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Body wrapping at home: reviews. Honey wrap from cellulite. Cold wrap from cellulite

In modern times, wraps from cellulite, conducted independently at home or a professional master in beauty salons, allow many women to forever say goodbye to an unattractive "orange peel".

General information on home anti-cellulite wraps

Anti-cellulite wraps are able to give noticeable results after several procedures, thanks to which and received such huge popularity.

Wraps from cellulite make the skin smooth and smooth, significantly rejuvenate and tighten it. Any of the means used for wrapping, be it honey, clay, hot pepper, chocolate or coffee grounds, warms the skin, significantly increases blood flow to problem areas and removes excess fluid, so that a woman can forever forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite .

Moreover, anti-cellulite wraps are also the initial step in the fight against excessive kilograms. However, it is important to understand that this procedure does not eliminate fat, and lost centimeters is nothing more than a drain of excess water. To enhance the effect of a woman, it is recommended to revise the diet, exercise daily and massage the problem areas of the body. The number of procedures depends on the degree of development of cellulite and the age of a person. On average, it takes 10 to 20 sessions. For preventive purposes, it will be enough to perform 1 procedure per week for one month.

The wrapping from cellulite at home, feedback about which testifies to the effectiveness of this procedure, is carried out very easily, besides the process itself does not take much time.

But before proceeding to the use of this method of getting rid of cellulite, you need to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of the effect of wraps and make sure there are no contraindications.

Hot anti-cellulite wrapping

Home wrapping from cellulite is divided into 2 main types - cold and hot. Doing them yourself, it is important to take into account certain limitations that are available for each of these methods.

Hot wraps should not be used for varicose veins, while cold wraps against cellulite are not indicated for women who have gynecological problems. Hot anti-cellulite wrapping promotes the expansion of blood vessels and pores, activation of metabolic processes and improvement of blood flow. Included in such wraps, active ingredients remove toxins from the subcutaneous fat and eliminate puffiness, while activating the delivery to the problem zones of oxygen, the main fat-burning element.

Cold anti-cellulite wrap

Cold wrapping against cellulite, on the contrary, narrows the vessels, facilitates the accelerated withdrawal of toxins through internal organs and lymph. Effects on the skin cold, which is achieved through the use of anti-cellulite mask menthol or mint, tones the skin, has a beneficial effect on the vessels and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

For cold anti-cellulite wrapping will be equally suitable as special mixtures bought in professional cosmetic shops, as well as natural home components. So, for example, you can mix raw mashed potatoes and mint oil, and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. It is also possible to use oil wraps consisting of a mixture of essential and natural oils.

If there are no contraindications to both types of wrapping, the most effective result can be achieved by alternating the cold and hot options of the procedure. Such a contrasting scheme of getting rid of the "orange peel" will best strengthen the vessels and structural fibers of the skin, stimulate blood circulation, and with proper persistence will permanently get rid of cellulite. Any anti-cellulite wraps pass in several stages.

Preparatory stage

Before you start wrapping from cellulite at home, reviews about which are only positive, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, massage the problem areas of the skin, as well as their scrubbing.

Anti-cellulite massage is best done with a special brush, which has natural bristles, or with a dry hand. Grindings, pattings, circular motions, which must be performed from the bottom upwards, are allowed.

The duration of the session should be 5-7 minutes, after which you need to go to the bathroom and start scrubbing the skin. It is recommended to use a scrub made at home. To make it, you need to add a little ground coffee in a regular shower gel. You can achieve more intensive effects if you replace the gel with natural honey and coffee with shallow sea salt.

Main Stage

To carry out wrapping from cellulite, the feedback about which does not give rise to doubt the effectiveness of this procedure, you need a set of "tools": a special mixture (we'll talk about it further), food film, warmed pants, and plaid.

Anti-cellulite mixture is recommended to apply on the body from the bottom up, while carefully spreading the problem areas and all this fixing the food film. As soon as the mixture is applied, you should wear warm pants with a high waist and, wrapped in a blanket, lie down quietly on the bed. Warmth for wrappings is the main factor, because to a large extent it determines the effect of the procedure.

The duration of wraps, on average, varies from 20 minutes to 1 hour. After the indicated time, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the anti-cellulite mixture on the body, for which it is recommended to take a warm shower.

The final stage

At the end of the procedure, the cleansed skin should be gently wiped dry and apply anti-cellulite cream on it, which ideally should have a warming effect and contain essential oils in its composition.

Do not forget that the beauty of the body affects the state of mind, and therefore, after anti-cellulite wrapping, it is superfluous to drink a cup of green tea and listen to pleasant music. And now consider the most effective wraps from cellulite.

Coffee wrapping

Contained in coffee beans caffeine promotes the breakdown of fats and activates metabolic processes. The recipe for wrapping from cellulite, the main component of which is coffee, is very simple. To carry out the procedure, you only need to take ground natural coffee (100 g) and pour hot water (the temperature should be 80-90 degrees) to a state of homogeneous consistency of thick gruel. After the coffee mixture has cooled, it should be applied to the previously cleaned problem areas of the skin, fix the mass with a film, wrap in a blanket and lie down for 40 minutes to rest. Thanks to the created greenhouse effect, the pores expand, and caffeine molecules penetrate into fatty tissue unhindered, contributing to the destruction of fat cells and the removal of excess fluid. At the final stage of the procedure, it is necessary to wash the coffee and apply the cream on the skin.

Honey wrap from cellulite

Natural honey is one of the most popular and demanded biological components in cosmetology, and therefore it is successfully used for home anti-cellulite wraps. During the procedure, active honey substances penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous tissue, remove excess fluid and burn fatty deposits.

So, how to carry out at home honey wrap from cellulite? Preheat the honey (5 tablespoons) and add to it 3-4 drops of anti-cellulite essential oil of juniper, pine, cypress, lavender, eucalyptus, orange or grapefruit. In no case should you add essential oils in larger than the designated quantities, because otherwise you can easily get burns on the skin!

Well-established honey-mustard wrap from cellulite in the home, the reviews of which are the most enthusiastic. To prepare an anti-cellulite mixture, it is necessary to pour a small amount of water into the mustard powder (so that the dry mustard is simply soaked). To the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1: 2, add a lightly warmed honey and, carefully mixing to a uniform consistency, impose on the problem areas of the body.

Mustard will greatly enhance the warming effect, and therefore a burning sensation may occur. The duration of the honey wrap is 20 minutes.

Wraps against cellulite with clay

For wraps, blue, black, red or gray clay is perfect. It should be noted that blue clay is designed specifically for carrying out anti-cellulite wraps, and gray and black clay help restore skin elasticity and elasticity, making them velvety and tender.

It is necessary to apply anti-cellulite mixture to the problem areas of the body, wrapped in food film and insulated. After 30 minutes, take a shower. Clay wrapping from cellulite at home, reviews about which only positive, will certainly have the desired effect.

Recipes for clay wraps

In order to conduct a wrap on the basis of clay, you must first prepare an anti-cellulite mixture, the recipes of which are numerous.

  1. Take clay (100 g), mix it with crushed cinnamon (2 tbsp.) And pour in 3 drops of orange oil. Gradually adding water to this mixture, bring it to a consistency resembling liquid sour cream.
  2. Mix clay with chopped hot red pepper (1/5 tsp). Add a little water and mix all the ingredients. Burning pepper will greatly improve the circulation of tissues, so that fats will be split at an accelerated pace.
  3. Mix clay and kelp powder (100 g each), dilute the mixture with boiled warm water until creamy consistency and allow to stand for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, add 5 drops of lemon essential oil to the mass.
  4. Cocoa or natural coffee (50 g) water with water and mix in equal proportions with clay powder. The resulting mixture is diluted with water. The finished mixture should be homogeneous and in its consistency resemble liquid sour cream.

Mustard anti-cellulite wrap

The main thing in the organization of mustard wraps is to prepare the mustard mixture independently, and not to use the purchased mustard. To do this, take dry mustard powder (2 tablespoons) and mix it with sugar (2 tsp), a pinch of sea salt and vinegar (10 ml). Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. As a result, a thick, thick paste must be obtained, which must be applied to the problem areas of the skin. Home wrapping from cellulite, reviews of which are reduced to the effectiveness of this procedure - a wonderful way to get rid of the ugly "orange peel". Made of natural ingredients, easy to use and not requiring special material and time costs, it will certainly be to the liking of every woman.

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