
Balsam room, flower care.

Balsam is a house plant that has been familiar to everyone since childhood. After all, this flower was almost in every house, and on each window sill you could see its flowers. In the people it is called "Impatient", or "Vanya is wet." You were presented with a balsam room? Care for him is not as complicated as you think.

The birthplace of balsam is tropical countries. The flower belongs to the family of balsam. Today there are about 450 different species of this plant.

In Russia the variety "Valera", garden balsam is very popular. Care for him can be done not only at home but also in the garden.

Variety "Valera" is a lush shrub up to 23 centimeters high with strong shoots, and with a cap of flowers of various colors. The leaves of the flower, have a lanceolate or elliptical shape, with teeth located at the edges. The color of the leaves is rich green, bronze-brown or mottled. Flowers of balsam also have a different forum: a camelliform, pink, or clove-like shape.

If we talk about a plant such as a balsam room, caring for it is very simple, so it is ideal for beginners. Balsamin well tolerates dust, sudden changes in temperature and drafts. The best solution is to put a flower pot with balsam on the window sill, the windows of which go to the south side. But on other window sills the flower will grow well. Balsam is an amazing plant. Its beauty and unpretentiousness will please you even in the winter season. In the summer, the flower will look beautiful on your balcony or garden plot. Balsam in vases or suspended pots will also be beautifully smoothed out.

How to care for balsam .

It is not for nothing that a flower called balsam is also called "Vanka wet". The flower is very fond of water, and when the roots and leaves of the plant receive a sufficient amount of liquid, then the plant releases excess moisture, which has the appearance of sweet or sugary droplets on the edges of the leaves. Therefore, provide balsam with abundant watering, especially in the summer. In winter, you can water less often. You can not allow the flower to be without irrigation for a long time. This can lead to the fact that its leaves are drooped and folded. Eliminate balsam from spraying, otherwise it will lead to fungal diseases and the appearance of spots on the leaves.

If on your windowsill the balsam is growing indoor, caring for this plant means ensuring the optimal temperature regime. This sun flower is very fond of daylight. The optimum air temperature will be +18 degrees, in summer +22 degrees, in winter not below +14 degrees.

The soil for balsam is suitable for leaf or turf, that is fertile. Once a week you need to feed him. You can buy any complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. Do not transplant the flower too often. The pot for the plant should be narrow, so that the flower does not lose shape. Every spring grow a new balsam. Also, if you want to get more compact bushes and abundant flowering, then pinch the plant.

Get a soft brush to clean the balsam from dust. In summer, pour the plant with a light shower, and then shake off the rest of the water from the flower.

How the flower grows

Balsam is ideally propagated by cuttings. To do this for a few days, place the stalk or shoot from the main stems in a container of water (until the rootlets appear). Then put the stalk in a small pot and cover with a plastic bag for 4 days. This procedure is necessary to create a high level of humidity. Also, the flower can be propagated by seeds. But remember that seeds need sunlight. Therefore, it is best to sow seeds in the spring. The surface of the soil must be covered with damp sand. To maintain the humidity level, cover the flower with glass or plastic wrap. After that, you can transplant the balsam in a pot.

Pests and diseases

The main pests of the flower are aphids, mites and whitefly. If the balsam is sick, then on its leaves may appear bumps of stains or mold. Spray the flower with a certain liquid, and preparations that can be bought in a flower pavilion. There you can get a brief information on the topic "Balsam room: caring for the plant."

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