
Wrong bite - types, causes, consequences

According to statistics, about 80% of people observed curvature of the dentition. However, most of them do not even suspect that they have problems with bite.

How should a proper bite look ?

Bite - the ratio of the upper and lower dentition with dense jaw closure. With the correct (physiological or normal) arrangement, the lower teeth overlap the upper ones by approximately 1/3. In this case, the upper teeth should be located above the lower ones with the same name. In the conditions of one row, there should not be gaps between the teeth, and the middle line must pass between the central teeth of the lower and upper rows.

The right bite is also the location of the dentition:

  • Orthognathic bite - an ideal arrangement of teeth from an aesthetic and physiological point of view.
  • Progenic bite - slight forward jaw
  • Straight bite closing of upper and lower incisors along the edges
  • Biprognatic bite - flat arrangement of dentition with pronounced slope

In any of these cases, the dentoalveolar system functions within the limits of the norm.

Abnormal bites

Any violation in the closing of dentition is usually considered an anomaly requiring treatment by an orthodontist.

There are several bite pathologies:

  • Distal or prognathic - excessive development of the upper jaw
  • Medial or mesial - excessive development of the lower jaw
  • Open - not the closing of most of the teeth of both rows
  • Deep - overlapping of lower incisors by more than half
  • Cross - the intersection of dentition on the principle of scissors due to underdevelopment of one or two sides of the jaws.

In a separate category, it is also common to identify a lowering bite, the formation of which occurs due to loss of teeth or their erasure.

Causes of bite distortion

There are several reasons for the wrong position of the teeth. One of the most serious causes is the genetic factor, anomalies inherited from the parents. It is in this case that the problem is most difficult to eliminate, since it will be necessary to fight with a congenital defect, and this greatly complicates the treatment.

Another common cause is a developmental disorder in the intrauterine period. Infection of the fetus during pregnancy, viral diseases of the future mother, anemia and metabolic disorders - all this can lead to an incorrect location even during the formation of the teeth rudiments.

To provoke a curvature after birth of a crumb can such factors:

  • Birth trauma
  • Feeding from a bottle and sucking nipples
  • Violation of the order of eruption of milk teeth and untimely removal of them
  • Lack of fluoride and calcium in the body
  • caries
  • Abnormal metabolism

If the curvature occurs already in adulthood, then, probably, the reason was the untimely installation of implants in place of the removed teeth.

Consequences of malocclusion

For many people, the main problem is the aesthetic side of the issue. After all, such a violation in the structure of the dentition does not add to our appearance of attractiveness. However, at the same time, the lack of treatment may threaten more serious consequences:

  • Erasing enamel due to increased strain on some teeth
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth
  • Trauma of tongue and cheeks
  • gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Dysfunction of swallowing, chewing, breathing

How to prevent problems in children and adults?

The most simple way to prevent the development of any oral disease is compliance with all hygiene rules and regular visits to the dentist. However, in addition to this, you need:

  • To monitor the state of health during pregnancy
  • To check the correctness of feeding the baby, giving preference to breastfeeding
  • As early as possible to wean the crumb from the nipples and fingers, eradicating the habit of sucking them immediately after the appearance of the first teeth

Adults also need to take their health seriously, for which it will be necessary to go to the dentist regularly and perform dental treatment in a timely manner. It is much easier to prevent the curvature of the occlusion, than to solve this problem later.

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