
Winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. What was the name of the winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?

From 776 BC. E. In Greece began to regularly hold the Olympic Games. These festivals were an important element of the social life of the Hellenes. The winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece became the most famous and honorable citizens of their policy. Perhaps that is why every young man dreamed of taking part in the agon, in order to demonstrate to all his strength and valor. During such festivities, an atmosphere of justice was created in which a person could demonstrate his skill, merit and become the best among the first.

Historical reference

Plato stressed the crucial role of sports in public life. The wide popularity of games was associated with the peculiarities of Greek society, where the most important regulator of people's behavior was the evaluation of a person by a collective, its censure or encouragement.

It should be noted that the great importance of the Olympic Games is underscored by the fact that even during the war in Greece, even wars were stopped. At the festivities came the citizens not only of the mainland Hellas, but also of the colonies. Writers and poets also gathered here to read their works to thousands of listeners.

The first ancient Greek Olympic Games lasted only 1 day, and later - no less than 5. The special society of honorary citizens led the competitions. Under their supervision, participants in the games practiced for about a month before the start of the agonies.

History of the introduction of the Olympic Games

According to legend, the most famous competitions in the world take their origin from Homeric times. The Greeks themselves told the story of the origin of these festivities differently. Some said that the competition was introduced by the supreme god after his victory over Crohn. Others assured that the father of the festivities was the son of Zeus - the ancient Greek hero Hercules.

Revived the Olympic Games in 776 BC. E. King Iphitus. At that time, Greece was plunged into a period of prolonged wars and civil strife. In this regard, Iphit decided to turn to the gods. He went to Delphi to the famous oracle. Pythia, proclaiming the will of the gods, said that in order to save the people from wars and diseases, it is necessary to revive the Olympic Games. After this, the king invited the Spartan ruler Lycurgus to himself. They signed a truce agreement, which should be concluded at the time of the Olympic Games. Iphit proclaimed Olympia a holy city, where it was forbidden to enter with weapons.


In order to understand who such winners of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece really are, it is necessary to figure out who could take part in these festivities. According to the established rules, only free men of Hellenic origin were allowed to compete, except for those who were ever convicted or guilty of wrong deeds. In addition, slaves, foreigners, could not participate in the agonies. Also, women were not allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. Moreover, they were even forbidden to attend them as spectators. The only exception was the priestess of the temple of the goddess Demeter.

Interesting facts about the participants of the Olympic Games

Not all freeborn Greeks could participate in festivities. So, there were a number of rules that deprived working poor Greeks (small landowners, artisans, merchants) of the right to compete in the Olympic Games. A citizen who decided to participate in the holiday had to prove that he had been preparing for the competition for at least 10 months. He was required to train for 30 days under the guidance of the judges of the games. Also the Greek had to participate in the ceremonies of sacrifices. At the same time he paid all the expenses himself. Thus, participation in the Olympic Games was associated with a long separation from the main activity and a waste of considerable money, so only sufficiently well-off citizens are available.

The program of the Olympic Games in antiquity

During the first 13 Olympics, the program included only running on one stage, which was approximately 192.27 m.

Hippie (horse) agonas were first held at the 25th Olympic Games. First, they were drawn by chariots drawn by four horses. To measure the distance at the racetrack, there was one large stage (950 m). It is interesting that the winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece in equestrian competitions are the owners of chariots, and not the participants of the agonies.

An important part of the festival was the pentathlon. This program included running, fighting, jumping in length, throwing a spear and a disk. Athletes jumped into the pit with sea sand from a small height. At the same time, they were carrying a special load-the Galteras. Discus throwing originates from the military history of the Greeks. The weight of the gun was about 3-6 kg. A disk was made of stone, iron, bronze, tin and wood. Competitions for jumping and throwing, as a rule, were accompanied by playing the flute, and the movements of the athletes were in harmony with the musical chords.

What was the name of the winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?

The Olympic Games are the largest all-Greek competitions, which were held every 4 years. Participants in these agonies were divided into three age groups: young men, beardless and men. It is interesting that Pausanias had 18 kinds of competitions for adults and 6 for boys. By tradition, the best athlete in any category was proclaimed immediately after the competition at the stadium, and the award ceremony was held on the last day of the festivities.

The winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece was called an Olympian. An important part of these festivals was the veneration of the best athletes. This ceremony consisted of several parts and continued at the birthplace of the athlete.

Thus, we examined how the winner of the Olympic Games was named in ancient Greece. Then we will talk about how the most outstanding athletes were honored.

How and what was awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?

The ceremony of rewarding athletes was held in two stages. Immediately after the end of the competition, the herald announced the winner's name and city to the entire stadium. After that, in its policy were sent доходромы (messengers) to tell all the residents the joyful news. On the last day of the games, the winner of the Olympic Games and the city from which he arrived arrived at the altar of Zeus. The athlete ascended the bronze tripod, accompanied by music. Then the winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece were awarded a wreath. After this ceremony, in honor of athletes, sacrifices were held in the temple of Zeus.

Honoring the winner in his own policy

No less solemnly the winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece were revered in their native polices. The athlete entered the city through the main gate in the presence of all the honorable citizens. In some policies, the Olympian got to his native land through a small break in the wall. It was made specifically to ensure that the Olympic victory entered and never left the city.

An outstanding athlete was honored in the main local church. Also, the wreath of the winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece was deposited here. In some cases, in honor of the Olympians, they erected statues and minted coins. In addition, they were invited to the position of generals and trusted the founding of new colonies. After the death of the Olympian, he could be revered as a god in his home policy.

How did you honor the winners of several competitions?

Athletes who have achieved several victories at the Olympics, were given special honors. The names of such Olympians were knocked out on the slabs of the sacred grove Altis. Since 540 BC. E. Here it was allowed to erect a statue in honor of its own victory. Poets dedicated special athletes to special athletes - epics. Also the names of the winners of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were added to special tables - bassikalia.

The most famous winners of the Olympic Games

A person who is little familiar with the history of these festivities, the question may arise: who was the first winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? According to legend, the first laurel wreath was awarded to some Koreb. He was a simple cook, but he managed to win in the race on the run. It was the name Koreb was the first in the ancient Greek list of Olympians.

One of the most famous runners is Astilos from Croton. He won eight times at different distances in the four Olympic Games. Astilos outperformed Leonidos from the island of Rhodes. This athlete won twelve times in the run at the four Olympic Games.

Later, the race was included in the pentathlon system. The best athlete was defined here in this way: the losers are eliminated after each competition. It should be noted that the first winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece in the pentathlon system is the Spartan Lampis.

The most outstanding victories

The most famous champion in the fistfight was Diagor from the island of Rhodes. He was the founder of a whole dynasty of athletes. In the middle of the V century. BC. E. Two of his sons became winners in the Olympic Games (the first - in a fist fight, the second - in single combat). According to legend, they immediately after the award came to his father and laid wreaths on his head, raised him on his shoulders and carried him around the field. One of the spectators asked Diagor what he was expecting from life, but the Spartan question was no longer heard. His heart stopped at the moment of triumph.

The most famous fighter in the history of the Olympic Games is Milo from Croton. At the age of 14 he became the winner in junior competitions. Once in the adult category, Milo 5 times became the best fighter.

Glory to the whole world deserved also Evagor from Sparta and Kimon the elder from Athens, who, along with their four horses, won three times in the gippy contests.

Summing up

Thus, the Olympic Games originate from 776 BC. E., when for the first time a wreath was awarded to Koreb. These festivals played a huge role in the life of the Greeks. Not only the inhabitants of mainland Hellas, but also colonies came to see the competitions of outstanding athletes. Participants in the festivities, in turn, were preparing for the competition for a long time. They not only worked hard physically, but also invested large sums of money in the organization of sacrifices. As we have already said, the winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece was called an Olympian. Together with the laurel wreath, he was awarded a great honor and recognition not only in his home policy, but in all of Hellas.

The spirit of competition was fully manifested during various sports agonies. It should be noted that these competitions were not just entertainment, which had nothing to do with religious rites. The Agonians were part of the festivities and wore a sacred character.

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