Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Powerful and beautiful back - rod rod in slope

Bodybuilders amaze fans with their huge, muscular backs. Of course, this is the result of long and stubborn training on special programs. It has long been proven that weightlifting is best done by following certain rules. The athlete must understand which muscle group he wants to work through. Based on this, all the necessary exercises are selected. Where did you see an athlete who has only his hands or feet pumped up? Training includes a set of exercises that are aimed at the development of absolutely all muscle groups. And what bodybuilder or bodybuilder without a well developed back? It is this part of the trunk that guarantees the athlete success in almost all sports.

How to increase the volume of the back? It is the pull rod in the slope that will give you an excellent opportunity to make the trunk wider. This exercise has won athletes around the world. The main load comes to the middle part of the back. If the rod rod in the slope becomes a constant exercise in your program, there will be an addition in the thickness of the upper latissimus muscle and the lower part of the trapezium. In this training it is very important to observe the correct technique of implementation. Only so your back will become more massive and muscular.

So, we stand in front of the barbell, the legs are not wider than the shoulders, slightly bent at the knees. We lean forward and grab the neck of the projectile with a grip on top. The distance between the palms should not exceed the width of the shoulders. Next, tilt forward torso almost parallel to the floor. Head looks straight ahead, knees slightly bent. Lumbar muscles in the process of execution must be constantly strained. It turns out that the bar hangs in the athlete's hands at the level of the shins. We inhale and pull the projectile to the stomach. Watch for elbows, which should strictly move up and down. Throw them as high as possible. The bar is pulled only with the muscles of the back and shoulders. Movement should be smooth, without any jerks. When the neck is near the waist, exhale and slowly lower it down. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to leave the head, torso and legs unmoving during the set. Watch your knees. They must be constantly bent. Back fixate, and let it be a little bent. Do not under any circumstances round this part of the body. So the chance to get injured increases. If the above rules are followed, rod pull in the slope will give the desired result. In order to increase the amplitude of movements, you can use dumbbells.

Of course, rod pull to the stomach is a dangerous exercise, but very productive and useful. The main thing is to make classes safe for health. In this case, the maximum return will be achieved.

An effective exercise, through which all the backs are worked, is considered deadlift rod. It is the basic training for all experienced powerlifters. This multi-joint exercise allows athletes in a short time to build up a huge muscle mass. The back is made large, beautiful. The following muscle groups work during the exercise: biceps, triceps, forearms, buttocks, extensors and the widest back muscles. As you can see, the benefits of exercise are difficult to overestimate.

Many beginning athletes tend to do it immediately. This is mistake. To begin with, you need to load your back with squats. There are two types of this exercise: classical and thrust "sumo". Both species are very popular among athletes. The difference is only in the setting of the legs. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this exercise. In fact, this is not so. You need to go to the bar at the maximum distance, so that the bar slides on the hips as you go up. The back should be kept even. The rise itself is carried out smoothly, in no case do you need to make a jerk. If you work with solid scales, you need to wear an athletic belt that will fix your posture and back.

Whatever it was, both exercises work out a lot of muscle groups. Only rod pull in the slope more develops the middle part of the back.

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