
Zamiokulkas is a flower of celibacy. Feedback from owners of ornamental plants

Such a theme as "Zamiokulkas - a flower of celibacy, reviews and recommendations", was chosen by us for a reason. This overseas visitor is becoming more popular, and many fans of home plants are interested in the details of his growing. Some believe that zmiokulkas is a flower of celibacy. As a plant blooms, what other conditions require and other nuances interest those who are not superstitious and wish to have this beautiful specimen at home.

general information

First, let's talk about the general characteristics of this representative of the flora. Zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy), whose comments we will present in the article, differs unpretentious character. Many people know the flower under the second name - "dollar tree". Outwardly, it really looks like a popular flower to the rosula, only the dimensions of the zamyoculcus are much larger, and the crown of the branches. Some growers believe that both trees attract money to the house, only the currency is different: the reds attract the ruble currency, and the zmioculcuse - the dollar. But this is a personal matter, to believe it or not. Our task is to help people grow a plant and take care of it.

The native land of the plant is the African continent, and therefore the climate to which the flower is accustomed is tropical. As one of the succulents, this representative of the flora is able to retain moisture in the trunk, in order to subsequently use it in periods of dryness. The root system of the plant is impressive in size, which helps to absorb moisture quickly and easily when it enters the soil. Large fleshy leaves have a smooth surface and are located on the trunk on thickened petioles. Everything in this flower is foreseen for growth in the desert. Flowers appear very rarely, and when they bloom, they look rather unattractive. Although the flower grows slowly enough, it can reach a meter height and decorate any room with its luxurious crown.

Types of plants

Zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy), reviews, photos and description of which we present in our article, has several varieties, but all of them ceased to be considered separate species, but are perceived as variations of the same flower. According to the statements of different specialists of flower growers, it is possible to distinguish zamiokulkas:

  • "Lanceolate";
  • Buavena;
  • "Zamifoliya";
  • "Lodigezia".

The species differ from each other in leaf forms and in places of growth. Some grow in more arid areas, while others are more frequent in mountainous areas. Since the plant is still poorly studied by our specialists, information on its species and subspecies is rather small. Although it is known that the flower was first mentioned in 1929. Did this German scientist Gustav Peter.

General requirements

If you ask people who are engaged in growing flowers, where this name comes from zamiokulkas (the flower of celibacy), why it is so called, then no one really can give an answer. Maybe it was mistaken, and maybe for some reason he was called the flower of loneliness. And those who believe in this, do not risk to breed it in their home. But at the same time nothing prevents the plant planting in the office or any other non-residential premises. What is required for a flower to grow and develop without causing unnecessary hassle?

  • Temperature regime: as it became clear, the plant is not afraid of high temperatures, but in winter it is necessary to take care of it. Keep the temperature from fifteen to eighteen degrees, a minimum of twelve.
  • Light mode: the best option for the ideal development of the flower will be a bright room, while the light should be scattered. In summer, a balcony or garden is ideal, and in winter it is better to put it on the south side.
  • Irrigation mode: the main thing that it is worth remembering when caring for a flower is that it will better bear the lack of moisture than the excess. In winter, water should be watered occasionally, only when the soil in the pot completely dried up. Do not leave water in the stand, as this will lead to decay of the roots.
  • Top dressing: in winter, the plant does not need to be recharged, but in spring and summer it is necessary to fertilize fertilizers suitable for cacti twice a month. It is at this time that the flower consumes its resources as much as possible.
  • Air condition: the flower does not require special humidity in the air, but occasionally you still need to rub the leaves so that it has a beautiful appearance. In the summer you can take the flower out in the rain.


Zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy), whose care is simple enough, is becoming more popular, and many growers want to succeed in breeding this African miracle. General recommendations for care show that you do not need to make special efforts to ensure the right conditions for the flower. The heating system in the rooms creates a suitable atmosphere for the growth of the flower, the air dryness corresponds to the air of the desert. Watering is so free that you can forget to water it, and it will still grow, using the moisture accumulated earlier. The flower can grow in the sun, or can stand in the shade. It does not need to be moistened, and in case of moistening nothing bad will happen. The only thing you should not do is water the flower too often. As for the land, the plant can grow in any composition. Avoid excessively clay soil and ensure a good drainage in the pot. The unpretentious attitude to top dressing also highlights it against the background of other home colors.


Separately, I want to say about how to transplant zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy). Reviews of the owners say that the flower grows slowly enough, but still needs a transplant. Doing this often is not necessary, but, doing this process, worry about choosing a pot larger than the previous one. The transplant is performed according to the standard plan:

  • Pre-moisten the soil in the pot where the flower grows;
  • Pull the plant out of the pot and gently shake the excess ground from the roots, do it carefully so as not to damage the roots;
  • In a new pot, make a layer of drainage, and on top of the ground, suitable for this type of plant, you can buy it in the store in ready-made form, and you can do it yourself, taking a mixture of such components as turf, leaf land, peat and sand in equal quantities ;
  • It is allowed to add a little humus for better growth in a new place;
  • Placing the flower in the ground, make sure that the roots are not too deep under the ground, but are slightly visible from above;
  • Flood the plant.

Transplanting a flower too often is not necessary, but every three years you need to increase the space for the roots, since the flower can not grow at full strength. It is best to transplant the plant in the spring.


Many lovers of the flora in our time want to get zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy). Reproduction of this flower occurs in different ways, and seeing it from someone you know, you can easily grow a plant, asking for just a leaf. The seeds of this "African" in our region can not be found. There are methods such as reproduction using:

  • Sheet;
  • Cuttings;
  • Root.

Root division occurs during transplantation, so you need to wait until the owner will transplant the flower, and ask him for a part for himself. As for the cuttings and leaves, this resource is available at any time. Having received one of these options, you need to dry the source, and then put in a pot with a suitable soil. Use solutions to make up the roots, and after a couple of months you will have your own zamiokulkas.


Zamiokulkas (a flower of celibacy), whose diseases appear rarely, does not cause trouble to its owner. It is necessary to try very hard to make the plant begin to ache. The most common mistake is too frequent and copious watering. In this case, the roots begin to rot. To save the flower, simply clean the roots of rotten parts and transplant it into a new pot.

Yellowing of leaves is another problem, but this is not always a sign of the disease. Old leaves die, and new ones appear, this is a natural process, and the plant develops normally. But there are pests, when attacking, the flower also begins to suffer, and the leaves turn yellow, it is:

  • A spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • Scab.

Fight them with a method of spraying the leaves with a solution designed to combat this pest.

Owner feedback

Zamiokulkas (flower of celibacy), the reviews we collected about, are truly male-hardy and feminine endurance. An important observation is that, even if the plant is completely killed from above and there is not a single leaf left, and the trunk is withered, there is still a chance to save it. There is an experience of restoration of a plant from the escaped part of a root. After removing the root from the ground and removing all the damaged parts, you just need to plant the surviving part in fresh soil and water until you see new shoots of the flower.

All owners of this overseas miracle are amazed at its unpretentious character and ability to develop in any conditions.

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