EducationSecondary education and schools

An analysis by the class teacher of educational work. An analysis of the educational work of the class teacher of 2 and 3 grade for the year

It is difficult to imagine the activity of an educational institution without a calendar and long-term plan, a program for the preparation and holding of events, working projects of a leader, and so on. The development of this documentation makes it possible not only to significantly reduce the uncertainty in the development of the educational system. Planning contributes to the continuity of actions for the short and long term, the streamlining of the education and upbringing of children. Pedagogical activity involves not only direct transfer of knowledge to schoolchildren. A special place in it is educational work. Let's consider further, on what principles it is built and how the teacher evaluates its results.

Features of planning

The development of the program of educational activities involves the joint definition by the class teacher, children and their parents of the content, goals, ways of organizing this process. It is based on modeling. This is due to the fact that the planning of educational work is a scheme of one of the fragments of the alleged process. For successful planning it is necessary to observe the following principles:

  1. Systematic.
  2. Concreteness.
  3. Dialog.
  4. Optimality.
  5. Science.
  6. Individuality.
  7. Continuity.

Considerable importance in the development of the program has an analysis of the educational work of the class teacher for the year.


Drawing up a plan for the upcoming period and assessing the activities of the past, participants view the process as a complex structure that consists of interacting and interrelated elements. In particular, they include:

  1. The class teacher.
  2. The students.
  3. Parents.
  4. Teachers of the school and other adults.

An analysis by the class teacher of educational work presupposes the study of collective and individual interests, value orientations, and the needs of the participants in planning. In the process of program development, principles, objectives, content, methods of organization and forms of joint activities, relationships and communication are established.


An analysis by a class teacher of educational work for the past period makes it possible to identify and take into account the needs and interests of his team. The teacher examines the level of development and growth prospects of students. This is especially important when planning work with young children. The correctness of the choice of concrete methods and forms of joint activity will largely depend on understanding the specifics of the pedagogical situation in this training group, as well as on how deeply and comprehensively the analysis of the educational work of the class teacher for the year was conducted.

1 class is considered to some extent an introductory stage. At this stage, the needs of children in education are less pronounced. There is a gradual addiction to the school, the regime, the rules of behavior. In this connection, the analysis by the class teacher of educational work should be built taking into account the developmental features of each child and the entire collective as a whole. In this case, it is advisable to refer to the DOW work plans, their assessments and conclusions. Observance of the principle of concreteness presupposes the introduction of certain actions into the program, clear deadlines.


This principle concerns three important circumstances that are present in the planning of educational work:

  1. The teacher needs to find the most appropriate option for the participation of adults and children in collective activities.
  2. The result of teamwork should be a model of the best way to build relationships in the classroom and educational activities in it.
  3. The teacher should choose the optimal structure and form of the plan itself. This will provide convenience in its daily activities.


Analysis of the educational work of the class teacher assumes the identification of opinions, motives, conclusions of the participants in the process. Having this information at hand, you can not only objectively assess the activities of the teacher, but also work with him to develop an optimal version of the plan for the upcoming period. An analysis of each participant's opinion, consideration of different views on a particular issue, helps to identify the maximum number of possible ways and ways of organizing upcoming events.


An analysis of the educational work of a class teacher of grade 2 for the year should include an assessment of the personal qualities of children. The previous school period should reveal the strongest aspects of schoolchildren, as well as the problems they encountered when they came to an educational institution. The teacher should understand the value of the individuality of each child and set the process of its formation as one of the key tasks of its activity. An analysis of the educational work of a class teacher of the 2nd class for a year will allow to develop general approaches to the development of the entire collective and of each individual student.

The scientific principle

An analysis by a class teacher of educational work should include a study of general theoretical concepts of the driving forces, the essence and regularities of the development process of the child's personality. In his work, the teacher should be guided by the provisions of modern educational concepts, take into account the methodological recommendations of both domestic and foreign scientists.


Planning, as well as analyzing the educational work of the class teacher, should be permanent. This is one of the main conditions for the success of the whole activity of the teacher. At the end of each academic period, the data collected during its duration should be summarized. During the new year, there will be various unforeseen situations that can not be taken into account in the plan. In this regard, it is necessary to form the basis for interaction, to determine the maximum possible number of solutions to a particular problem. This is especially important for the director of an educational institution. In the presence of basic information, plans, programs, generalized results of pedagogical activity over past periods, it is much easier to analyze the educational work of the class teacher for the year. 3 class is conditionally considered the final stage for children in the transition from junior to secondary school age. Here more attention is paid to the educational process, the intensity of mastering by students of knowledge. Meanwhile, often the development of personal qualities is pushed to the background. Identify this imbalance will allow an analysis of the educational work of the class teacher for the year. 3 class for many children becomes a certain threshold, on which they choose their further behavior in school. It is important for the educator not to miss this moment and to help the children as much as possible in making the right decision.

Drawing up a long-term plan

When developing a program, one should rely on a certain algorithm. Its main items include:

  1. The teacher determines the order and timing of the planning activities.
  2. Assessment of the status and results of previous activities. For example, when analyzing the educational work of a class teacher of the 7th grade for a year, parents as participants in the planning process can indicate the achieved indicators, point to items that have not been implemented or implemented in full.
  3. Clarification, adjustment and specification of the teacher's intention. In this case, it is planned to discuss with the participants of the project planning for the forthcoming period. For example, after analyzing the educational work of the class teacher of the 9th grade for the year, parents, children and the teacher himself identify the key aspects, add elements to them taking into account the specifics of the upcoming period, introduce specific measures to implement the plan.
  4. Making a plan.

Importance of performance evaluation

Analysis is often perceived as an extremely time-consuming and far from the most necessary direction for the class teacher. In carrying it out, the teacher needs considerable time, intellectual and physical expenses. Together with this, the practical utility of evaluating previous activities is not always obvious. Nevertheless, as the study of work plans drawn up by class leaders shows, an analysis of their educational program can, and in some cases should be the basis for planning for the coming year. This is the case in certain situations. In particular, if:

  1. The analysis was carried out informally.
  2. Pedagogical evaluation is not a heterogeneous mix of different facts and judgments, but it has a clear structure. In doing so, it must be carried out in accordance with specific methodological principles.
  3. The analysis is carried out according to the developed criteria.
  4. The assessment is informative and informative.
  5. The class teacher took into account the diversity of opinions of the majority of participants in the educational process.


In modern practice, the analysis of educational activities can be:

  1. Descriptive. In this case, the phenomena and events that took place in the team are presented and evaluated.
  2. Polar estimator. In this approach, the negative and positive results of the process, their causes, are determined and analyzed.
  3. System. In this case, a holistic assessment of the educational process in the interaction of its elements is assumed.
  4. Problematic. This approach provides for the identification, study and structuring of complexities and contradictions.
  5. Personal-oriented. This method is used today in innovative educational institutions. With its help, for example, an analysis is made of the educational work of a class teacher of grade 10 for the year.

Types of assessments

Types of analysis are chosen depending on the traditions of educational work and the organizational culture of the institution. Today apply:

  1. Assessment of the achievement of goals and objectives. The teacher analyzes the level of implementation of the targets, which were determined at the beginning of the period.
  2. Assessment of major events and situations. In carrying out such an analysis, a certain amount of information is needed. In one of the most widespread forms of information accumulation are references. They indicate the activities that were held, the persons responsible for them, the results that were achieved in the end.


The analytical work of the class teacher identifies three key stages. Of great importance is the first - the preparatory. It consists in determining the purpose and subject of analysis, drawing up the program. At the main stage, the collection and generalization of information on the educational process, the detection of negative and positive aspects of it, forecasting, the identification of the most pressing problems and contradictions is carried out. At the final reflexive stage, the teacher evaluates the analytical work performed, eliminates stylistic and factual inaccuracies, introduces necessary additions and corrections.

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