
The medicine 'Etamsilat'. Instructions and recommendations

The medicinal preparation "Etamzilat", the instruction informs about this at the very beginning, refers to the group of coagulants, microcirculatory correctors.

The substance is a crystalline, easily soluble in water white-pink powder. This powder, getting into the body, increases the stability of the smallest vessels (capillaries), forming in their walls mucopolysaccharides. Strengthened blood vessels increase permeability, microcirculation is activated. Meat "Etamsilat", the instruction explains, has a strong blood-restoring (hemostatic) effect. However, the mechanism of this action is not fully understood. It is assumed that the substance contributes to the enhanced formation of thromboplastin, a substance that forms in the early stages of blood clotting.

The medicine "Etamsilat" helps the platelets to leave the bone marrow, to stick together faster, preventing bleeding.

The substance does not affect the coagulation time (prothrombin time), does not promote hypercoagulability (increased coagulability), does not form clots.

For the treatment of which diseases is the medicine "Etamsilat" used? The instruction lists all cases of use of the drug. It is shown for:

  • Stop bleeding from the capillaries caused by diabetic angiopathy or to prevent these bleeding;
  • Prevention of bleeding in keratoplasty or the replacement of the cornea of the eye, in operations to remove glaucoma;
  • Stop bleeding in dentistry with the removal of teeth, cysts, granulomas, etc .;
  • Use as a preventive for urological and gynecological operations; As well as in surgical operations on the ENT organs (tonsillectomy, tonsillectomy, ear microsurgery);
  • Cessation of pulmonary, renal or intestinal bleeding;
  • Decrease bleeding during hemorrhagic diseases;
  • Prevention of nosebleeds caused by high blood pressure;
  • Stop hemorrhage of any kind.

The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from thromboembolism, thrombosis, hemoblastosis or acute porphyria. With special care, the "Etamsilat" remedy, the instruction for this warns, is prescribed to patients with bleeding caused by coagulants.

Pregnant drug is rarely prescribed. Nursing mothers must interrupt feeding while the drug is being treated.

"Etamsilat" medication can cause side effects in some patients. It can be a sensation of "goose bumps" in the limbs, numbness of the hands, legs. Perhaps the development of heartburn, the appearance of gravity in the stomach, allergic reactions. Some patients complained of increased pressure, dizziness, nausea during treatment.

In order to avoid the occurrence of side effects, the drug should be used only on the advice of specialists.

The medicine "Etamsilat" is available in several medical forms. There are formulations for intramuscular, intravenous, subconjunctival, retrobulbar injection and oral administration.

The choice of dosage form and dosage depends on the diagnosis. It is known that the injections of "Etamsilat" begin to act a quarter of an hour after the medication is injected into the vein. With intramuscular injections, the action is slower. The maximum effect is observed after about an hour. It is for this reason that preventive injections are done an hour before surgery.

In the case where the stopping of bleeding is required , the drug is administered first in an amount of 4 ml, then 2 ml every two hours.

Naturally, the dosages mentioned in the instructions are only approximate. The exact amount of the drug is determined by the doctor in each individual case, being guided by the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

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