HealthDiseases and Conditions

When the knee is aching. Osteoarthritis: signs, symptoms and methods of treatment

To date, there are a lot of diseases that affect the joints of a person. The knee joint is most often affected , the arthrosis of which is diagnosed in a number of cases. It should be noted that its development is provoked by excessive stress on the knee, while women suffer from joint disease almost twice as often as men. For the first time arthrosis was diagnosed almost a hundred years ago, in people this disease is called the deposition of salts. Its main feature is slow progression, beginning with a violation of blood circulation in the vessels and leading to changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint.

Signs of arthrosis of the knee joint

The development of the disease affecting the knee joint (arthrosis) is possible first of all in those people who professionally engage in sports, and whose main activity is connected with carrying out on the feet of most of the working day.

The disease begins to manifest itself following symptoms:

  • Appearance of aching pain, becoming stronger during a load on the joint or when trying to climb up the stairs.
  • Appearance of an ache and a crunch, at first weak, then without treatment amplifying. The ache occurs after hypothermia.
  • The appearance of swelling in the joint, which is noted not only during arthrosis, but also with arthritis. At the same time, it is very noticeable visually and gives a person a feeling of discomfort. However, only in case of an exacerbation the knee joint swells up, the arthrosis of which is accompanied by aching pains.

Methods of treatment of arthrosis

Based on medical recommendations, you need to limit the burden on the affected knee. Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint is necessary, because thanks to special exercises it is possible to preserve joint mobility.

Prescribe and medicines for arthrosis of the knee joint to relieve pain: apply analgesics and special ointments, as well as non-steroid drugs that have anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the adoption of chondroprotectors for a long time is recommended, since they contribute to the improvement of the state of the cartilaginous tissue.

However, it happens that drug treatment in conjunction with therapeutic physical education does not give the expected results, so we have to resort to surgical intervention - arthroscopy, during which the joint is washed and the damaged elements are removed. If the disease is started, then in this case only endoprosthetics help, thanks to which a person does not lose his motor functions.

Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, when the knee joint is affected, arthrosis can if not completely cured, then prevent the occurrence of consequences. Therefore, experts recommend performing different exercises, only not those that involve squats or are performed while kneeling. Classes should be held regularly, because with them you can stop the progression of the disease.

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