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What is the difference between spruce and pine? Description of trees, species and varieties

Coniferous trees grow almost everywhere, including both warm and cold regions. In some areas, representatives of this family prevail over other plant species. The most famous of them are fir, spruce, pine, cedar, juniper, cypress, larch, yew and sequoia. Basically it is tall trees, but there are also dwarfish representatives of them, and shrubs. In our latitudes conifers are widely distributed, but not everyone knows, for example, what distinguishes spruce from pine.

Features of these trees

All representatives of gymnosperms combine the method of reproduction with cones. This species is called so because their seeds are located directly on scales of cones. Another feature of these trees is that they have needles instead of leaves. It is an adaptive function developed during adaptation to cold conditions of existence. Coniferous trees have the shape of a cone, often grow very high, and their needles do not shed their winters. These are common features of all representatives of this species.

A very important quality is also the composition of wood, which is enriched with such important components as esters, resins and microelements, which give these trees a special value. They use it in the manufacture of various types of products, ranging from clothing and paper products to upscale furniture, for the production of which the best representatives of the forest are selected.

Spruce and Pine

These are the most common representatives of gymnosperms. Peacefully existing in a coniferous kingdom, trees spruce and pine have a fragrant aroma and elegant form, standing out against the general background. It is these coniferous plants that are found in every city, in forests, used as raw materials for making paper, furniture, for construction. They devoted a lot of poetry and songs, in all countries there is a custom to build a Christmas tree for the New Year. The needles and resin of these trees are also used in medicine and cosmetology.

Spruce: short description

This is a very beautiful pine tree with a pyramidal shape. In the first 15 years, spruce is considered a young tree and has a simple root of the core structure. Then, in the process of development, it becomes more branched and the main root dies off as unnecessary. On the surface there is an identical situation, over time the tree grows exceptionally upwards, not giving lateral shoots.

The trunk covers the scaly layers of the gray bark. The saw cut at the light-colored spruce with a light golden hue, practically does not emit resin, the structure is homogeneous. The form of spruce needles differs in conical structure. A complete renewal of the coniferous crown occurs for 6 years. Places left without spines are covered with fresh vegetation in the coming year.

Considering cones of different coniferous trees, one can understand the difference between spruce and pine. On closer examination, one can note a cylindrical shape and a slight sharpness. The peculiarity of cones of spruce is also that they hang down.

Types of Spruce

For a more detailed examination of the characteristics of these trees, it is worth mentioning the blue spruce. This beautiful plant is used for decorative planting. The height of an adult tree can reach 50 meters. True, there are often instances of no more than 25-30 meters with a trunk diameter of 1.5 meters. Needles ate initially take on a conical shape, then, expanding, become cylindrical. The length of the needles does not exceed 3 cm, and cones of blue spruce in length can grow up to 11 cm, taking shades from reddish to violet.

Glen's fir-tree is an original tree with an unpainted crown. In height, it reaches about 30 m, while the diameter of the trunk varies from 60-80 cm. Japanese, Kurile Islands, and also some regions of Sakhalin are the main place of growth of this interesting species. Looking at this tree, you can accurately understand the difference between spruce and pine. Mainly, this is the shape of the needles and the length of the needles, which does not exceed 3 cm. To this can be added the structure of the bark and wood.

Pine tree: brief description

Pine is a centuries-old tree, and its age can range from 100 to 600 years. There are subspecies of this plant as shrubs, trees or stlans. Currently, only a few specimens are known to have survived to a mark of 500 years. The height of the pine can reach 75 meters, and its base - a width of 4 meters. Prefering the average humidity of the air, this tree in a wetland does not exceed 1 meter.

Pine grows in open areas of the area, since it is a light-loving plant. Here, the height of the pine can reach a maximum of 50-75 meters, and the variety of shapes and sizes of pine cones affects unpredictable bends.

What are the pines

Several different species belong to this family. For example, you should consider a pine tree. The main places where the tree became well established were the European and Asian territories. The length of the needles can reach 10-15 cm. The centuries-old trees are distinguished by spreading branches, high strength and resinity. The trunk of the tree is straight, covered with a thick protective layer of gray-brown bark. The top of the pine is distinguished by its orange-red bark, which quickly and easily coarsens. The main growth of the tree occurs in the first century of his life.

Dwarf pine is used as a decoration for household plots. It perfectly suits in a small area, it is easily processed and does not leave garbage. In addition, due to its small size, it can be placed in a small area. These trees perfectly blend with the flora of any landscape design thanks to all sorts of colors. Dwarf pine - unpretentious plant, but for planting it is necessary to use seedlings aged 3 to 7 years. You can exclude additional watering, as trees are able to receive all the necessary moisture independently from the environment. The most arid regions can be an exception.

What distinguishes spruce from pine

These two trees have become so familiar to the modern man that many do not even think about which of them grows under their urns. And on New Year's holiday, dressing up a prickly beauty, everyone calls it "Christmas tree". But after a detailed study of the facts, one can understand the difference between spruce and pine.

  • Firstly, the structure of pine wood makes it possible to use it as an excellent raw material for the woodworking industry. While spruce is used only for the production of paper and sawn timber of low quality.
  • Secondly, if you look more closely at the needles of trees, you can easily see the difference between long spruce and pine needles.
  • Thirdly, the trees are completely different in form: the branches of the fir tree are always lowered, covering the trunk, in contrast to it the pine branches, as candles, are directed upward. On spruce branches are evenly distributed throughout the trunk from the bottom to the top. The pine needles are located mainly in the upper part of the trunk.
  • The fourth difference is the root system, thanks to which massive trees are kept on the surface. The fir-tree often sprouts to the surface, which makes it vulnerable to windy and arid areas. The roots of the pine go deep into the earth, which allows it to firmly hold onto its place, regardless of climatic conditions.

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