
Beautiful callas. Cultivation and care

With their beauty and originality, the callas were conquered by the whole world. These flowers came to us from Africa, where in the wild they can be found only in swamps or on the banks of deep rivers. That is why they are very moisture and thermophilic.

Blossom callas in winter, and then they can enjoy their color until the very late spring. Pretty unpretentious callas. Cultivation of them does not require much effort from the gardener. The main thing is to do it with love. The flower of the calla produces a very delicate vanilla flavor. If suddenly the plant starts to form fruit, then they should be carefully removed. Otherwise, they will lead to exhaustion and further death of the plant.

Calla is not an evergreen plant. She sheds the leaves as soon as the cold comes.

Today you can find not only white, but yellow, even pink callas. Growing and caring for new varieties does not differ from the usual care for plants with a white coloring of the flower. Many believe that this plant has a very fastidious nature. As a rule, those who do not observe the rules of agricultural technology think so. Meanwhile, callas perfectly feel at home, and in the summer - in the garden, giving their owners abundant flowering.

How to plant a calla?

Approximately in February or March it is necessary to start planting tubers of callas. Cultivation of this culture assumes the presence of soil intended for bulbous plants. However, in the absence of this option, you can get by with ordinary garden soil, mixed with sand and peat in a proportion of 2: 1: 0.5.

During the planting of the flower tubers it is best to cover about 10 cm. Until the first shoots appear, the plant should be watered lightly, passing only along the edge of the pot. And with the appearance of the first leaves, watering should be increased. After all, calla is a very hygrophilous flower.

When the summer season comes, the calla can be planted in the garden, in the open ground. However, it is worth it to pick a good place, where there will be a very light and very fertile land. Be sure to make drainage at the bottom of the hole, which is planted calla. Only in this case the plant will please its owners with a large number of flowers.

Watering callas

Humidity for this culture plays an important role. Therefore, approximately from February it is better to put a pot of kalla in a wide basin with water for about 20 minutes. The excess fluid should be allowed to drain. Certainly, this water should be stationary and have room temperature. At watering use it.

Every day, the leaves of the flower should be sprayed, and in the summer it should be done 2 times a day. If the plant has just been bought in the store and it is not yet adapted to the new situation, then spray it whole 4 times a day for a week. And then the plant gets used to the air of the room in which it is located.

Where to put the calla?

Direct sunlight is not very fond of callas. Cultivation of the plant will be successful if it is kept in a shaded place at a temperature not lower than 24 degrees. It is desirable to put the flower on the window, where there is a shadow. And when planting kalla in the open ground, you should also choose a shade area.


Calla likes to be fertilized. You can use once a month specialized flower blends, which are added to the water when watering. And still it is possible to bring mineral fertilizers directly into the soil no more often than once every 4 months.

Reproduction of callas

Most often, the reproduction of this plant occurs with the help of lateral processes that appear around the adult specimen. They are separated, planted in specially prepared soil and regularly, but carefully moisturized. Flowers they will give their owners only a year through 2-3 (with good care, of course).

Actually callas are not very difficult to care for. Therefore, it is a pleasure to grow them.

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