Homeliness, Gardening
Begonia tuber - growing, providing comfortable conditions
Among the variety of begonias, which are classified according to several criteria as ornamental-deciduous and ornamental-floral, as well as beautifully flowering, tuberous, shrubby and deciduous, there are altogether more than a thousand different species. There are among them perennial and annual tropical and subtropical plants originating from Africa, Southeast Asia, America and the island of Madagascar.
The abundance of species of begonias is amazing, such a variety is difficult to find among any other species. Judge for yourself - only herbaceous plants can be tiny (up to 3-4 cm) and reach impressive sizes. Admire the unique beauty of simple, terry, half-flower, and the begonias, having a beveled heart-shaped shape, completely amaze the abundance of species, both in color and shape. There are among them varieties similar to maple leaves, with serrated edges of leaf plates and many others with a color ranging from different shades of green to red, with patterns and patches of silvery, red and yellow tones. The arrangement of spots, stripes and patterns can be symmetrical, direct or scattered randomly.
A particularly popular variety is the tuber begonia, which differs from other "relatives" in the presence of tubers and especially elegant terry or non-double flowers resembling roses, carnations, gardenias, camellias. The size of the flowers reaches 8-10-centimeter diameter. Begonia tuber, growing, which requires compliance with some simple rules, however, like all its types, without exception:
- A comfortable temperature range from + 15 ° C in winter (not lower) and + 20 ° C (not higher) in summer.
- Providing abundant, but not excessive watering, however, water should not stagnate.
- High air humidity is another important condition that tuber begonia likes. Cultivation it can be combined with a nearby vessel with water, or even better a mini fountain or other piece of interior. In extreme cases, you need to moisten the air with an atomizer around, but avoiding moisture on the plant itself.
- Bright diffused light, but not direct sunlight. In the winter time it is extremely favorable for begonias to be in the brightest spot for several hours.
How to grow tuberous begonia?
Begonia tuber can be grown from seeds or by dividing tubers. To obtain a plant from the tubers, proceed as follows:
- With the onset of the autumn period, the tubers are freed from the ground, the stems are cut off and stored at a temperature of 8 to 10 ° C in peat or sand, avoiding their drying out.
- Plant tubers from February to May in pots (taking into account when it is desirable to get a flowering plant). For successful germination planted in small pots with sandy soil, dipping the tubers by half. Water very moderately. After a few weeks, roots appear, and then shoots.
- After the appearance of the first shoots, the tubers are sprinkled with earth and exposed on a window sill in a light warm place.
Begonia tuber - growing it from seeds - it's rather troublesome. Seeds are sown from December to March in small pots with leafy soil, a mixture of such soil with sand and peat, or simply in peat. Seeds (very small) should not be deeply buried, it is enough just to press a little into the ground. The appearance of the first seedlings can be expected after a couple of weeks, after which they need to be dived two or three times.
Adult young plants are planted in small pots with a clod of earth. And already in July-August young begonias bloom, before the winter they will have time to form tubers. Here's how to grow begonia. In contrast to tuberous begonias, leafy with success multiply by dividing the bush during transplantation or leaf cuttings.
Grown plants can decorate any interior in the room or the most shaded corner of the garden, giving it a festive decoration with its bright colors. With the proper care of begonia, the tuber plant, the cultivation of which was discussed above, will delight with its unrivaled appearance from early summer to autumn in the garden, in the conditions of insulated balconies, loggias and apartments - even longer, until late autumn.
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