Hardly every modern citizen of civilized countries knows or heard about the famous gangster who was in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century in the territory of Chicago. His name is firmly rooted in the history of America. Al Capone - the personification of fear, cunning and dirty business.
This rather plump low man was born a year before the world entered a new era that guaranteed unprecedented progress in various spheres of human existence. His full name is known to very few people, however his history has preserved. Alfonso Fiorello Capone, a Neapolitan child who emigrated with her poor parents to a promising America. He is one of those who shouted the famous "America! America! ", When a barge loaded with Italian emigrants swam to the shores of a new progressing country. However, the country of dreams, which seemed then America, was not so in fact. Work in the country was extremely small. And young Alfonso was forced to get a job early, to bring home any crumbs of bread. From the age of 16, Al Capone began to lead an active night life. He liked the degree of mystery that night provided. He could work quietly while everyone else was asleep, thinking, while everyone was resting and being free. First he worked in a bowling club. Then again in many places. He passionately adored weapons, especially knives. It was this passion that pushed him into the mafiosi gang of Johnny Torrio, who taught the young Al Capone the mafia alphabet.
In the 20's, Alfonso Capone moved to Chicago, where he quickly gained the status of a mafia leader. Since then, the long name of Alphonse has been reduced to a short Al Capone. The biography of this man continued to grow in incredible and terrible events. He began to actively seek power. First on the territory of Chicago, and then all of America. He was feared and respected, every self-respecting businessman and gangster wanted to deal with him, presidents and their wives trembled before him, and many heads of government considered his opinion.
The genius march of the brilliant mafia lasted exactly 10 years. The decline of his reign fell on the middle of June 1931. The police, having gathered all their strength into a fist, seized Al Capone and his brother. Together with them, 68 gangsters were arrested. However, he did not stay long in prison. Five years later he was released. The world in which he was once considered a god, no longer took him seriously. In addition, Al Capone was seriously ill with syphilis.
He died in 1947 at the age of 48, leaving behind a whole bloody chapter in the history of America.
His personality has since become a frequent hero of all sorts of films and Broadway productions. All the directors and producers liked the legendary name Al Capone. The film, in which Robert De Niro plays the famous gangster, is still considered the best show of passion that was boiling in Italian blood. In total there are about 25 films about this man. He is rightly considered the leader in the list of villains, who have ever made films. His person has always enjoyed a special audience and actor's attention. Many of the great actors dreamed of playing it. Few could do this. However, some managed to do this perfectly.