HealthDiseases and Conditions

Yellow nails? Causes can be serious

Even in ancient times healers at one glance at the patient's nails could tell about all his diseases. And for today in the countries of the East such diagnostics is carried out. By the way, its accuracy results practically do not concede to the data of modern devices. Most people call yellow nails a cosmetic problem and try to eliminate it as soon as possible. And few people think that this is a clear sign of any violations in the body, including the beginning of the development of endocrine or cardiovascular diseases.

Naturally, the yellow nails do not look very nice, and we try to whiten them. In some situations, such treatment will be enough. But this is only if the nails are exposed to any chemical compounds that we encounter almost every day. These can be nail polishes, household chemicals, ultraviolet action or sudden climate changes. Under the influence of these factors, only the visible part of the nail plate will turn yellow.

Very often yellow nails appear on the hands due to a serious shortage in the body of certain minerals and vitamins, in particular calcium. To yellowing the nail plate leads and frequent smoking. By the way, it negatively affects not only the nails, but also the hair, as well as the complexion, because nicotine is absorbed and accumulated in a person.

Yellow nails arise and because of the use of poor-quality nail polish. If you want a beautiful and fashionable manicure, varnish choose high quality. There is no opportunity to buy expensive varnish, better refuse from staining your marigolds until better times.

To forget about the yellowness of the nails for good, half-measures can not be avoided. Here you need a complex of proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, careful care, visiting the salon, as well as examinations from the attending physician. No procedures will not bring the desired effect, if there is a development of a disease. Yellow fingernails can be the first symptoms of jaundice. Yellowing of the nail plate can be a sign of the formation of tumors in the biliary tract, anemia, malaria or hepatitis.

Change in the color of nails can occur during the period of taking antibiotics. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there is a noticeable thickening of the nail plate, then the fungus began to develop. Physicians associate yellow nails with the onset of the development of many serious diseases. This symptom manifests itself most often in middle age, both in women and men. He can talk about the presence of problems in the lungs, malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic and endocrine systems, a strong weakening of immunity or even the formation of malignant tumors.

But do not panic. The answer to the question, why the nails are yellow, can only be given by a specialist. Moreover, he will do this only after a thorough examination and the patient's delivery of all necessary tests. After the appointment of appropriate treatment and the complete course of therapy, the color of the nails will quickly recover, as well as shape and structure.

Having ascertained from the doctor why the nails are yellow, and in the absence of any serious illnesses, one can proceed to home cosmetic whitening procedures. To do this, use a half-cut lemon. To rub their nails should be only three times a week until the ideal result. Good bleaching properties and has ordinary baking soda. Mix it with lemon juice, apply, and after seven to ten minutes, wash it off. After the first application, the nails will turn white and beautiful. The next procedure is done in two weeks, as this procedure has a very powerful effect.

If the nail plate is strongly exposed to chemical substance, the yellowness can remain. Then you just have to wait until the nail grows and only then remove the grown part with scissors.

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