
Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs

Parents must carefully monitor the health of the child. Often the care of adults depends on whether it will be noticed on time that children have dental problems. One of such problems can be gingivitis in a child. This disease is difficult to attribute to asymptomatic, but parents should heed the first complaints of a baby or teenager in order to seek help in time.

Gingivitis: what is this?

In Latin, "gingva" means gum. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums, in the place of their adherence to the neck of the tooth. Despite the fact that the disease does not affect the strength of the connection between the teeth and gums, it can cause a number of other problems that will lead to tooth loss. That is why it is necessary to start treatment in time and use all available means.

What could have been the cause?

Gingivitis in a child can be diagnosed at any age, but most often this disease affects children over five years old. Cases of an earlier illness are also known, but they are no more than 2%. What is the reason for this? The fact is that the main cause of the disease is considered insufficient hygiene of the oral cavity. On the teeth of the child begins to accumulate a soft coating, which gradually causes inflammation, that is, gingivitis. There are no teeth in very young children yet, but gum disease can begin at the time of their eruption. It is during this period that babies pull into their mouth all available items to relieve the itching and pain in the gums. Together with these objects, the pathogenic microflora enters the mouth, and in addition, microtraumas (scratches) may appear.

To protect a child from gingivitis or to start treatment on time, one must understand the reasons why he could develop:

  1. The main cause of gingivitis is dental plaque. If a child refuses to brush teeth or performs it poorly, the probability of inflammation of the gums is very high.
  2. The common cause of gingivitis are mucosal trauma in the mouth. Various burns, cuts or scratches can cause the onset of inflammation.
  3. Gingivitis often develops in the child due to the fact that the parents did not take the baby on time to the dentist and allowed tooth decay on dairy or permanent teeth. In this case, an infection becomes an impetus to gum disease.
  4. The cause of the disease in a child may be an incorrect distribution of the load on the jaw system. This happens when forming an incorrect bite, breaking the masticatory function, incorrect attachment of the frenum of the lips and tongue.
  5. Gingivitis in a child can begin at the time of eruption of milk or molars. In this case, pain in the gums leads to the fact that children are less sensitive to plaque and allow the accumulation of pathogenic microflora.
  6. To gingivitis can lead orthodontic designs or poor-quality seals.

After understanding the causes of the disease, it is easier for parents to eliminate them and protect their child in the future.

Concomitant factors

Immunity of a healthy child can quickly overcome the inflammatory process while improving hygienic procedures and following the recommendations of a doctor. But there are a number of factors that reduce the protective functions of the body, including gums. The risk of developing gingivitis is higher if the following diseases are diagnosed in a child:

  • Xerostomia, that is, insufficient salivation;
  • Hypovitaminosis, that is vitamin deficiency;
  • Infectious diseases of various kinds (SARS, tuberculosis, tonsillitis);
  • allergy;
  • Dysbiosis;
  • Cholecystitis, that is inflammatory processes in the gallbladder;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • Blood diseases.

Each of these diagnoses should be the cause of increased control of the gum condition in order to prevent the occurrence of problems.

Gingivitis: forms and symptoms

Gingivitis in a child, as in an adult, can occur in acute or chronic form. More often in children observe an acute form, the symptoms of which look like this:

  • Gums blush and become inflamed;
  • Soft tissues around the teeth become painful;
  • Tissues swell;
  • The gingiva furrow deepens;
  • Bleeding occurs, especially during brushing;
  • The child complains of difficulty with chewing and swallowing food.

Responding to the complaints of the child, parents should write it down as soon as possible to the dentist, as the focus of the disease may increase. Note that gingivitis can have a local form or be spread throughout the mouth.

In addition to the acute form with obvious symptoms, children may develop chronic gingivitis with a slow process. In this case, the possible severity of the disease depends on the parent's attention to the state of the oral cavity in the child.

Doctors distinguish between mild, moderate and severe degree of gingivitis.

Gingivitis in the first year of life of a child

There is a mixed form of the disease - stomatitis-gingivitis. This problem is manifested in children of the first year of life and is the primary manifestation of herpes, complicated by inflammation of the gums in the baby.

Usually the disease is acute. It can be accompanied by an increase in temperature, weakness and general lethargy. On the mucous membranes of the oral cavity appear rashes, causing painful sensations. The child becomes tearful, refuses to eat.

The doctor will give the child symptomatic treatment, reduce the soreness of the rashes and prescribe water-soluble drugs for herpes.

Types of the disease. Catarrhal process

Usually, catarrhal gingivitis is diagnosed at the outset of the inflammatory process. This species is the most common among children and adolescents. The main symptoms of catarrhal gingivitis are itching and discomfort in the gum area, bleeding during chewing food and brushing teeth, changing the taste perception, increasing unpleasant odor, increasing sensitivity. When the process is started, the temperature may rise.

Hypertrophic gingivitis

This type of gingivitis refers to chronic processes. A characteristic symptom is the proliferation of gum tissue. The process can be fibrous or edematous. Hypertrophic gingivitis is most often a consequence of neglected catarrhal inflammation.

The cause may be an incorrect bite, a build-up of plaque and the intake of potent drugs, for example, in the treatment of epilepsy. With a strong growth of tissues, in addition to fighting with plaque and taking medicines, surgical excision of hypertrophied tissues can be performed.

Gingivitis ulcerative

This type of disease also develops against a background of chronic catarrhal process. In addition, ulcerative gingivitis can occur with ARVI, dysbiosis, acute viral processes and a general decrease in immunity.

The disease is complicated by the fact that strong painful sensations make it impossible for an independent oral hygiene. Ulcerative necrotic gingivitis requires a serious approach. Complex treatment with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. In addition, the dentist anesthetizes ulcerated tissue, conducts their antiseptic and hygienic treatment. One of the means for treating the oral cavity may be "Maraslavin", used to restore healthy gum tissues.

"Maraslavin". Instructions for use

Despite the fact that this preparation is of vegetable origin, it is necessary to use it, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions. Due to its pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action, the remedy is often used in the professional treatment of gingivitis of various forms and other dental diseases.

Before applying the drug, the doctor necessarily cleanses the stones and plaque, and then lays tampons impregnated with a combined agent into the oral cavity. The time of aging tampons in the gum pockets - up to 6 minutes. At one time the doctor repeats the treatment 5-6 times. The last time the tampons are left until the next dose. The treatment time can be up to three months.

"Maraslavin", the instruction for which prescribes clear control over the procedures, allows you to restore the structure of the gums, stop bleeding and restore their natural size. At the same time, pain decreases, the edema descends and contact between the gum and the neck of the tooth is restored.

This drug is not recommended for use in children under 14 years of age, as it can cause a sharp increase in temperature and other body reactions that have not been adequately studied. However, upon reaching this age, the drug gives a very good result.

Prevention of gingivitis in children

Timely identified gingivitis of the gums lends itself to complete cure. To prevent the oral cavity of the child, the following preventive measures should be adhered to:

  1. Twice a year, bring children, including adolescents, to preventive examination to the dentist.
  2. Monitor daily and thorough care of teeth and oral cavity.
  3. Correct the diet and eliminate snacks, especially sweets.
  4. Correctly choose and in time replace the child's toothbrush.
  5. Correctly choose a toothpaste for a child or teenager.

What if the baby is sick?

If the child does get sick after all, but the parents want to conduct the treatment themselves after consulting a specialist, then first remove the plaque, and then carry out anti-inflammatory rinses, treatment with gels and ointments or treatment with folk remedies.

However, one must be prepared for the fact that the symptoms will temporarily decrease or disappear, but after the cessation of treatment they will return back. The reason for this can be that the main factor that causes gingivitis is not eliminated. This is a plaque that appears on the teeth.

That is why dentists recommend a professional approach to treatment of gingivitis to avoid its transition to periodontitis. All additional home measures can be introduced into the complex treatment and conducted under the supervision of a dentist.

Remember! A timely call to a doctor will help to keep your teeth and gums healthy for many years to your children.

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