HealthDiseases and Conditions

What to do if the child coughs at night, and during the day there is no

Night attacks of a cough do not allow the baby to sleep peacefully, mood deteriorates, defenses of an organism decrease. With viral sources of malaise, one should fight with a doctor, but there may be strong allergens that also need to be identified.

Causes of seizures in the baby

If the child coughs at night, and the day does not, then such complications can lead to serious consequences. It can be an allergy to some substance that got into the pulmonary system during the day. By the evening there was an edema, and a sputum is separated with reflex movement of a sternum. However, often the onset of an attack occurs without the appearance of fluid inclusions.

Dry cough is unproductive and dangerous for the baby. From spasms and lack of oxygen is suffocation. And if the child coughs at night, and the day does not, then the cause is searched in the surrounding environment. It can be an allergen: dust, chemical, plant pollen, food intake. And also attacks happen because of contact with household accessories: bed-clothes, towels.

When a child coughs at night, and in the daytime does not, he has oxygen starvation. From this he does not get enough sleep in the morning, there is increased irritability, loss of appetite. Therefore, the cause of such a strange ailment should be sought and eliminated by dangerous factors.


A small child coughs at night, and in the afternoon there is no reason for a strong allergic reaction. Often in such cases, you have to call an ambulance to ease the condition of the baby. It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the attack, and a dry cough can indicate both an allergen and an infection.

To determine the deviations of health, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests, according to which doctors with a high degree of probability will indicate the cause of the indisposition. If the child coughs during the day, and at night does not, Komarovsky recommends remembering the events of the previous day and the next morning to see a doctor with a description of the child's actions. Every detail is important, because he could get infected in the yard, kindergarten or school.

It will be clear why the child coughs at night, and in the daytime there is no, when all the children who have been in contact with the patient are examined. Infectious safety is above all, because as the health improves, the baby can again get infected from his peers. After the hospital, the child spends at home the period established by the doctor to exclude relapse of the disease.

Physical pathologies

The answer to the question of why a child coughs more at night than during the day can be a pathology in the structure of the lungs. To avoid neglected cases of the disease, an annual chest examination is performed, all familiar fluorography. In the picture, you can notice reversible changes in time and take measures to localize them.

In most cases, the child can be helped with antibiotics alone, but they also have side effects. Such measures are permissible when there is a constant: the child coughs at night, and the day does not. What to do when this happens rarely and in a chaotic accident?

It would be better to notice the same events or conditions before the attack. Perhaps, on that day, the same food was used, which was not accepted on other days. Or the consequence of the disease was a visit to a visit, a zoo or other institution.

Can an attack take place without medication?

If the child does not cough during the day, but coughs at night, then everything can pass without a trace. Temporary malaise is caused by a small amount of an allergen or infection. When improving the baby's health, it is recommended to maintain immunity and maintain proper nutrition. But the doctor still have to visit and conduct a full examination for infection.

Supporting the immunity of the child, do not forget about medical procedures. Inhalations without heating, where the liquid is sprayed by ultrasound, will be useful. Seasonal ailments will pass without a trace with the activation of the body's defenses and the normalization of the intestinal microflora. In rare cases, a cough may appear due to a rising infection from the stomach.

If a child experiences irritation of the larynx at night, it is necessary to check the condition of the stomach mucosa. However, more often cough becomes the cause of influenza, bronchitis. Rotavirus infections do not cause any particular harm and are treated quite quickly. Where is more dangerous development of pneumonia - pneumonia.

Development of an attack

If the child coughs at night, and the day does not, the reasons may be the accumulation of mucus and irritation of the receptors. This is due to infections that contribute to the development of a protective mechanism. Foreign inclusions are enveloped by thick slime, which irritates the larynx, the sinuses of the nose are clogged.

Worse things are when watching a dry cough. In this case it is recommended to help the baby's body with mucolytics, which help to remove fluid from the lungs. If the airway is severely affected, the baby does not stop coughing for a long time. Attacks are repeated within a month with a periodicity of several days. This condition requires urgent medication.

It is dry cough that becomes the culprit of suffocating seizures in a child. When doctors observe phlegm, one can draw conclusions about improving the situation. A natural reflex is needed to extract the liquid. If she is not given away, then they resort to a puncture, which allows artificially pumping out a large accumulation of foreign matter in the sternum, which prevents breathing normally.

Bacteria from the ambient air

The descending kind of infection in the larynx comes through the nose, mouth. With the development of sinusitis, mucus can flow down the walls of the trachea. At night, the irritation is enhanced by the posture in the supine position. In the afternoon, the child does not feel much discomfort, but the infection is still present, and it must be destroyed.

If you engage in self-treatment, the child will soon feel a pain in the sternum. Even when breathing at the time of inflammation, tingling is felt. With this kind of development of the disease, it is judged a severe defeat of the respiratory system.

Types of inflammation

When considering the question of what to do, if the child coughs at night and does not have a day, first determine the type and source of inflammation. Bacteria and viruses quickly invisibly seize the child's body. Allergens can lead to the fact that the baby completely blocks the airways due to swelling.

Diseases of the respiratory system can irritate the baby's movements. These include:

  • pleurisy;
  • bronchitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • tracheitis.

The baby, along with a cough, develops a number of other symptoms: whistles and wheezing with the movement of the chest, mucus in the nose, hoarse voice. Often, the existing discomfort leads to soreness in the throat, the child has a headache, the body temperature rises.

A prolonged cough is observed after bronchitis and whooping cough. The whole period of malaise should help the baby to remove pain, remove mucus from the throat, and clean the sinuses. Try to maintain a comfortable temperature in the sleeping room. Too cold air will cause sputum separation again.

How to restore health?

Doing self-medication is strictly not recommended. When identifying the source of cough, you need to take drugs directed. To alleviate the condition, the child can be given natural remedies without a visit to the doctor. However, it is better not to take an antitussive drug in the absence of sputum. And when it is too much, try to be treated with antibiotics.

Block the cough should the physicians after a complete examination of the patient and receive blood tests, chest X-ray. With edema of the upper respiratory tract, spasmolytics may be prescribed, drops that expand the nasal passages. Fight with pain in the head and larynx allowed pain medication. For the same purpose, menthol and other substances covering microcracks on mucosal tissues are used.

In simple complications, the child can be helped with the usual cough syrup. With prolonged attacks, conventional medications can harm your health. In case of problems with breathing and edema of the face, parents should not hesitate, urgently call an ambulance.


From the swelling of the nose helps vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • "Tisin Xylo."
  • "Otrivin".
  • "SNPM".
  • "Nazivin".
  • "Vibrocil".

It is not recommended to use these tools for a long time. They are addictive and in the future without them it will be difficult to breathe. Dryness of the mucosa is a side effect, combined treatment with washing cavities with solutions of sea salt.

The described measures are applicable to children and adults, but with regard to nursing infants, individual treatment is selected and more thorough diagnosis of the health condition is carried out. This is due to the difference in the respiratory system. Bacteria and viruses penetrate it more easily. Newborns are given syrups to relieve the condition. Suitable drugs such as "Prospan" and "Flavamed."

Additional help to the baby

In order to facilitate the child's condition, you can give him the following harmless syrups that have an expectorant effect:

  • "Doctor Mom" - pastilles or cough syrup, helps to reduce inflammation, has the effect of clearing the bronchi and helps to reduce the separation of sputum.
  • "Gedelix" - this product is made without alcohol, vegetable origin, is used against acute respiratory disease and inflammation of the bronchi.
  • "Thoracic Elixir" - also from natural substances, but in the composition there is ethyl alcohol, an anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

The child is equally useful pastilles, syrups, lollipops. But it is recommended that older substances are recommended for older children to resorb. To normalize the sleep before going to bed, give the baby a small amount of syrup from a dry cough. Such treatment will only facilitate the condition, but with a prolonged lack of improvement, an additional examination is conducted to establish the true cause of the ailment.

Culprits of allergy or asthma become dust, pollen, animal food, fruits or vegetables. Often in children there is a violent reaction to conservation, animals, detergent and polluted air.

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