlined the information in it that would allow a person to get out of an emotional and mental prison.


Everyone has the right to choose how to manage his life. But are you sure, man, that by acting in one way or another, you are guided by your own goals and aspirations? Are not you accustomed, by chance, to being ruled by you? Perhaps, you do not even notice it, and so you consider it a norm? These questions are asked by David Hayk. The books in Russian of this writer are no longer a deficit, so anyone can get acquainted with the information presented in them and draw their conclusions.

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