Health, Medicine
What is the smoker's bronchitis and how to get rid of it?
The most recognizable symptom of bronchitis is a cough with wheezing and departing phlegm, such a cough is very easy to write off for a cold. Nevertheless, if you carefully treat yourself, you can determine what is actually caused by the disease and recognize the smoker's bronchitis. Inhaled smoke contains not only nicotine, but also all kinds of resins, solid particles, other combustion products. All this settles on the bronchi, clogs the airways, and the body, of course, tries to get rid of pollutants. As a protective measure, the body can increase the production of mucus, which is designed to precipitate harmful substances, and coughing is only a mechanical removal of sediment from the lungs. Thus, the smoker's bronchitis is aggravated by the fact that even with a severe form of the disease, a person suffering from a violent cough does not stop smoking.
If the body tries to get rid of the effects of the inhalation of smoke, the constant addition of an irritating factor to the bronchi and lungs reduces all its efforts to zero. The best way to cure is complete cessation of smoking, then there are all chances to quickly get rid of such an adversity as a smoker's bronchitis. Treatment with the condition of continuing close communication with tobacco is also possible, but can continue with varying success for years, and recovery is not always guaranteed. According to experts, it is possible to treat only symptomatology, facilitating the general situation.
In order to facilitate the smoker's bronchitis, expectorants are used that help the body cope with the function of getting the bronchi from sputum and tobacco smoke. It can be tablets, medicines, inhalation of medicinal preparations. Also, treatment for bronchitis can include a variety of breathing practices. It is noticed that yoga is very beneficial for the respiratory tract. If we consider that the diseases of the bronchi and lungs associated with smoking cause a general decline in strength, then yoga can be considered also the best physical exercises that a smoker can afford. However, giving up a bad habit will bring a much better result.
If the smoker's bronchitis is a residual phenomenon after giving up tobacco, then the body can be helped in an early adaptation. A remarkable result brings a trip to the resort, where as a therapeutic means are prescribed walks along the seacoast or on the coniferous forest. Well, if the climate allows you to combine the beneficial effects of sea air and coniferous phytoncides. Significant improvement in the bronchial state occurs by the end of the first month after quitting.
Symptoms associated with bronchitis include shortness of breath, nasal congestion, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure. All these phenomena are closely interrelated and exacerbate each other. About six months after cessation of smoking, you can assume that you said goodbye to dangerous symptoms - there is a sense of permanent nasal congestion, the cough of the smoker ceases, the lungs and bronchi recover. After six months, the state of the body improves to such an extent that there is a desire for active pastime, physical activity, you can get enough sleep in less time. Pulmonologists emphasize the attention of smokers on the only correct means for effective cure for bronchitis is to throw cigarettes or smoking tobacco in any other way as quickly and forever. In addition, passive smoking should be avoided , for former smokers it may be more dangerous.
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