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Acute gingivitis: causes, symptoms, and treatment characteristics

Gingivitis is a disease characterized by gingival inflammation . The disease can develop in several forms. Most often, this ailment can be observed in children, pregnant women and young people under 35. Acute gingivitis has symptoms, if found, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment to avoid more serious consequences. For the prevention of this disease, doctors recommend that you regularly visit the periodontist, brush your teeth and if you have the first signs (redness, bleeding), sign up for an appointment with a specialist.

What causes gingivitis?

There are two types of causes of this disease: general and local. The first include such deviations as a decrease in the level of immunity, gastrointestinal tract diseases, diabetes mellitus, various kinds of allergies.

To the local causes include incorrect oral hygiene, the presence of tartar, radiation injuries, injuries and burns, bad habits in the form of smoking. Most situations associated with the appearance of gingivitis, due to the lack of smoothness on the surface of the teeth. That is, due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, a plaque appears, which later turns into tartar. These problems need to be addressed as soon as possible. To clean the surface of the teeth from unwanted microorganisms, it is recommended to perform the treatment with ultrasound devices.

The main thing is to remember about individual cleaning of teeth and do it right. The process should not last less than three minutes. Teeth should be cleaned twice a day: in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, before going to bed. The toothbrush is recommended to be changed at least every three months. For those who forget to do this, there are special brushes with colored bristles, which eventually become discolored. The use of dental rinse aid is welcome.

Signs of gingivitis

The disease is most often people of young age. They have the weakest gums, and therefore they are susceptible to inflammation. The main symptoms are bleeding gums, the absence or presence of a false periodontal pocket.

The general well-being of the person thus practically does not change, presence of the given signs testifies to non-observance of hygiene of a mouth. Gingivitis is characterized by swelling of the gums, a painful sensation when cleaning teeth, bleeding, redness, an unpleasant sharp smell from the mouth.

Acute form of gingivitis

The causes of this disease can be very diverse: from the temperature and infectious effects to allergic factors. Acute gingivitis can occur with influenza, measles and other diseases. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene negatively affects the immunity of the oral cavity, which leads to inflammation of the gums.

In children, weak immunity is observed up to 6-7 years, and only in 14-15 its final formation begins. Therefore, the risk of gingivitis is higher. It is very important, from an early age, to teach a child to observe the hygiene of the mouth to ensure that it becomes a habit and that there are no unpleasant situations in the future. Defects in the fillings, the presence of caries, the accumulation of microorganisms lead to the onset of acute gingivitis. Symptoms of this disease:

- a sharp pain in the gums;

Swelling and bleeding;

- expansion of plaque, in addition to all teeth, it covers and gums;

- Body temperature increased;

- headache, weakness and unexplained fatigue of the body.

Chronic gingivitis

The chronic form in terms of origin does not differ from acute. A peculiarity is the long and viscous course of the disease. There are three types of chronic gingivitis: catarrhal, atrophic and hypertrophic.

Catarrhal gingivitis occurs periodically and is characterized by redness and swelling of the gums. Possible damage to the marginal gingiva and the interdental papillae.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is an increase in the papillae, which form a false periodontal pocket. The main signs of the disease: bleeding and pain when eating. Any of these forms can go into atrophic, in which the gum decreases in size and becomes very thin.

Atrophic gingivitis is a very dangerous form of the disease, which can provoke the appearance of other ailments. Because of the fineness of the gums, it is easy to damage and even break. For the oral cavity, one of the most dangerous diseases is acute and chronic gingivitis. Symptoms of the latter are as follows:

- itching and burning in the area of gums, which is intensified during the cleaning of teeth;

High bleeding;

- Increased interdental papillae.

Catarrhal form of acute gingivitis

Acute catarrhal gingivitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the gingival tissue. This form of gingivitis is not prone to relapse, but if you do not start treatment in time, it can develop into more serious diseases. This type of gingivitis occurs most often in children and adolescents.

This disease can occur due to incorrect bite, incorrect treatment of teeth, the presence of stone, plaque or caries. Acute gingivitis is easily detected by its symptoms: severe swelling of the gums, bad breath, bleeding. Treatment of this ailment involves getting rid of the already existing inflammations and the causes that caused them.

Ulcerative form

Acute ulcerative gingivitis is a type of disease characterized by the formation of pustules on the marginal part of the gum. This disease arises from the parasitization of the oral cavity of microbes and bacteria. Especially active microorganisms become during the weakening of immunity. This form of the disease can grow into a more serious one: acute ulcerative necrotic gingivitis of Vincent. It practically does not lend itself to treatment, and in some cases a fatal outcome is possible.

Acute ulcerative gingivitis has the following symptoms:

- a sharp pain in the field of gums;

Bleeding when brushing teeth;

Bad breath;

- apathy, unwillingness to eat and weakness in the body.

These symptoms are similar to those found at an early stage of ulcerative necrotic gingivitis. In any case, when the first signs appear, you need to contact a specialist. Depending on the severity of the disease, the treatment methods will differ.

Ulcerative necrotic form of gingivitis

Acute ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis is the most dangerous form of the disease. It is characterized not just by inflammation and reddening of the gum, but by its death. Ulcerative necrotic gingivitis occurs when parasitizing fusobacteria in the oral cavity. Also this form of the disease can be the result of the neglect of catarrhal gingivitis. In addition, the ulcerative-necrotic form of the disease contributes to the development of other ailments, such as stomatitis or periodontitis.

Symptoms of the disease:

- severe pain in the area of gums at the slightest touch;

Swelling and severe redness of the gums;

Uncontrolled bleeding;

- plaque on the damaged areas of the gum;

- a sharp smell from the mouth.

Treatment of acute gingivitis is performed with the use of anesthesia. This will help to reduce or completely get rid of the pain during the operation.

Causes of acute gingivitis in childhood

Children are most susceptible to this disease. It can be caused by both external and internal causes. The first group includes lesions obtained in the process of teething. Also, because of the habit of most children, everything can taste in the mouth can get an infection that will lead to gingivitis.

In addition to external factors, it is possible to attribute an inferiorly delivered seal, which does not meet certain requirements. Children often get sick, and any infectious disease can cause acute form of gingivitis.

Among the internal causes are a decrease in immunity, insufficient amounts of vitamins in the child's body, an incorrect structure of the tooth. Acute gingivitis in children can be expressed both as an independent disease, and as an additional ailment.

Types of gingivitis in children

Depending on how strong the child's gum disease is, catarrhal, hypertrophic and ulcerative-necrotic types of the disease are distinguished, each of which is expressed in acute or chronic form.

It is not difficult for a child to identify acute gingivitis. The clinic of this disease is quite pronounced. The child has little and bad sleep, his appetite disappears. Bleeding, a large amount of dental plaque, as well as inflammation of the gums will leave no doubt about what malady develops in the baby.

The most common type of gingivitis is hypertrophic. It is characterized by pain in the gums and bleeding. Usually, after puberty, the symptoms go away. Catarrhal gingivitis is also quite common. It is manifested by gingival inflammation and a sharp smell from the mouth. There are tooth deposits, children feel bad, the temperature rises.

The most severe and, accordingly, a rare form is ulcerative necrotic gingivitis. It is characterized by the presence of ulcers of gray color, putrefactive odor from the mouth. The dentist can diagnose this disease during normal examination and prescribe a course of therapy.

Treatment of acute gingivitis

The form of treatment of this disease depends on the cause and severity. In any case, it should be comprehensive in order to eliminate all the factors of the disease. If the gingivitis has arisen because of sharp edges of a seal, it is necessary to apply correction of prostheses.

Long-term use of antibiotics adversely affects the microflora of the oral cavity, and therefore, acute gingivitis may occur. Treatment in this case appoints a doctor-immunologist. Independent intervention in these matters without consulting a specialist is strictly prohibited.

If the patient has addressed the problem of catarrhal acute gingivitis, the doctor should direct the course of therapy to eliminate negative factors and normalize the work of the body. In this case, the dentist will teach the proper individual cleaning of teeth, as well as perform antiseptic treatment and apply a special ointment.

Treatment of gingivitis in adults and children is practically the same. Only in childhood, the use of antiseptics and proper oral hygiene are the solution to all problems. If there are dental deposits or stones, the dentist will remove them using a special device. It is recommended to conduct deep fluoridation of teeth. Children themselves at home can rinse the mouth with a 0.06% solution of "Chlorhexidine".

Prevention of acute gingivitis

In order to prevent the onset of the disease, two conditions must be met on a regular basis: to observe personal hygiene of the oral cavity and visit the dentist. Brushing your teeth should be done at least twice a day, and the choice of brush and paste should be taken seriously. In order not to be mistaken, you need to consult your dentist.

As for the doctor's visit, the recommended frequency is two times a year. Each reception at the dentist must be supported by professional cleaning of teeth, which will help get rid of the plaque and other deposits.


One of the most common diseases of the mouth is acute gingivitis. What is this disease? It is an inflammation of the gum of varying complexity. There are many forms and types of acute gingivitis. The most susceptible to this disease are children and young people under the age of 35 years.

Pregnancy can also affect the onset of gingivitis. This ailment can be prevented by following the rules of disease prevention. Individual hygiene is the most important of them. Everyone, regardless of age and type of activity, should take the rule of brushing his teeth twice a day. This procedure will help to protect the patient from unwanted infections and diseases, as well as to keep fresh breath.

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