Education, Languages
When to Begin Learning English?
Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of not attending English courses in childhood, and then regret it after many years - in fact, as a child, memory is not yet full of bookkeeping, important meetings, meetings. In childhood it is much easier to remember English words and build sentences.
Surely, very few people from your environment speak foreign languages, especially English, and it is more difficult than their counterparts - for example, German or French. In Russia, from Vladivostok to Novosibirsk, any language is studied in all schools, more often English, but the quality of the taught language in public schools is much inferior to the language taught in private schools and even more language that is studied in English courses and studied globally, for Subsequent free communication on it.
Another reason why English is difficult to learn in Russia is that Russian and English have no common features. The German is much easier to learn English, because these are two related languages, with similar characteristics.
We come to the conclusion that English is extremely important . Especially in our time - the time of information technology. Where do you start learning this language? In the English language courses , you will be told (and they will not say in vain) that it will be more rational to choose the level at which you will study English, most often the training price depends on it. But it is important to know English both spoken and grammar of this language. It is important that a system or training schedule is developed that does not allow you to relax, but does not overload you. In addition to this, the system of maintaining knowledge is important, allowing you not to forget the material you have covered. The main thing to remember is that there are no incapable people, there are inefficient methods and incorrect approaches to the learning process. It is necessary to choose real professionals who have lived quite a lot of time in English-speaking countries.
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