
Why use high-level programming languages?

As you know, all commands inside the computer are transmitted in a special machine language, the operators of which are a complex and unstructured sequence of zeros and ones. This is very convenient for electronic technology, where a unit can be designated as a signal of a certain level, and zero as the absence of such a signal. However, writing instructions for performing complex tasks using such a code is extremely difficult, and it's simply impossible to find an error and debug it. Therefore, special, more convenient for developers, high-level programming languages were developed.


A program is a sequence of standard commands, the execution of which leads to the solution of a specific task. For the first computers, the programs were written directly in the machine language, they were very cumbersome and difficult to understand. In the beginning - the mid-fifties of the past, the 20th, the century, the first macros appeared that made the programming process more structured, and then the so-called Assembler languages, which also were oriented to machine codes. Following the rapid development of computer technology, programming languages also developed and improved. And already in the mid-fifties Fortran appeared, the first full-fledged high-level programming language. In 1968, Nicholas Wirth introduced a new language Pascal, which is widely used for the development and creation of interesting software products and to the present. Then appeared BASIC, the language, the basis of which is used in the object-oriented platform of Visual Basic. In the 1970s, another widely used language, C, was introduced, which was adapted specifically for system programming. Currently, the development and distribution have received complete and diverse object-oriented systems, as well as those languages that help specialists create Internet applications: html, php, java. In total there are about two thousand different languages in programming, in the general mass of which there are also conditional, not used in computers, as well as numerous high-level programming languages.


The simplest classification subdivides all existing tools into so-called low-level programming languages, or machine-oriented, and high-level programming languages, or user-centric ones. The main difference is that the programs written with the languages of the first group (namely, the assembler and mnemonic codes), depend on the particular computer, or rather on its processor and instruction set. Programming in a high-level language makes it possible to get an application that will work on any computer, regardless of its hardware. There are also two large groups of languages: procedural and non-procedural, within which the subdivision is also introduced into structural and operational, functional and logical.

Usually every specialist in programming has in his arsenal about ten different programming languages that he can use to solve specific tasks. Basically this, of course, high-level programming languages, but also more complex for the developer machine-oriented languages are widely used to create some parts of the software product.

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