
Wise women know how to reconcile with her husband

Folk wisdom claims that a quarrel and temporary family clarification of relationships only strengthen the feelings, bring people together and make their union stronger, more enduring. Maybe so it is. But when you quarrel with a loved one, it's so bad in your heart that you want to howl. And when you remember all those words that are spoken in a fit of anger, it generally becomes unpleasant. After all, half of them have nothing to do with who was told.

It becomes even more unpleasant when you realize that there is no fault in your next quarrel. But at the same time you know what is needed, as soon as possible to make peace with her husband. And it is right. Life is too short to waste on meaningless quarrels. Moreover, family insults do not pass without a trace.

Quarrels and scandals between husband and wife periodically break out. This can not be avoided. The cause of the quarrel can be even a minor trifle. Some quarrels and quarrels last long, others make up their minds before they come to their senses after another scandal.

In families where husbands are very hard-headed or occupy a high-ranking rank, the wife often has to go first to a truce. She has long cherished the idea of how to make peace with her husband. The most unpleasant thing about everything is that she will have to plead guilty even if her spouse is wrong. There are men who never admit that they can be wrong.

It is hard for a woman who knows and understands that she was offended. However, she realizes that she has some dependence on her husband. She torments herself with bad thoughts and at the same time thinking about how to make peace with her beloved.

And now I want to help women in meditation very much. There are several ways how to reconcile with her husband and at the same time prove to him that he was not right, and also gently point out mistakes. A woman should be not only a meek, obedient and obedient wife, but also wise. Only a wise woman can make her slave the strongest and most powerful muzhik. Only to tame and educate it is necessary with the mind. And, by the way, wisdom does not play a secondary role in reconciliation.

The most effective way to forget about the quarrel is to spouse to begin to put up in bed. Someone will object that after the quarrel just do not want to caress, kiss, or hot embrace. But let me object! Having begun the love games and the prelude, you do not need to remember the quarrel. Leave clarifying the relationship for later. After passionate languid sighs and tiresomely sweet pleasure, one hardly wants to continue an unpleasant conversation, which led to resentment and quarrel.

The second way how to reconcile with her husband is more simple, but less effective than the first. However, cases where the result exceeded all expectations are not uncommon. The essence of the method is after a silent pause in a few hours, start a conversation "heart to heart." Only it should be remembered that the problems that have arisen at the moment must be discussed and tried to be resolved, and not a new scandal. Yes, it is difficult to control emotions and feelings when you see that the partner does not want to hear the arguments and stubbornly stands in their positions. But who said that family life is honey? Yes, it is necessary to constantly control your emotions during a conversation. But if all the tests of communication with the second half are completed, the result will be the best reward for patience and endurance.

Another way to reconcile with her husband, I want to tell and emphasize it. The fact is that all the men in their heart are very soft and vulnerable. Yes, for their hardness and stubborn disposition it is difficult to discern a subtle nature, capable of upsetting, sympathizing and experiencing tenderness. But believe me, men are more meek than women. To touch them is worthless. And they are very painful about the fact that they have inflicted offense on the beloved and something upset her. This is where you can play a wise woman. You do not have to think how to make peace with your husband. It's worth to be offended and show with your whole appearance that the offense is great. A man, no matter how formidable, unshakable and proud he is, will reconsider his behavior and analyze the latest developments. And then, after making the right conclusions, he will make every effort to reconcile with the clever wife.

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