
What is treason? This is dissatisfaction

What is treason? Do I have to forgive her? Or is it worth forever to break the relationship? What to do to never face this phenomenon? There are many more questions, disturbing and young girls, and women of a piquant age. You can answer these questions, but first you have to understand what the word "treason" in Russian means.

The dictionaries say that treason is the non-observance of contractual obligations. These obligations can be written (oath, contracts, marriage certificate , etc.) or oral.

It is for such an interpretation of the word that some amateurs cling to the strangers' bed. "I did not promise her anything," says inexperienced Casanova and cheating on her girlfriend and her girlfriend.

This, unconditionally, is treason, and this is undoubtedly bad. It is not necessary to make vows out loud. Simply we, ladies, believe that if the relationship with the partner lasts long, if a man lets us know how we like him, at last, if we sleep with him, then it obliges him to be faithful. We hope that if the partner thinks differently, at least he will warn about it, explain his point of view.

What is treason? A disgusting act. Its consequences are quarrels, tears, sometimes nervous breakdowns and the formation of a sustainable notion that "all men are theirs ...", and "all women are su ...".

Is it so? Incidentally, cheating a guy is as common as cheating a girl. The statistics are disappointing. But does the fact of betrayal tell us that a partner or partner is a disgusting person? Not always.

To answer the question of what treason is, how to avoid it, you need to understand the reasons for this act.

There is an opinion that there are many reasons for treason. This is partly true. Partly, because in the formulation of any excuse there is the word "dissatisfaction". On betrayal pushes dissatisfaction with sexual life, lack of attention, uncertainty in the future. Change provokes dissatisfaction with relations, frequent and major quarrels. Treason of men can demonstrate their insecurity in themselves.

Scientists of all countries came to the conclusion that if both partners respect each other, if they are satisfied with their sex life and way of life (believe me, this is important!), If they are able to listen and understand each other, the risk of betrayal in such pairs is rapidly approaching To zero.

Should we forgive betrayal or should we immediately break off relations? Each person should find the answer for himself. But before making a decision, try to get deeply into the situation, to find the reason that pushed your half for treason.

By the nature of my work, I talked a lot with men on this topic, which worries them no less than women. And here's what conclusions I came to.

Many men, feeling their underestimation in the relationship, try to assert themselves on the side. The more beds they visited, the more courageous they become in their own eyes.

Others justify their betrayal by a sense of duty. Love has passed, they say, I passionately fell in love with another, but I will not leave my wife, because we lived with her for a long time (there are children). This is also an empty excuse, which often indicates that a man is not able to make decisions. The fact that he is hurting both ladies, this macho just does not think.

Of course, this behavior is disgusting. But, dear ladies, remember how long ago you praised your husband (boyfriend, partner, gentleman, boyfriend)? How often do you have a "headache" in the most intimate moments? How long have you shown your tenderness, arranged a half pleasant surprises? Perhaps, too often, from a loving wife, a skilled housewife and faithful friend, you become a "grymzu", a "saw" or a "meager"?

Dear men, remember, did not you replace your wife's job? Do not you often neglect your girlfriend, flirting with others?

Think about your behavior, try to correct it, and then you do not have to look for an answer to the question about what is treason. You simply will never encounter such a concept. Love, be faithful and happy.

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