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Where in the washing machine to pour liquid powder: step by step instruction and features
Modern man, perhaps, can no longer imagine his life without home appliances. Almost every house has a washing machine. It greatly facilitates economic duties. For this miracle assistant, manufacturers constantly come up with new detergents for removing contaminants. When you come to the store, you can just get lost at such a variety of choices. And still need to figure out how to properly use a particular product. Let's talk, where in the washing machine to pour liquid powder, and what is this tool.
What is a liquid powder?
It is a gel-like remover. Sold in the form of water-soluble capsules or liquid in plastic bottles. Such a powder is very concentrated, so it takes very little to wash it.
What is special about the composition of a liquid powder?
Liquid powder has many advantages:
- Copes with different types of pollution.
- Perfectly rinsed out of the fabric.
- It dissolves well both in hot and cold water.
- Does not leave a divorce.
- Does not shed tissue.
- Softens the material.
- Convenient in storage. It can not be spilled. He will not get wet and will not turn into a ball.
- It has several applications. Therefore, the landlady give different advice on where to fill the washing machine with liquid powder.
When to use liquid powder?
This gel is perfect for daily gentle washing. It is also used in the event that you just need to give freshness to the laundry. But the liquid powder can not completely cope with the old and oily stains.
Determine the type of liquid powder
If in the drum of the washing machine you simultaneously put clothes from different fabrics, then you will need a universal liquid powder. For delicate material (guipure, lace, silk, chiffon, wool and other) use the target concentrate. Also on sale you can find special powders for denim and allergies. They do not contain phosphates, dyes, chlorine and all kinds of fragrances. The type of product does not at all affect where to fill the liquid powder in the washing machine.
On the shelves you can find concentrates of various colors. They can be blue, green, pink. Different palettes do not affect the efficiency of washing. The dye is added exclusively for the best emotional perception of the product.
What is the preferred capacity?
As already mentioned, liquid powder is available in several forms:
- In capsules . They Are good in that you do not need to open the container and measure the right amount of money with a glass. Just put them in the washing machine and select the desired mode. Capsules are similar to bags, but you do not need to open them. The shell itself will dissolve in water.
- In bottles. This is a classic option. Suitable for those who like something familiar and familiar. Usually there is a comfortable handle and a cap that can be used as a measuring cup. Most manufacturers began to make double lids with internal drain. Thanks to this, the gel remains drains back into the bottle, not on the floor, when you tighten the cap.
The question of where to fill and how to wash liquid powder of a particular species, we consider separately.
Pre-treatment with liquid powder
When clothes are heavily soiled, sometimes it needs to be pretreated. This is especially true of a liquid powder that does not fully cope with this task. Take a little concentrated product and apply to contaminated areas. Water does not need to be diluted. After 20 minutes, you can start the usual washing. Some landladies do not bother with the allocation of funds on the stains. When a prewash is needed, they add liquid laundry detergent directly into the machine.
Where to fill the concentrated gel?
The place of loading of the liquid powder will depend on its consistency and the type of container. Dissolve the capsules directly into the drum, and lay the laundry on top. A very thick and dense gel of bottles is poured into a special dispensing cap. It is poured on clothes. For a means of inviscid consistency, a compartment is suitable. There are several of them, so it becomes not entirely clear where to put liquid powder in the washing machine.
We are sorting out the compartments
Ultra-modern models of washing machines are already equipped with a special compartment for liquid powder. For this, the same old models are suitable, for which the detergent tray has 3 cells. The number two or the letter "B" indicates the compartment for the main wash. Usually it is the largest and the largest. Here it is just recommended to pour liquid powder. The cell with the number "one" or the letter "A" is intended for soaking. In it, too, you can pour liquid powder, if you need a preliminary wash.
Compartment with a flower or an asterisk is used for the conditioner and rinse aid. If you do not have a softener for linen, then you can replace it with liquid powder. But this will be unreasonable consumption of concentrated gel, because it is more expensive than its loose counterparts. Therefore, the liquid powder should be poured into the main compartment. After washing, the laundry will be so soft. Let's talk a little more about the washing machine and liquid powder. After all, there are a few more nuances that are worth considering.
Dosage of liquid powder
Since the gel is highly concentrated, one or two tablespoons of the drug are sufficient to wash 5 kilograms of laundry in 50 liters of water. More precise recommendations on the dosage of liquid powder each manufacturer indicates on the label.
Whether to add the conditioner for aroma?
If you wash with liquid powder, then, as we found out, the rinse aid cell can and should be left empty. If it is important for you that after washing the clothes smell, then just get a gel with some flavor. Liquid odorless powders are also commercially available.
We set the wash temperature
Liquid powder is perfectly soluble in cold water. But the remedy effectively starts at a temperature of 30 to 60 degrees. Exceeding this indicator will break the composition of the concentrated gel. Choose yourself where to put liquid powder in the washing machine. But before that, be sure to read the instructions or ask the manufacturer. After all, there are models that exclude the use of such a gel.
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