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Yanzhima is the goddess of motherhood, children, students. Buryatia, Barguzinsky district

One of the most revered goddesses of the Buryats is Yanzhima. Myths tell us that at first there was chaos and darkness on the earth. Seeing this, Brahma Saraswati's spouse (this is the Indian name of the goddess Yangima) descended into the world to overcome her chaos with her knowledge. Yanzhima is now considered the patroness of the arts, sciences, crafts, students, children, motherhood. Prayers before her portrayal help women achieve the cherished goal of becoming a mother.

Dancing Yanzhima (goddess)

In the Buddhist religion, Janzhima (Saraswati) is considered the goddess of prosperity, wisdom, her image is associated with innocence, purity, the creation of everything new. Childless families turn to Janzhim. In addition, the goddess gives eloquence, various aesthetic knowledge, a subtle mind. She is worshiped by musicians and poets, artists and artists.

In Barguzinsky district near the village of Yarikta there is a rock. Here in 2005 a miracle happened - in the dancing image on the stone the face of the goddess appeared, its height was about one meter.

As old residents of the local valley tell, at the beginning of the 20th century Sodo-lama meditated at this place at the rock. He was the rector of the first Barguzin datsan. This man was amazing. He had the gift of foresight. In the 30s in these places the property of the Barguzin Datsan was buried. With his search, the history of the discovery of the image began.

Opening an image

In 2005, lamas of the Buddhist Sangha were searched in this area for buried relics that disappeared during the years of repression. The head of the Panditokhamba Lama was Damba Ayusheyev. It was planned to pick a place for the construction of a new datsan. The event that took place four years earlier brought the seekers here - in the cleft of the cliff, the woodcutters found here a pyramid with images of thousands of Buddhas, this undoubtedly indicated the great importance of the area, which is called "Uulsatara" (Meeting). Two rocks here seem to meet each other. If you believe the legends, it is here that there is a world of people with the higher world.

Before the beginning of prospecting works and inspection of the area, Dyuba Ayusheev fell into a state of deep meditation to "see" the buried relics. In this state, he stayed rather long. Suddenly, 20 meters from himself, he saw the face on the rock, it was Janzhima, the goddess appeared in a dancing image.

Surprisingly, but before this incident on the rock an image like this, no one has ever noticed.

Since that day, the divine face of Yangima has attracted hundreds of pilgrims to these places. Lamas from the group of the Ivolginsky datsan also visited here.

Worship of the goddess Yangime

All believers are attracted by the dancing image of the beautiful Janzhima. He is worshiped, worshiped as a shrine, extolled prayers, asked for protection and protection. To face travel from distant places to worship the beauty and strength of Janzhima (goddess).

Everyone who came here, believes that the manifestation of the face of the dancing goddess - special attention and protection of Baikal land, manifestation of the favor of heaven.

In 2009, in the Barguzinsky district, on the site of the manifestation of the sacred face, the building of the Barguzinsky datsan began, the name was "The Palace of the Goddess Janzhima."

Miraculous influence

As the goddess mother of Yanjima has an incredible ability to give the greatest gift to people - motherhood. This ability is still a secret, a miracle for all who despaired and lost the hope of finding a child, but left in the soul a place of faith and worship of the divine phenomenon. Under the stone in the niche, where they found "Sasu", there is a wooden cradle, in which toys, diapers, children's pajamas always lie. Looking at this, you are impressed to the depth of your soul, understanding with what hope the face of the goddess Janzhima is addressed, asking for the gift of motherhood. After the accomplished miracle, many come here to bow and thank Janzhima for the long-awaited children.

At first, there may have been some skeptical opinions, but now, when wonderful stories are told in almost every yard, doubts of skeptics have dissipated. Every inhabitant can remember or call a loved one familiar with whom such miracles occurred after the worship of the face of Janzhima. The happiness of motherhood was learned here by many married couples.

Truly believers find here peace of mind and salvation in times of stress and stress. Touching the face of Janzhima heals the souls of believers, here comes the clarity of the heart and mind, new forces for life are found.

Visiting rules

Before going to Janzhima, each pilgrim must prepare internally, ponder his requests, appeals, cultivate positive emotions, thoughts.

It is forbidden to visit holy places and datsans in a state of intoxication, you can not drink alcohol near the territory. Smoking, loud laughter and talk are also not appropriate in the area next to the image of the dancing goddess. Here it is recommended to behave calmly, not to disturb the peace of the saints, to concentrate on thoughts and prepare for communication with the world of the gods. Each takes a silk scarf with him and binds it to the nearest tree to the rock.

Before the Buddhist rite, in order to gain the blessing for wealth and prosperity, it is recommended to bring milk, black freshly brewed tea, sweets, cookies, marshmallows, dairy products (cheese, butter) to the moleben (khural). After the khural is completed, the products are taken home and they treat their relatives and close people.

Entrance to the dugan temple

Before entering the arch of the temple, everyone entering must perform a rite (otherwise a mountain). The essence of it: in the course of the sun you need to go around the arc three times, while leaving in the corners rice and coins. During the passage of circles of purification and repentance, one must mentally obey all his sins, bad thoughts and words. Enter the arc to remove the silk scarf, another hat. Inside, you also need to go along the sun, while leaving the "dalga" and "sherzhem" in a special place. Money must be brought to the mandala, it is a sacred cup full of money and consecrated grains - a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the altar part you need to bow to the gods. You can not turn your back on the altar. Here you can order prayer services, buy souvenirs, religious objects.


From the dugan up to the mountain, where the face of the goddess of motherhood of Janzhima is located, conduct new ecological paths on which informative shields are located. Before you go upstairs, you can turn to the local llamas and ask for advice on how to properly observe rituals and contact Janzhima. To the place of manifestation of the deity it is allowed to take toys, jewelry, hadacks, coins. Hymorin flags can be taken home, hung in a holy place or left near datsan.

The petition of the child is a special ritual. After the main rituals are performed, the doll brought to the children's cradle is placed, in this place was found "Sasa". It is necessary to go through 21 circles, make a full strike (there are special boards for this). At the same time, it is necessary to utter a mantra to the goddess Janzhima, whether it is aloud or mentally. Toys should be taken with you and in three days you should give them to children in the orphanage or from a large family.

Who is the Sadoy Lama?

The master of the Buddha's teachings of the Sad-Lama at all times, even in persecution and unbelief, was considered by ordinary people. Every house in the Barguzin Valley has its image. His deep experience and extensive knowledge are an invaluable asset of Buddhism. Master of Meditation Sadoy Lama already in his childhood showed his extraordinary abilities, could easily move on the water surface, go dry from the rain and easily ascend to the steepest slopes. They call Sadoy Lama Buryat Nostradamus. He had the gift of foresight and predicted many events of the last century.

Of life, the lama left in 2016. He shut himself up, retired and disappeared from the world, transforming his body into a multi-colored rainbow. He proved that the physical body can be transformed into space. Such a miracle is given only to units on earth, chosen. As his disciples say, when they went to his meditation cell, they found his diminished body. It gradually decreased, and eventually a flash of bright light arose, only clothes, nails and hair remained.

Feast of Janzhima

Barguzin district annually celebrates the event, which is dedicated to Soda Lama, his departure to Nirvana. In 2016, the centennial of this significant event for the believers was celebrated. On the same holiday, people remember about Janzhim. The goddess Yanzhima in Buryatia is sacred and her birthday is celebrated according to the lunar calendar in May. On this day, hundreds of pilgrims gather in these places, thanks to common prayers the energy of the place becomes stronger and stronger, the power of Jangima increases many times. This means that she will respond to all appeals of believers, hear their prayers and requests for the most intimate - about inspiration, health, success in learning, creativity, about marriage, about the joy of motherhood.

A large prayer is held on a festive day in the presence of the Shireate Lama, led by Pandito Hambo Lama. After the moleben, the residents of Barguzin district celebrate the event widely, sports performances, concerts, and fairs are held. Artists, creative groups give all residents unforgettable impressions and positive emotions, a charge of cheerfulness of spirit.

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