HealthDiseases and Conditions

Increased salivation: causes in adults, symptoms and treatment

Hypersalivation is a pathological condition characterized by an increase in the secretion of the salivary glands. Thus, in children under the age of six months, this increased salivation is considered normal and does not require any special treatment. On the other hand, hypersalivation in adults is a fairly serious disease, which not only worsens the quality of life, but also brings discomfort. In this article, we will consider this pathology in more detail.

general information

Salivation is known to be a normal process. So, every 10 minutes, approximately 2 mg of saliva is released. However, in some cases, there may be a so-called hypersalivation.

In the people, this pathology is known as increased salivation. Causes in adults can be very different, ranging from oral diseases and ending with serious neurological disorders.

It is also important to note that some patients perceive a normal amount of saliva for increased. Most often this is due to a violation of the swallowing function. In this case, a person simply can not completely swallow saliva, and it constantly accumulates in the oral cavity. In fact, there is no need to talk about serious pathology. Doctors call such hypersalivation false.

Primary symptoms

Saliva is constantly produced by special glands. Therapeutic norm is the production of a liquid in the amount of 2 ml in approximately ten minutes. Increased salivation in adults can be alarmed only when the volumes exceed the 5 ml mark. In this case, too much fluid is observed in the mouth, so there is a reflex desire to swallow it.

Quite often, doctors associate this problem with the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, various traumas of the tongue. Thus the sensation of an abundance of a liquid is false, as salivation is within the limits of norm.

The same sensations, not justified by a violation of the function of the glands in the oral cavity, may occur in patients who are not suffering from neurological or dental problems, but who are subject to so-called obsessive states.

It is rare that hypersalivation is accompanied by a change in taste sensations (too strong or weak sensitivity). Some patients experience increased salivation and nausea at the same time.

Why does this pathology occur?

In a healthy person, saliva is secreted as a response to the aroma of food, taste analyzers have nerve endings and on the oral mucosa. The maximum irritation causes, respectively, abundant salivation. For example, the smell is more pleasant, the faster the appetite flares up. The gastrointestinal tract thus reports that it is ready for "work."

Salivary glands, as is known, function constantly. They are designed to moisturize the mouth, protect the tongue, tonsils and nasopharynx from drying out. For one day only about two liters of liquid are produced. Reduction of these volumes, as a rule, is observed in a dream, with dehydration of the body and during stress.

Why is salivation increased in adults? Main reasons

  • Intoxication of the body. It is the poisoning is most often the main provoking factor that causes the development of this pathology. In this case, the age of the patient does not play a special role. Poisoning can be either food, alcohol or medication.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers - these are the diseases that are the main factors in the appearance of such problems as increased salivation.
  • Causes in adults in the development of this kind of pathology are often hidden in the admission of certain groups of drugs. In the composition of medicines there are many substances that lead to hypersalivation. To exclude the given reason, it is necessary to correct a dose of a preparation or to pick up other agent.
  • Regular stressful situations, diseases of the central nervous system, mental disorders. In this case, there is a weakening of the muscles that take part in the swallowing process. As a result, fluid constantly accumulates in the oral cavity.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • Worms.
  • Diseases of the mouth (ulcerative stomatitis).
  • Foreign bodies in the oral cavity (incorrectly installed dentures, braces, chewing gums). All these items constantly irritate the nerve endings of the oral mucosa, provoking increased salivation.
  • Symptoms of this pathology are very often manifested with endocrine diseases. For example, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, tumors - all these problems cause increased secretion of the salivary glands.
  • Smoking. Active smokers in reality very often have to deal with this pathology. Because of the constant irritation with the nicotine of the oral cavity, the salivary glands begin to reflexively produce more secretions.

What is the relationship between hypersalivation in children?

It should be noted that in the first year of life of the child this pathology is not considered to be any serious disease requiring treatment. Increased salivation in the baby is a normal process. In this case, the so-called unconditioned reflex factor comes to the fore.

With the eruption of the very first teeth, excessive saliva secretion is also not considered a disease and does not require surgical intervention.

It is important to note that older children should not suffer from hypersalivation. If the problem still exists, it is extremely important to consult a specialist.

At about three months, the baby begins to work salivary glands. It is at this time that parents, as a rule, notice a strong salivation. However, there is no need to panic for no reason, since a baby takes some time to learn how to swallow independently.

Hypersalivation in infants is often part of the work of a protective system. The thing is that along with the flowing fluid from the mouth, various bacteria are excreted.

Rarely, excessive salivation is a sign of a defeat directly to the brain itself, which could have occurred even in the perinatal period.

Types of disease

  • Drug hypersalivation. Most medicines (for example, "Nitrazepam"), which influence drooling, provoke the development of xerostomia.
  • Psychogenic form of the disease, which also entails increased salivation. Causes in adults, leading to the development of this pathology, remain unknown. Sometimes salivation becomes so profuse that patients have to constantly carry a handkerchief with them.
  • Hypersalivation with bulbar or pseudobulbar syndrome. Saliva, as a rule, is dense, and its volumes can be up to 900 ml per day.
  • Abundant salivation in patients with cerebral palsy is explained by a violation of the work of the oral muscles.

Increased salivation during pregnancy

As you know, the body of a woman during the bearing of the baby undergoes various changes, including at the hormonal level. According to experts, it is at an early date, many women note the primary signs of hypersalivation.

Most often this problem accompanies toxicosis. It is important to note that in some cases, hypersalivation is not associated with the real activation of the salivary glands. The thing is that a woman is constantly trying to suppress seizures of nausea and vomiting, thereby she begins to swallow involuntarily less often. As a consequence, there is a feeling that the saliva is actually more than it should be.

Often increased salivation during pregnancy is somewhat aggravated by attacks of heartburn. In this case, the body conditionally receives a signal to soften the acid with saliva, which, due to the high content of bicarbonate, is considered to be an alkaline medium.

Sometimes hypersalivation occurs due to the same factors as ordinary adults. In this situation, pregnant women are advised to report this to the doctor, in order to exclude the obvious causes of the problem.

Strong night hypersalivation

During sleep, as is known, the work of the glands responsible for the production of saliva slows down somewhat. However, it also happens that the secret begins to be developed before the person finally wakes up. All this entails spontaneous flow of fluid from the mouth of a sleeping person.

If such cases are rare, then there is no reason to worry. However, regular repetition of this problem requires consultation with a specialist.

Doctors say that in some cases during sleep, the body loses control over the reflexes. This also leads to increased salivation.

Hypersalivation can occur due to some diseases in which there is congestion of the nose (acute respiratory viral infection, influenza). As a rule, increased salivation occurs after the final disappearance of the main cause - shortness of breath.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis in this case implies the following steps:

  1. Collecting a complete history (when there were primary symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.).
  2. The analysis of ability to live. The thing is that the hereditary factor often plays a primary role in the occurrence of such a pathology as increased salivation. Causes in adults are often hidden in the abuse of harmful habits (for example, smoking).
  3. A detailed examination of the oral cavity for ulcers or other lesions of the mucosa.
  4. Enzymatic analysis of the saliva itself.
  5. Additional examination by a dentist, psychiatrist and neurologist to identify possible indirect causes.

What should be the treatment?

The appointment of therapy can be said only after the final detection of the cause, which has served to develop hypersalivation. In the first place, you need to seek advice from a therapist. He will be able to recommend a specialist after examination and collection of anamnesis.

Depending on the underlying cause, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. In this case, not eliminating hypersalivation itself, but the main factor that provoked its development is eliminated. It can be dental, neurological or gastroenterological treatment.

How to get rid of increased salivation? In particularly critical situations, as a rule, specific therapy is prescribed, acting directly on the salivation itself, namely:

  • Reception holinoliticheskih preparations ("Riabal", "Scopolamine", "Platifillin"). These drugs suppress the excessive secretion of saliva.
  • Removal of glands (this method often entails a disruption of the facial nerves).
  • With neurological disorders, a face massage and exercise therapy are prescribed.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Cryotherapy (cold treatment).
  • In order to block excessive saliva production for a while (up to one year), Botox injections are performed.

In addition to all the above medicines, homeopathic variants are often used. However, they are appointed exclusively after consultation with a doctor.

Useful recommendations

If the diagnostic examination does not reveal any significant violations, you can try to use the recommendations below.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all the sharp, fatty and salty dishes, as they provoke irritation of the oral mucosa. The thing is that many complain of increased salivation after eating. Such limitations can help in solving this problem.

It is extremely important to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. As a preventive measure, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark. These funds act as antiseptics and prevent the development of this pathology.

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