Food and drink, Dessert
Appetizing pilaf with chicken in the multivark
The main components of the traditional oriental food called "pilaf" are rice cereals and meat. However, instead of the latter, in some Asian countries, red fish are often used. To give a unique taste and aroma, the dish is seasoned with various spices and herbs. Modern housewives are probably curious to learn how to cook delicious pilaf with chicken in a multivark or oven. Here are some useful recipes.
Necessary ingredients: three chicken pancakes, 4 cloves garlic, one carrot and onion, 250 ml rice cereal, 400 ml drinking water, seasoning to taste, salt, 300 g mushrooms and a teaspoon curry.
Wash the water in the water. Separate the meat from the bone with a knife and cut it into medium pieces. Spice the chicken with spices, curry, brown in the "frying" mode until cooked. Put everything in a bowl, and put mushrooms in a multivark. Fry until the water almost disappears. Grate the carrots, chop the garlic and onion. Put the vegetables in the bowl of the appliance, stir everything and stew for another 10 minutes in the same mode. Then put a chicken, rice, water in the bowl of the multivark, add a little sunflower oil and the necessary spices. Mix everything. Turn on the "Pilaf" mode and close the lid.
Now you can take a little distraction and do other important things. When the pilov with chicken in the multivarquet is finally ready, the device will emit a certain sound signal. Wait a few minutes, then open the lid. Pilaf with chicken in a multivark should be served to the table with vegetables, and preferably in a warm form. Bon Appetit!
For the following dish, you will need certain ingredients: two cups of rice cereal, 400 grams of meat, a little vegetable oil, bay leaves, onions and carrots, spices and salt.
Rinse the rice in the water several times. Put it in a heat resistant mold. Add the necessary seasonings and spices. Pour the rump with cold water so that it is completely covered. Put the baking tray in the oven, setting the average temperature regime. While the rice is swelling, take care of the meat. Chicken fillet cut into small cubes. Peel the carrots and onion. Fry in a skillet meat, pre-salt and pepper it. Then add the vegetables. All the mix and a little more put out, closing the lid. Put the meat and vegetables on a baking tray with rice, stir, add more water and cover the heatproof form with a lid. Continue to simmer the pilaf at the same temperature for another forty minutes. Bon Appetit!
Pilaf with chicken in a saucepan
Ingredients: 300 grams of chicken with seeds, 400 grams of long-grain rice, two onions and two carrots, a garlic head, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 10 barberry fruits, salt, 30 grams of saffron and the same amount of zira.
Wash the chicken, dry and cut into slices. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the meat well. Transfer the chicken into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom). Cut the onions into half rings, and the carrot with a long straw. Vegetables lightly fry and add to a saucepan with meat. Prepared ingredients fill with water and put out for 15-20 minutes. Two or three times, rinse the rump and transfer it to a pan of meat. Add water so that it completely covers rice, spices and salt. Wait for boiling, and then reduce the heat and stew the rice until the liquid evaporates when the lid is open. Peeled garlic, without dividing into denticles, stick to the groats. Close the lid and put the food out for another five to seven minutes. Remove the saucepan from the hotplate and let it stand for another 10 minutes. Pilaf is ready. Bon Appetit!
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