
What is "VKontakte" statistics?

Social networks have appeared because people are naturally curious, they are interested in how others live: friends, classmates and colleagues. But most of all everyone is interested in their own personality and, accordingly, their own page. Many of those who use social networks are interested in how popular their page is, and here, when compared with other popular networks, VKontakte was a loser, as it was impossible to trace how many people were viewing your page. After the statistics "VKontakte" appeared, the situation changed a little.

How to get information about visiting your page

In order to know how many users visited your page, you need to observe one basic condition - you must have at least one hundred subscribers. After that, the service will be provided to you automatically. It appears in the left menu.

If you still do not have the statistics of the "VKontakte" page, although this condition is met, then you need to go to, where after the sign it is necessary to substitute the number of your page .

Where to get the number of your page

Very many changed the numbers that were previously in the link to the page, to letters. In the reference above, it is necessary to substitute the original value. Statistics "In Contact", if you enter incorrect data, will not appear. It's easiest to find the page number using the settings menu. To do this, find "My Settings" in the left column and go to this tab. Scroll the page that appears to the bottom - and in the third section from the bottom you will see the number of your page, and you need to substitute it for the link.

What the "VKontakte" statistics display

First of all you will see the schedule of attendance of your page. In it you can see two lines: unique users and views. The first means that another person came in and viewed information from your page. Views mean that a record or a photo the user received via the "My News" tab. The data is updated every 24 hours.

In general, the data that is available through this service are like those provided by the statistics of the "VKontakte" group. Below the schedule of visits and views you can find such characteristics as:

  • Sex and age;
  • a country;
  • city;
  • From which devices you visit your page;
  • Change of subscribers.

If you want to make your page popular and, perhaps, even earn, then all this information will be very interesting to you. There are several programs with which you can increase the number of subscribers artificially. This is enough to get statistics, but you will not get popularity. To the view tab was not empty, as it usually happens with ordinary pages, you need to post interesting entries, photos and other content.
It is important to find subscribers yourself. To do this, it is necessary to leave comments in public, groups. If you are interested, then the statistics "VKontakte" will improve. Your statements should be original and attractive for this. Popularity is easy both to win and lose. The statistics of the "VKontakte" groups with which you interact also affect your success.

What does not appear in the visit data

Many of us would like to have introduced guest statistics "VKontakte", which would display not only the number of visits, but also disclose the identity of those who view your profile. This service is not available and is not yet expected, because this is the difference between this social network and others.

Many users are looking for alternative ways to find out about page visits and are often driven by tricks of scammers who distribute applications that allegedly reveal a secret about visitors. At best, you will receive an application that will display inaccurate data, and at worst - require you to deposit a certain amount into your account or send SMS (in which case it should be deleted) or hack your page. In the latter case, you will need to restore access and change the password. This is easy to do if you have a mobile phone attached to the page.

Another type of application offers placing on its page links-traps to extraneous services. It can also be referred to as doubtful and unreliable. After all, it is not known whether a person will go by reference and will not damage it to his computer. In this case, you can become the culprit of infecting someone else's PC or device with a virus.

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