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Why does the loin in women hurt: the causes and treatment

With pain in the lower back, at least once in life, every woman came across. Even in a completely healthy at first glance, the girl sometimes pulls or shoots down the back. The reasons why the loins in women hurt , weight: from uncomfortable sitting in one position and walking on high heels to serious gynecological diseases. If the attack happened once, then there is no cause for concern, but if the problem does not continue for several days or weeks, then do not delay with a visit to the doctor.

What is the pain in the lower back of women?

• Lumbago - acute lumbar lumbago arising as a result of increased loads or after subcooling.
• Lumbalia is a constant dull pain, acquired as a result of sedentary work, or from regular loads on the back.
• Lumbo-schiaalgia - the pain that gives in the leg is the main sign of the vertebral hernia. Requires immediate medical attention.

Causes of pathology

As soon as the summer season opens, women rush to their gardens: weed, dig, plant. All these procedures are associated with frequent inclinations. Obviously, by the end of the day, a tired summer resident will complain of back pain. This is because unprepared muscles have undergone severe and excessive loads. The same lumbar pains are tolerated by athletes who are mercilessly training before the competition, and beginners in the gym.

But the lower back can bother not only after active physical activity, but also with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work. This is also aggravated by an incorrect pose, in which office staff can sit for hours. The reason may be too soft mattress: in this case, the body during the sleep takes an unnatural position, the spine warps, the muscles suffer.

If it is wrong to lift weights and unevenly distribute the load in your hands (for example, heavy bags), you can feel the pain in the lower back. Women with young children who are forced to carry crumbs on their hands during the day often take their backs precisely for this reason.

Gynecological problems

In gynecology, a separate place is reserved for back pain, since it is a sign of many infectious diseases. During the child's birth, progesterone, produced in large quantities, weakens the joints and ligaments, and the ever-growing fetus puts pressure on the muscles and organs of the small pelvis, which causes pain below the waist. At women in the first trimester the risk of natural interruption of pregnancy, a miscarriage is great. The first signs of the incident are brown discharge and discomfort in the lumbar region. These same symptoms can also talk about other serious health problems, such as cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. The endometrium swelled, the uterus dropped or even dropped out - these are just some of the many possible answers to the question "why does the loin in women hurt?"

A disease such as endometriosis, characterized by the proliferation of endometrial tissue beyond the uterus, leads to its dysfunctionality, in other words, to infertility. At an early stage of the development of this pathology, symptoms are virtually absent. That is why single pain below the lower back in women is written off for hormonal disorders or for premenstrual syndrome, thus allowing the disease to progress.

Why does he pull his lower back? Causes

In women (and men too), pain of this kind can indicate a banal fatigue. But most often it signals the development of a serious ailment.

1. Renal colic. They are accompanied by acute and very severe pain in the lumbar region, but, as a rule, only on one side. A person suffers from an intense pain syndrome. Before the onset of such powerful spasms, patients complain that they are pulling the lower back. Women have a fever, there are unpleasant sensations in the crotch, palpitations, urination and nausea.

2. Pyelonephritis. Walking to the toilet becomes more frequent and painful, and back pain can be characterized as stupid and aching.

3. Osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. These diseases are widespread among the elderly, and they are characterized by pulling pains on both sides of the waist, which are amplified under any load. With sudden movements, there is a risk of pinching the nerve, so you should be more careful with slopes and turns.

4. Gynecological pathology. They are accompanied by drawing pain, which increases during menstruation.

5. Spondyloarthropathy. Most often occurs in young people. The peculiarity of the disease is that all discomfort is aggravated in a state of rest, and at any activity - decreases. The pain is shallow, but extensive.

6. Malignant tumors. They cause a strong, deep pain, which does not last longer than a day, even with a change in position.

7. Tuberculosis and osteomyelitis of the spine. With these diseases, the loin will ache for a long time. If the pain does not pass, then after a day signs of poisoning of the body are observed.

The reasons why there is a loin in women is very high. In order to eliminate them, you need to see a doctor, take tests and undergo the required treatment.

Problems with internal organs

Sometimes there is pain and burning sensation in the lower back of women. Such feelings can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, nerve endings, spine. The cause of burning is most often urolithiasis. An unpleasant feeling is caused by sand and stones located in the ureters. When moving they irritate the layer of the epithelium, it becomes inflamed. If these lumps are not larger than 5 mm in diameter, then they leave on their own and do not pose a serious danger, but if they are large, they can clog the exit channels of the ureters, raise the pressure in the kidney and even cause its death. A rare but still occurring case is when the lumbar pain is caused by a stomach ulcer or intestinal ulcer.

Another cause of burning can become diseases of the pelvic organs (myoma, endometritis). Symptoms that indicate the presence of pathology, unfortunately, appear not at the initial stages. Myoma of the uterus causes a pulling deafness at the bottom of the waist and abdomen.

Problems with the spine and peripheral nerves

Osteochondrosis and herniated intervertebral discs cause burning in the lower back. This is explained by the fact that these diseases affect the radicular nerves. The proliferation of bone tissue between the joints, the deformation of the disk due to the hernia presses on the processes of the nerves, causing inflammation, loss of sensitivity.

Painful sensations when bearing a baby appear due to the restructuring of the body and hormonal changes, as well as due to softening of the joints, ligaments and muscles.


It's not enough to know why the loins in women hurt, you still have to be able to eliminate such discomfort. If we are talking about sensations caused by physical factors, then it is necessary to take a horizontal position on an even surface and relax the body. The pose can be any, the main thing - to feel that the pain subsides. Excellent tension is removed from the lumbar region, if you lie on your back and raise your legs at a right angle relative to the torso. No sudden movements! Get up too, slowly: first turn over on your side, then get on all fours. If the pain does not go to the end, then you will have to take the pills to relieve the attack.

That pregnancy was not clouded by lumbar burning, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, strengthening the muscles of the back, watching the gait and gaining weight.

An excellent solution to the problem is massage. It helps to relax, remove muscle spasm, improve blood circulation. To achieve a greater effect, you can use special gels and ointments for rubbing.

Pregnant women should trust their body only to an experienced specialist who knows how to help and not do harm.

If the pain has appeared after a trauma or a fall, you should immediately call a doctor. With chronic lumbar burning, you should undergo a complete examination, referring to a gynecologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, urologist.

Traditional medicine can also give a couple of practical advice. So, to ease the condition, it is recommended to take a bath with mustard or hay or to compress from pre-heated sand. That is, the therapy is based on heating the affected area. However, before using the folk methods, it is necessary to find out why the loin in women hurts. For example, in almost 90% of cases, pregnant or suffering from cancer, hot baths and warming are contraindicated.

Instead of concluding

Pain never arises from scratch. At its first manifestations, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Then there is a chance to stop the ailment at the root, not allowing it to develop.

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