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Why does baking settle after baking? Why does the biscuit settle?

Why does baking settle after baking? This issue is always relevant to the housewives. Those few who have all kinds of biscuit cupcakes remain intact and safe and delight both in taste and appearance, in the world of cooking most associate with wizards - as sometimes even the most "secret ingredients" and "chips" do not help.

Despite everything, the situation is not as desperate as it might seem. Do not despair! And the question of why baking settles after baking, too, is its answer. In this article we will consider why this can happen and how to avoid it.

In the calculations error crept in

In fact, it is very important to consider exactly where the mistake was made, why the baking settles after baking: you may be sinning on the oven, but the hole was allowed even before the raw dough, preparing to become lush and crispy, was there Is placed.

So, here is the top reason why baking "falls" or "what can not be done while preparing the test."

Accurate with the test!

Reason number one: the dough accidentally shook. In no event should you slam the door sharply while preparing delicate dishes such as biscuit, cake or patties. It is necessary to take the dough exceptionally accurately and carefully - only thanks to this attitude it eventually "rises" and pleases the mistress and her loved ones with taste, aroma and texture.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Reason number two: the oven opened too early. Any pastry should be in the oven from ten to twenty minutes minimum. Some - even more (follow the recipe). But in any case, in order to not once again ask why the cupcake settles after baking, for God's sake, you do not need to immediately look into the oven, just when you put it there. No, not even to see "how it rises." It is because of this thoughtless act of a miracle that will not happen.

Piping hot

Reason number three: the oven was not heated enough. The oven is recommended to warm up beforehand, so that, after the baking is removed from it, it was with heat, with heat. Insufficient temperature may well be the reason why the cake settles after baking. If the problem manifests itself systematically, can it be worth checking the technique?

Diligence and work - all peretrut?

Reason number four: too long whipping with a mixer. The hostess, who does not have this important attribute in the kitchen, is envious of not wholly envious of who owns it. After all, you have to whip it by hand: a whisk, or even a fork. But, perhaps, in something they were more fortunate? After all, and the mixer can be the reason why the biscuit settles after baking? Or not a sponge cake, but a birthday cake, which everyone so hoped for, and for which so offensively. The secret is that everything should be in moderation: it is enough to whip enough to make the dough airy, but not so long that it "fell" from the shock.

Mathematical proportionality is the time to brainwash

Reason number five: the proportions of the components of the test were violated. If initially too much flour was added to the dough, or, conversely, the liquid, it would not rise as the mistress wants. Beginners are advised to make the mixture solely on a prescription, more advanced - to act almost intuitively, on the whim of picking up the number of those or other elements of the composition. In any case, this reason is a very vivid example of how baking can be ruined long before it is put in the oven.

Cooking correctly

Below are listed and detailed reasons for why after baking bread settles, and pies fall:

  • Early pulled out the dish. This does not mean that the culinary masterpiece is not finished. It can be quite ready, but it's enough to turn off the oven, and not immediately get a dish out of it - a sharp temperature drop very badly affects baking, which is easy enough to make sure. Many mistresses become "victims" of such a mistake;
  • "Fillings, they say, do not happen much," "put it from the heart," or, in other words, everything needs a measure. Despite the fact that homemade cakes are praised for the quantity of meat / cabbage / jam, which (not only in dining rooms and bread factories!) Do not regret for the household, it is important not to overdo it. Indeed, it is the excess amount that can be the reason why the cake settles after baking. The result: fillings fill up, but the dough "no". That's why it is not necessary to add a lot of raisins / dried apricots / prunes to the casserole, and apples to the charlotte. Because then you have to wonder about why the charlotte settles after baking.

What to do?

It is worth saying that preventing the mistakes described above sometimes does not help. And women grab at the head, not knowing how to impress guests, relatives and friends with the help of their cooking. Fortunately, all secrets are freely available and are presented just below:

  • Do not forget to sift the flour before adding it to the dough. The case is simple, but very useful. Air is guaranteed;
  • Optimality - in everything! Including water temperature for breeding yeast. It should be exactly like that of a health-raising person - thirty-six. Too cold a liquid will make you wait a long time for the dough to deign to "rise," and hot will not only ruin the whole miracle of "insurrection," but it can also lead to damage to the product;
  • Utensils - only dry! Especially it concerns that in which proteins will be beaten up. One more remark about this laborious process: it is important to accurately separate the yolks from proteins. There are several ways for this, including hand separation, using a paper funnel, and also using a knife or needles;
  • Intuition is intuition, and clear instructions are not made up for it. If the exact baking time is indicated in the recipe - check! Fortunately, stopwatches are not uncommon now. Otherwise, do not ask why the cake settles after baking, but "enjoy" the fallen. Temperature regulation is, by the way, also very relevant: sometimes it is necessary in the baking process. Well, to set out the value necessary at the beginning of cooking and at all - a sacred matter for the ministers of culinary art;
  • Follow the sequence of actions. Remember, like in "Harry Potter"? In order to make the potion right, it is necessary not so much to add all the ingredients as in the right order, and besides to prevent the exact number of times in the strictly specified direction. And baking - their secrets. For example, that soda can not be extinguished separately from the test, and even more so - in advance. This is done directly with other ingredients, but due to the fact that the fluffiness should be achieved by gases, and if you quench the product not in the test, some of them (according to the meanness law - a large one) will simply evaporate.

Is it a matter of cottage cheese?

Why does the curd casserum settle after baking? What prevents her from remaining airy and mild, melting in her mouth?

Of course, it's not about cottage cheese. And for such a dessert, loved by both gourmets and ladies on a diet, caring primarily about the figure, there are several ways to avoid subsidence. All of them are based on the technique of preparation.


First, you should remember this rule once and for all: do not take out the baking immediately! Yes, this reason has already been indicated, but on it so often "come across" even experienced housewives, that it is not a sin to recall again. The temperature drop is serious. At the question of why the charlotte settles after baking, a cupcake or the same casserole - most likely, it was precisely this. Sometimes it's not even that the pastries were taken out - the dough most likely fell at the moment when the oven door was opened. So even with a little eye and even "look" is impossible!


If the curd casserant now and then falls down and I do not have it with me, you can experiment with the composition. The means for giving the culinary products a lot of: from soda, vinegar / citric acid, etc., which our grandmothers-great-grandmothers used, to the baking powder, which is supplied to the market by a multitude of manufacturers and sold in each kiosk. In essence, of course, in its composition, most likely it will be the same soda and the same citric acid. But if the landlady used to trust the purchased products - why not? After all, they also work. In addition, there is definitely less "trouble" with them. To think about when to add and how to "extinguish" the baking powder is not required. He will do everything himself.

Both soda and baking powder are an option for the most persistent, but it is very important to remember that with these products it is important not to overdo it. After all, in the end, baking will not just fall, but it will not rise, and besides it will be given by soda and ammonia (it sometimes happens as part of baking powder).

It's cold and hot.

There are two ways to make a biscuit. More precisely, the dough for him. Depending on what the hostess chooses, she will get this or that result.

It can not be said that some kind of guaranteed better, and another - worse. But the cold is suitable for ethereal-light rolls, friability which - not to face.

The hot one gives a dense result, besides, after it one does not have to wonder why the biscuit settles after baking - after all, this usually does not happen.

With this method, the dough is prepared in a water bath. It should be taken into account that many culinary specialists prefer the cold way - as it is easier, simpler and more understandable. But if the main thing is the result, it's good not to be too lazy and work hard to get the perfect biscuit that will not fall.

The Bread Question

What to do to prevent bread from falling off? Are there any subtleties in the preparation of this product, without which there is not a single meal, and which, as everyone knows, is "all over the head"? Definitely - yes.

The first reason why the bread settles after baking is the dough has stood up. Then it becomes more sensitive, and neatness does not save. If this happens - mix the dough again and put it again.

The second reason, because of which bread can "fall" unevenly, tubercles and be completely ugly - is an excess of flour or liquid. We return to the rule to prepare clearly according to the recipe and do not improvise.

That's all the secrets of why baking settles after baking.

Cook with pleasure!

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