Spiritual developmentAstrology

Aries, Taurus


You are given strength, power, skill, fate will not force you to kneel, you will not be oppressed by adversity, your enemies will not defeat you. But you are simple-minded, you need wisdom, reasonable will and ebullient management.

Let all your energy be guided by the power of thought. Inflammate your thought and become a phoenix!

Your thoughts are occupied by the intentions of free will, the purpose of life, the principle of the unity of life and, most importantly, the knowledge of good and evil. This is a great science that must be mastered. Your spiritual world develops the will of the individual, you are obliged to enlighten your will and know the limits of the human will.


You were born balanced, with a steady character and brought with you the knowledge of the human past, present and future. You also know about the past, present and future of any person. You do not remember this, because it can be a hindrance in that big program that you must implement on Earth. You are required to rise to the duel, but you are not ready for this.

Uncover the knowledge and your guardian angel! All the rest is seduction, a temporary thoughtless pleasure. Become a master of eight yogas, without them you are not ready for any kind of struggle. Your first task is meditation, then self-suggestion, the creation of a power-purpose, a special diet, breathing exercises, control of breathing, and the next task will be to become a single-minded person. Avoid meditating responses that arise reflexively. Avoid quarrels, even disputes on everyday and short-term topics, be able to keep silent and analyze the same issue in your field,

Your point of view may not be clear to your surroundings. Learn to understand and see the unseen. Everywhere and in all, look for a natural match and analyze these correspondences, understanding in the broadest sense.

Never avoid the possibility of knowing harmony, listen to good music and do not be far from art at all.
Your spirit is inclined to fully understand the science of good and evil, to know the fateful tree of good and evil, and for this you must apply the law of similarity, use the methods of applying this law. Together with the law of similarity, think also about the laws of reaction and reflection, they will lead you to other aspirations, and you can rest assured that these new aspirations will take you ashore. In your astral world, you are given personal freedom of will, an astral environment and trials; Beware of bad attachments, never forget that you were born on earth in order to choose a profession and go always to knowledge if you want to achieve victory. You are given the freedom of the human will, and if you choose your way out of many directions, everyone will hurry to help you, but even if you were moving in the wrong direction, it's not too late to get back on the right path ....

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