News and SocietyJournalism

Ignored Veterans' Picket of Afghanistan 04.11.2011г.

4 November 2011 In Rostov-on-Don on the street. University picket in front of the Don State Public Library hosted a picket of veterans of military operations in Afghanistan.

The picket organized by the Rostov organization of the Russian Union of Afghan Veterans was more than symbolical on the Day of National Unity, on one of the posters of the picketers it was written: "To live on the Don veterans without questions - THE SHADOW OF DENIAL CHIEFS OF " UNIFORMS! " .

It is known that this is not the first picket of the Rostov veterans of Afghanistan. This year on 11.02.2011. Immediately after the end of the picket, the veterans of the hostilities announced an indefinite hunger strike. But the hunger strike was not the first.

Once again, veterans go to the picket to defend their rights, draw public attention to their problems, which in fact are problems of the whole society. Judging by the content of the posters, people are tired of being "fed with endless promises". Otherwise, how to explain the poster:


On the same day, November 4, more than 5 thousand Rostovites and residents of the region gathered for the celebration of the Day of National Unity. They are unanimous
Supported the course of "United Russia".

There were loud words about the fact that United Russia makes life
Russians are better. And the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev spoke about veterans, that "United Russia" does everything necessary for them and their children.

However, all these words of "United Russia" refute the pickets of Afghans throughout

People are used to the endless promises of officials "ALL GOOD". Not many people who
Generally notices that these promises are being fulfilled and what is not. Only the same
Afghans who need state support, and they deserve it. Besides
Moreover, our people, whose life they allegedly did better, are so busy with survival that
Became indifferent to anything happening in the country. Past the picket of veterans
Most of the people passed by without paying
Attention to a modest group of people standing with placards.

But under the banner of "United Russia" there were crowds, believing the next promises!

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