BeautySkin care

Who did the shugaring on the face: reviews

Since ancient times, girls have paid special attention to the smoothness of their skin. A great popularity was obtained by sugar hair removal - shugaring. Some people have to tidy up not only the body, but also the face. But is it possible to use sugar on such a delicate part of the body? Consider which one gets the shugaring on the face reviews.

Why do women have facial hair?

If you scrutinize the skin of any girl's face, you can see an easy fluff. It is the norm, and you do not need to get rid of it. To resort to hair removal costs with intensive growth of dark and coarse hairs. The causes of their appearance can be serious problems:

  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Excessive maintenance of male hormones.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands and ovaries.

The following factors can also be a source of dense vegetation:

  • Heredity.
  • The intake of hormonal drugs and certain medicines.
  • Reorganization of the body (puberty, pregnancy, menopause).
  • Strong stress.

Whatever the reason, it is necessary to visit specialists to find out.

Shugaring method

Shugaring is a method of epilation, which is performed with the help of a viscous sugar paste. It is distributed over the skin and removed along with unwanted hairs. The method is hypoallergenic. The composition of the paste includes only sugar, water and citric acid. Some manufacturers add fragrances, but such a product for the face is not suitable.

Those who did shugaring on the face, the reviews leave positive. The procedure is relatively quick and gives a long-term result. Sugar epilation is also good because it can be done at home. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to the salon and leave a few thousand for services. It is enough to buy ready-made pasta or to weld it yourself. One half-kilogram jar costs around 500 rubles, but it lasts for several months.

Is it possible to do shugaring a person?

For a long time to get rid of the antennae, excess hairs from the chin and even make eyebrows correction with sugar at home - very tempting. But is it safe to slur on the face? The reviews of girls and craftsmen say that sugar epilation is the most suitable for this gentle area. This method does not damage the skin, but only removes the upper dead layer of the epithelium. Thanks to this, a kind of peeling is obtained, which becomes a good bonus to the procedure for getting rid of vegetation. Blades also injure the skin, thicken the hairs and enhance their growth. Therefore, shugaring is an excellent alternative to a razor.

Unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies and irritations will not be if you use a quality and suitable paste for the face. It should not contain essential oils and plant extracts. They are good only for other parts of the body. But the person is better not to take risks.

Advantages of sugar hair removal

Shugaring faces in women reviews are mostly rave. And it's not surprising - this procedure has so many positive moments!

  • Hairs do not grow from two weeks or more.
  • The skin is not irritated.
  • Vegetation softens over time, becomes smaller and easier to remove. In some cases disappears forever.
  • The remnants of the paste are easily removed compared to the melted wax.
  • Hair rarely grow into the skin.
  • Availability of ingredients for pasta.
  • Shugaring is also an easy peeling.
  • The minimum of contraindications.
  • A jar of cooked sugar can be stored for a very long time and even frozen.

Disadvantages of slouching

Like all methods of hair removal, shugaring has its drawbacks. First of all, women face a rather high cost for services, taking into account the salon procedures. You also need to be a little bit like vegetation, because the hairs are removed only from 4-5 millimeters.

What are the disadvantages, if the very house to do hair removal on the face of a shugaring? Reviews of girls often contain such information that the paste is very difficult to cook. And indeed it is. Sometimes you have to translate a lot of products before there is an ideal recipe. You also need to be able to determine the ready time so that the paste does not come out too soft or very hard.

In order not to experiment with cooking pasta, you can buy already prepared. Many girls come to this, decided on home hair removal. Without sufficient skill at the procedure can take a very long time.

Pain when epilation with sugar

Most methods of hair removal cause discomfort. Hairs break out from the root - hence the pain. However, the reviews of the girls assure that they will not have to endure for long. Strong discomfort will only be during the first procedures. If you do shugaring continuously without interruption to the razor, the follicles will be weakened and the hair will be easier to break out.

Most of the nerve endings are above the upper lip and in the bikini area. So this is the most painful zone. Despite this, great popularity is enjoyed by the person's shugaring. Reviews, photos (before and after), which the girls leave, convince that once a month you can and be patient for the sake of beauty. With excessive sensitivity, women successfully use special painkillers. They do not help only in isolated cases.

Techniques for conducting

If you decide on a home face hair removal, then first practice on the more "rough" parts of the body (for example, on the legs). When you get the necessary skill, go to the area of the lips and eyebrows. Hair removal with sugar passes in several steps:

  • Skin preparation. First, the epilated area needs to be disinfected. For this purpose, Miramistin or a cheaper variant, Chlorhexidine, is a good choice. After the hard-sweating zones, talc is applied so that the paste does not slip. Usually it is the armpits and the bikini zone. Gentle areas of the face can also be sprinkled if you are afraid of damaging them.
  • Depilation. The skin is stretched and a piece of warmed paste is applied to it. It is important to do this against hair growth. They wait a few seconds for sugar to "catch on". After a sharp jerk, tear off the paste against the growth of hair. Its nuances have shugaring on the face. Reviews of girls contain recommendations that it should be done with tiny stitches. In this case, you need to use two fingers or a small paper (fabric) strip with a bandage technique.
  • Completion. The remnants of the paste are removed with damp napkins. After that, you need to apply a disinfectant again. Optionally, you can use soothing lotion. But as the reviews show, redness and swelling quickly go off by themselves.

Selection of paste and method of hair removal

The most commonly used paste is medium hardness - it is considered universal for all areas of the body. If you have hot hands, then take a hard one. In the case of these types of paste, hair removal is carried out by a manual method. That is, you need to work with your hands. So you can reduce pain and save the product. But for beginners, it is often difficult to find a hard and medium pasta for shugaring. For the face (the reviews confirm this) the more delicate option is more suitable.

Experienced masters for eyebrows and tendrils recommend using only soft paste. Work with it is necessary in the bandage technique, which is much easier than manual. The point is that the paste is applied by a spatula on the skin with a thin layer, and a paper or fabric strip is applied from above. It breaks very easily together with sugar and hairs. The method is simpler, faster, but not economical. Sometimes instead of strips use one spatula.

Features of epilation of eyebrows and tendrils

These sites are very small, so you need to work with a paste the size of a pea. But even this advice does not always save you from mistakes. Women most often epilate eyebrows from masters, and not independently at home. There is a great chance to tear off excess hair and spoil the form. Therefore, many girls trust only professionals shugaring on the face. Reviews, photo results confirm this fact.

A few days before the procedure, it is recommended to do light peeling or daily scrubbing. It is necessary to purify the pores and remove dead cells, which interfere with the work. In turn, this is a good prevention of ingrown hairs. Before the epilation (if you do it at home), you can apply a warm compress with the broths of chamomile and St. John's wort - they will soothe the skin.

Facial after shugaring

When the procedure is completed, a slightly nourishing cream should be applied to the pro- peeled areas. For intensive moisturizing, girls use natural cream. If there is a strong reddening and peeling, then you need to treat the skin with such an antiseptic drug as "Rescuer". With irritations, they wash off the broths of chamomile, sage, oak bark and celandine.

Due to the failure to comply with the rules of hair removal has a variety of shugaring on the face of the reviews. At home, they should not be neglected, because the face is the most visible part of the body. What can not be done with the skin around the eyebrows or lips?

  • To comb at occurrence of an itch.
  • Wash with hot water or apply warm compresses.
  • Use cosmetics.
  • Sunbathe or visit the solarium.

To prevent ingrown hairs, you should use a scrub 1-2 times a week.


Girls and shugaring masters note that this kind of facial hair removal does not suit everyone. The procedure should be abandoned if you:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • Inflammations and sores on the skin.

It is also not recommended to epilate the face with sugar in hot weather. The risk of inflammation and the appearance of acne is great. But what is noteworthy, shugaring a person is allowed to do even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


It can be summed up that shugaring on the face of the reviews is mostly positive and is recommended for home conduct. This is an inexpensive and effective way to get rid of hairs, which is suitable for almost all women.

It is worth mentioning that she herself used Cleopatra herself. The method has existed for many millennia. Trust ads or remove facial hair in proven ways - choose you.

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