Spiritual developmentAstrology

Aries and Libra - the compatibility of Knight and Fine Lady

Aries and Libra - a combination of elements of Fire and Air. These signs are opposite in character, behavior and life values. And, nevertheless, the Aries' union with Libra is very common, especially in the combination of a man-Aries and a woman-Libra. Why is this happening, and are Aries and Libra compatible in everyday life?

Aries and Libra: compatibility in communication

The relationship of these opposites is surprisingly harmonious. The secret is in the ability to complement and compensate each other. The fiery temperament of Aries admirably conceals the coolness of Libra, and they, in turn, know how to cool down in time and channel the explosive energy of a partner in the right direction.

Let their points of view be opposite, but these signs operate in one direction, in one direction. Where the weak points of one begin, the strengths of the other are included - without violence or the desire to remake the partner for themselves.

Aries and Libra: compatibility in love

This is the harmony of yin and yang energies. Aries persistently goes forward, achieves its goals in the fight, and when the time comes for a halt, then Libra comes forward, providing its partner with comfort and comfort.

In sex, they behave naturally and openly. Let this union will not have special sexual fantasies, as in the case of Scorpio or Pisces, but the strong spiritual and emotional basis of the relationship will not let the physical attraction fade away for many years.

Aries and Libra: Compatibility in the Family and Life

The leader in the family will be Aries, and Libra will provide a reliable and comfortable rear for your partner. Relations are formed on the basis of partnership, here everyone can reveal his strengths and compensate for the weak. Aries at the same time will learn from Libra art of compromise and harmony, and Libra will try to adopt perseverance and perseverance.

Relations in this pair are constantly transformed: love turns into friendship, friendship into partnership, partnership into physical attraction, and so on. Therefore, Aries and Libra are not bored by communication, and over the years they reveal a new depth of their love.

Aries and Libra: compatibility of men and women

The most harmoniously developed relationship in a couple is a man-Aries - a woman-Libra. For those around, such a marriage looks just perfect, because the real Knight and the Gentle Princess met. They sincerely admire each other, accepting their partner with all weaknesses and shortcomings. He likes her deep feminine wisdom and ability to look at the situation from various angles, and she likes his energy, optimism and reluctance to stand still. She will never go against his man's will ahead of time, and if she does not agree in some way, she will be able to persuade imperceptibly, without affecting his self-esteem.

The Aries man and the Libra woman are always interesting to each other, they feel the partner well, they are able to empathize and feel compassion. If Aries does not forget that you need to listen to your partner and do not overdo it with your authority, then their relationship will develop harmoniously and happily.

But in a pair of Aries-a woman and a Libra-a man problems may appear because of the distribution of traditional roles in the family. Aries is naturally inclined to dominate, but the Libra man has his own views on an ideal relationship. He will want to maintain his independence, which will be understood by the partner, but support is not always there. They like to communicate and get to know each other, physical attraction is very powerful. But in this alliance, the partners will have to learn a lot and try to adapt themselves to each other. If a woman-Aries does not rude to her partner, and he learns to forgive her impulsiveness, then the relationship will only get stronger. What exactly will not be in their life together is boredom. They can quarrel, put up, explore and make discoveries, burn, cool down, fall in love again and again, but they will not be bored or moped in the presence of a partner.

Aries and Libra will abandon some of their principles and make compromises, but their relationship is worth it. After a while, they themselves will not understand how they turned into a single and unbreakable whole.

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