
When to plant zucchini for seedlings? Seedlings of courgettes at home

Zucchini can be called the most favorite vegetable both among culinary experts and among gardeners. The unpretentiousness of this culture makes its cultivation accessible even among beginners. But in order to collect a rich harvest of zucchini, you need to make some effort. Like any plant, this vegetable loves care and care. Growing zucchini seedlings at home will please you with good fruits all summer. Let's talk about the ways of growing, selecting seeds and caring for plants.

Benefits of zucchini

What do zucchini like? First, it's delicious. You can cook many wonderful dishes from them and make preparations for the winter. Secondly, it is useful. Courgettes contain many vitamins and trace elements. They include potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The use of zucchini leads to the purification of the body and to its strengthening. This vegetable is recommended for dietary and baby food. Squash is used even in cosmetology. In addition, the fruits of this plant can be stored for a very long time, while preserving all their useful qualities.

Varieties of courgettes

To grow a rich harvest, you need to know which varieties to choose. In each region, benefits can be given to different species. But there are some that are successfully cultivated practically throughout the entire country. Which varieties of zucchini it is better to plant? Everything depends on the result you expect from the future harvest. The early cultivators include the Tsukesh variety, which has been familiar to many truck farmers for a long time, as well as the White Swan, Zebru, Gribovsky 37, Zolotinku, Rolik, Helen, Skvorushka, Waterfall, Odessa 52 and some others. By planting them, you can count on an earlier collection of fruits. Medium-ripening varieties are Nephrite, Black handsome and Macaroni. And, finally, the plants that give a later harvest are Longfruit and Nut. Modern selection has allowed to bring out new varieties. They allow harvesting during the summer until late autumn.

Zucchini courgettes

Separately want to talk about zucchini squash. Their fruits have a slightly elongated shape and a dark green color. That color is their main difference from ordinary zucchini. On average, one zucchini fruit can weigh from 1 to 1.5 kilograms. Such varieties include Tsukeshu, Zebru and Aeronaut. The latter variety is distinguished by early harvests. Already on the 47th day after the shoots, the first harvest of fruits takes place. By the taste of zucchini is not much different from simple zucchini. However, many are preferred to them. When choosing which varieties of zucchini is best planted, be guided by proven species recommended by experienced truck farmers. Take into account all the features of the local climate. But do not forget about the novelties of breeding, which can be more optimal for planting.

Planting time of courgettes

When to plant zucchini for seedlings? This question is asked by all inexperienced truck farmers. It is necessary to choose the right period for plants to be planted in open ground at the most appropriate time. Errors in agricultural technology can lead to a delay in development and poor harvest. Usually planting zucchini for seedlings is carried out from mid-March to mid-May. Everything depends on the climatic conditions of the region. After 25-30 days, the seedlings will need to be planted in the open ground. Therefore, it is easy to calculate when to plant zucchini on seedlings. The average time to land in the open ground is from the end of May to the middle of June. Later, this should not be done, since the plant will not have time to gain full strength.

Germination of seeds

The first thing to do is to germinate the seeds. Such a process is not mandatory, but improves the quality of seedlings and increases the germination rate. Choose a delicious variety of courgettes and put the seeds in any not very deep container. At the bottom put cotton or plain toilet paper. From above also close the seeds with any of these materials and moisten them with water. It must be ensured that they do not wither. After a while, the seeds will swell and sprouts will appear. We do not remove the sprouted grains, but the rest is prepared for planting. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to soak them for several hours in a weak solution of manganese.

Container for planting

Sowing of zucchini seeds is carried out both in closed, as in open ground. For growing seedlings it is better to use separate containers for each grain. These can be peat cups, which are very convenient, since they do not require subsequent removal during planting. Zucchini, like other plants of this family, do not like transplanting. Therefore, they should be worried as little as possible during this event. Planting zucchini in seedlings can be carried out in small paper cups, cardboard packaging from milk and other containers. As practice shows, experienced truck farmers find a lot of cheap tools at hand.

Soil for planting

Seedlings zucchini at home does not require a special soil composition. This should be fertile soil, which can be purchased in specialized stores. You can prepare the land for planting yourself. To do this, take six parts of peat and mix it with two parts of humus and turf. One part of sawdust is added to them. To make the mixture more saturated with useful substances, it is mixed (on a bucket) half a glass of ash, 5 grams of saltpeter or urea, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate. Now the soil is ready for growing seedlings.

Planting seeds in pots

If you have decided when to plant zucchini for seedlings, then you can proceed to this process. Fill cups with prepared nutrient soil. Then we spill them with hot water or a weak solution of manganese. Sprouted seeds are laid to a depth of about 2-3 centimeters. It is necessary that the sprout was directed downward. On top of the seed fall asleep on the ground. The optimal temperature for emergence is about 18-25 degrees. After the appearance of sprouts, it can be reduced to 15-20 degrees. Seedlings require a lot of light. With its lack, it will become too long and weak.

Watering of seedlings

How much and when to water zucchini? Seedlings, the cultivation of which is not difficult, requires moisture as needed. It must be ensured that the top layer of the soil does not dry up. Young plants are very tender and will not suffer sharp changes in conditions of detention. For watering use water at room temperature. Too much waterlog does not need plants. Everything should be in moderation. Sprinkling of seedlings does not require. Loosen the top layer, too, should not, so as not to damage the tender, young shoots.

Top dressing

Do you need to fertilize zucchini? Seedlings, the cultivation and care of which does not require much effort, needs fertilizers. The first time they should be added about 10 days after the appearance of sprouts. The solution is prepared from a weak Mullein infusion. Make about 50 milligrams for each plant. Also use a solution of urea (half a small spoon per liter) or a "Buton" (2 grams per liter of water). As a top dressing, you can also use any growth stimulants, which are sold in a large number in specialized stores. Carefully read the instructions and follow its instructions. After 10 days, you can re-fertilize. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves the plant can be planted. Seeds of zucchini in the open ground are sown when the soil warms up fairly well. But it is better to use the method of growing seedlings.

Selecting a landing site

Courgettes love the sun. Therefore, for growing outdoors, windless, sunny areas are best. After planting, courgettes are returned to their original place only after 3-4 years. The best predecessors for this culture are legumes, potatoes, some cabbage (white and colored), garlic and onions. After cucumbers, squash and pumpkin squash it is better not to plant. Knowing all the subtleties, when you plant zucchini on the seedlings, how to care for them and plant them in the open ground, you can grow a rich harvest.

Preparing the land for disembarkation

Preparatory work begins long before the zucchini is planted on seedlings, when it is too early to sow, and the land needs to be prepared. Since autumn the plot is fertilized with manure or compost from the calculation of a bucket per square meter of land. Also superphosphate (30-35 g per square meter) and potash fertilizers (15-20 g per square meter) are introduced. Then the site is dug and left until the early spring. After the snow has melted, the ground is loosened lightly, 15-20 grams of ammonium nitrate are poured into 1 square meter and digged. If the soil is sandy, then add dry clay and sawdust. If the soil is clayey, river sand, manure or humus is applied.

How to plant

We found out how to plant zucchini on seedlings, when to sow and how to care. But no less important is their landing in the open ground. It is important that the efforts expended before are not wasted. Zucchini are large plants that grow during the summer period, so they are planted at a sufficient distance. Between the rows should be left about one and a half meters, and between the bushes of seedlings - about one. Before planting, add organic fertilizer to each well. We take it about one tablespoon and mix it with the ground. You can use ready-made substrates that are sold in specialized stores. Also add a solution of "Agricola-5" (tablespoon per bucket of water). We pour on a liter in each hole.

Planting seedlings better to spend in the morning, in cloudy weather. If the sun is shining, then it is better to postpone this procedure for the evening. Seedlings are planted together with peat cups, without damaging their integrity. Deepen the plants to the first leaves. If the cold snap is still expected, then a temporary greenhouse should be made. In the first days after planting, loosening of the soil can be carried out.

Care for courgettes

With proper care of plants, you can count on getting good harvests. Courgettes do not require complex agrotechnical techniques. It is necessary to remove the weeds and loosen the soil in time. Water these vegetables with warm water. More plants require moisture during the ripening period. Once a week, you can feed zucchini with a mixture of urea (1 kg), potassium sulfate (1 kg), nitrophos (6 kg), magnesium sulfate (1 kg) and boric acid (15 grams). You can also use a solution of mullein or bird droppings. Large leaves must be removed. Carry out timely harvesting so that the plant has the opportunity to form new fruits.

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