
"Basiron ac" saves from acne

One of the effective drugs that helps to cope with acne is the cream "Basiron ace". Constant use of this tool will help to forget about this problem forever. The point is that this gel is developed by excellent specialists in the field of pharmacology.

It is worth noting that the result of using the drug "Basiron ac" is noticeable in just a few days of application. The active substance of the cream will be benzoyl peroxide. It kills harmful microbes and reduces the secretion of fat with glands. After all, it is these factors that induce the formation of pimples and gums, not only in adults, but also in adolescents.

"Basiron ace." How to apply correctly?

Before you apply this cream on your skin, you need a doctor's consultation. The specialist will prescribe the correct and necessary course of treatment with the drug. Most often it is applied every day to the acne affected by pimples. The duration of the course is usually no more than 3 months. Sometimes a different system of applying "Bazirona as" is prescribed in accordance with the peculiarities of the course of the disease.

Apply gel in a special way. First, before using, you need to make sure that the face is clean and at the same time dry. To begin with, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin , in which salicylic acid is present. It is necessary that "Bazironon" does not injure the skin of the face. After the cream is absorbed, the drug is applied in a very thin layer. This procedure is carried out once or even 2 per day.

After using the cream, you can not go to the sun, or rather expose the skin to ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, the person starts to itch and will flake off. If you use the drug "Bazironon" according to the rules, the result will be positive.

Action cream

The drug is a remedy for acne. Its constant application will allow:

  • Change the metabolism, during which the sebaceous glands will not produce much fat;
  • The composition of sebum is normal;
  • Dissolve dead skin cells that clog pores. Thus, caudone formation can be prevented and avoided;
  • Provide skin with more oxygen, which will help to heal acne faster.

Indications for use

First of all, "Basiron ac" is used to get rid of acne. Especially for this purpose, the concentration of the cream is different. What exactly will suit for this or that type of skin the dermatologist will help to be defined.

With the help of this gel are treated and, so-called, gums. They appear on the face in the form of black dots. By the way, they can be on the face and independently, without acne.

Finally, the indication for the use of the drug is the appearance of trophic ulcers of the shin. However, inside of damages it is impossible to put ointment. It is desirable to smear cream on the edges of sores.

Contraindications and side effects

If there is an allergy to any substance that is part of the ointment, you do not need to use Bazironone. Among the contraindications are also pregnancy, age to 12 years, breastfeeding and excessively damaged skin with open wounds.

Perhaps a few side effects due to the use of the drug:

  • Irritation. At first the skin becomes dry, and then actively begins to peel off. Such a reaction may be due to improper selection of the drug concentration. To continue to be treated with "Bazirona as" you should consult a doctor.
  • Allergic reaction. It is very rare. However, in case of appearance it is a kind of dermatitis. At the same time the skin swells and turns red. Bubbles with a transparent liquid appear on the surface of the damaged area. In this case, "Bazironon" is canceled.

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