
Analog CCTV cameras: views. How to connect an analog camera? The scheme of the analog camera. Best Analog Camera

Analog cameras are used in enterprises for video surveillance of objects. Modern models are made with sensitive lenses. Most chambers are made with high conductivity. The resolution of the device is quite different. Also, the main parameters of the cameras include the viewing angle and the focal length. Additionally, the frequency of the device is taken into account. In order to understand in detail the cameras of the analog type, it is recommended to consider the standard modification scheme.

Camera Diagram

The standard circuit of an analog camera involves the use of a contact lens, a module and a control unit. Lenses are applied low and high sensitivity. Video outputs are installed in different series. Thyristors for the models are suitable with a frequency of 400 MHz. In addition, it is important to note that adapters for cameras are installed with controls.

Types of models

There are different types of analog cameras. By the type of installation, the models are divided into internal and external modifications. The first option is most suitable for office establishments. They have low conductivity matrices. In this case, the viewing angle does not exceed 12 degrees. If we look at external cameras, they have a wide lens installed. Most devices use a wired module. The maximum viewing angle of the models is 160 degrees. By design, there are rotary and projector modifications.

Internal chambers

Internal analog CCTV cameras are manufactured with mounting racks. Modern models are distinguished by high resolution, they use a wired modulator. The focal length of the devices starts from 3.5 meters.

How to connect an analog camera of internal type? Some models are installed directly through the line conductor. Expanders under the modification are selected in a positive direction.

The sensitivity parameter of the inner chambers is approximately 5.5 mV. Most devices are made with a video output of the PP. It should also be noted that there are modifications with transient modulators. The operating frequency of the internal cameras is about 450 MHz. Most models are manufactured with a protection system. Also it should be noted that the devices differ in terms of noise level. In some cases, the cameras are connected via channel adapters.

External cameras

External cameras are distinguished by a wide viewing angle. They use better protection systems. Such modifications are often installed at the entrance of office facilities. Also, models are often used in front of stores. The viewing angle for them, as a rule, does not exceed 230 degrees. Some models are made with a pin adapter on the video output. The resolution parameter in the cameras is different. Most models work from a modulator. In addition, it is important to note that there are cameras with multi-channel adapters. The operating frequency parameter in the devices reaches a maximum of 450 MHz. Lenses are used in different classes. The diaphragms are installed in series P40.

When choosing a modification, it is important to pay attention to the modes of the device. A special filter is required for night shooting. Also it should be noted that there are models with high photosensitivity. Connection of wireless cameras is via a linear adapter. Comparators for devices are selected by a low directional network. If we consider a simple model with a short rack, then it is fixed through one module. Modern models are manufactured with AC output. Thyristors are used to connect them. These elements are sold with a rectifier and without it. It is also worth noting that there are modifications on wired controllers that are closed on the module. To connect such a modification a special contactor is installed. In this case, the camera is fed to the computer. To configure the equipment, go to the device menu. In this case, much depends on the operating system.

Rotary cameras

Rotary analog CCTV cameras include a multi-channel matrix and a conventional lens. The module is used with a thyristor. An analog camera is connected most often via a switch. If we consider the standard model, then it has a resolution of 780 by 500 pixels. Some devices are made with support for the format of CP.

It should also be noted that the models have special movable racks. The actuators are of the controller type only. Some cameras are distinguished by low resistance. Rectifiers under them are selected for two outputs. To install the modification, you will need a contact extender that closes on the power supply. To configure the camera, you use a normal personal computer.

Connection diagram of the projected cameras

Designed analog cameras can be connected via a dipole modulator. The controller is used with one adapter. Experts say that the filter is used with a contactor.

If we consider wire modifications, they have a PP output. In this case, the adapter is used with the expander. It is also important to note that some models are connected only via a contactor to three outputs. In this case, the adjustment of the equipment is due to a personal computer. The standard model is adjustable through the panel. Considering modifications on modulators, it is worth noting that they need to install a variable controller. The adapter for these purposes is used on three channels. To short circuit the low-resistance expander is suitable.

The best analog camera

ActiveCam AC-TA461IR2 - this is the best analog camera, which has recently been in great demand. It has a high-quality lens, which allows you to shoot video in high definition. The matrix of the model does not consume much electricity. In addition to the advantages of the device, it is worth noting the poor conductivity of the modification. Experts believe that the device is very simple to install. Also it should be noted that the model has an excellent body. The filter in this case is of a photosensitive type.

Installation to the computer

Analog cameras through a computer are connected using an adapter. In this case, much depends on the output of the panel. If we consider devices with a PK connector, they use a contactor without an expander. In this case, the camera is connected directly through the contactor. Also, it should be noted that the modification can be configured using the driver. Some devices are made with a PE output. A standard expander is not suitable for them. It is more expedient to select an adapter with a transceiver. Most specialists use only wired modifications. If you install more than one camera, the receiver is used for this. Modern devices are manufactured in two outlets.

Connecting via laptop

Through the laptop you can connect analog cameras of different types. If we consider projector devices, a transceiver is used for them. Rectifiers are installed with filters and without it. Also it should be noted that the cameras are mounted through modules. Speaking about channel modifications, it is worth noting that they use connectors KE. All this means that the standard connection module does not work.

In this case, only modifications with a dipole adapter can be used. In this case, the rectifier is installed with a wave commutator. To configure the camera, you will need to go to the control panel. Further it is important to discover a new device, for this purpose the scanning function is provided. After that, you will only need to update the driver for the modification.

Using a 10 V unit

Power supplies of 10 V are suitable only for external cameras. To connect the modification, contact modulators are used. In this case, the controllers are installed with adapters of different conductivity. Modern devices are made with the output of the RC. They have a standard lining.

Also it should be noted that there are devices with a variable adapter. Cameras for such models are suitable only for the designed type. Directly the rectifier is of low-resistance type. Specialists say that the thyristor is selected with a glow plug. First of all, an expander is connected to the circuit. After that, the cameras and power supply are installed.

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