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What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?

Perhaps you have repeatedly heard these terms: "sociopath" and "psychopath". But what do they really mean and is there a significant difference between them? If you try to find an answer to these questions in specialized literature, it's unlikely you will succeed. And all because the medicine does not officially diagnose problems such as sociopathy or psychopathy. Instead, specialists use the term "dissocial personality disorder". Most experts believe that sociopaths and psychopaths have a similar set of characteristics. Both have a distorted view of good and bad deeds. Neither one nor the other can empathize with others. However, there are some differences between these two categories.

Absence and Presence of Conscience

The key difference between sociopaths and psychopaths is the presence or absence of conscience. Many of us are familiar with the phenomenon in which an inner voice warns us against wrong actions. When we start doing something wrong, we immediately understand it and stop. Psychopaths have no conscience. A psychopath can lie, dodge, steal money from other people, without feeling any guilt. No appeal to conscience can change his behavior.

Lack of empathy

In order not to give out his true motives, the psychopath resorts to ingenious tricks that imitate the behavior of other people. This person is unusually observant and inclined to try on different masks depending on different situations. So, with a brief acquaintance you will never know that this person is manipulating you. Also, you do not suspect him in the absence of empathy. All this can not be said about sociopaths, which are also characterized by destructive behavior with one weighty difference. This category of antisocial-minded individuals, deceiving other people, understands that it is doing wrong. Sociopaths tend to feel remorse, but the craving for profit most often outweighs. They can put themselves in the place of a deceived person, but in time they know how to turn the reverse, remembering their main goal.

Respect for people

Psychopaths do not know only empathy for other people, they do not know about the feeling of respect. These people see in the surrounding only soulless objects that can and should be used for personal gain.


In various films and television programs, sociopaths and psychopaths are usually presented as real villains who torture and kill innocent people. In fact, only a small percentage of people with dissocial personality disorder are prone to excessive cruelty. Most of them in achieving their goals are limited to sophisticated psychological manipulation. The craving for physical bullying is not inherent in them at all. Yes, among the psychopaths there are cold and calculating killers. But most of all they care about climbing the career ladder, during which they can go on their heads.

Egoism can not be a sign of dissocial personality disorder

A great misconception is the desire of people to put selfishness and dissocial personality disorder on the same stage. These two terms are not equivalent. Selfish tendencies can not indicate sociopathy or psychopathy. In order to diagnose the disorder, physicians use at least five different parameters. But to a simple person to recognize a psychopath among his environment is extremely difficult. And all because sophisticated manipulators deftly disguise their true emotions and intentions. They will smile when they meet with you, while leading pleasant conversations. Very often they are endowed with high intelligence, natural charm and acting skills. All this allows them to masterfully manipulate other people for personal gain.

Choleric temperament

However, whatever the charm of sociopaths, they are completely deprived of the ability to cooperate with colleagues or partners. They do not know how to interact in a team and always put their interests first. After talking with a sociopath, very soon you will understand that this person is not interested in anything but personal gain. Very often this type of personality is considered to be a choleric temperament.

Psychopaths advanced even further, mastering the cold calculation and malicious intent. They not only do not think about the feelings of others, but aggressive methods can also be used to achieve their goal. They develop long-term plans, which take into account any small details. All this helps them to remove any barriers that stand in their way.

Differences in the reaction of the body to violence

Most people who watch bloody scenes of violence in the movie notice how the basic functions of the body change: breathing becomes more frequent, the heart rate is increased, sweating of the palms is noted. The psychopath demonstrates the opposite reaction to someone else's trouble. Seeing blood and suffering, he becomes calm. It is this quality that makes psychopaths forget about fear and not be afraid of the consequences of their reckless actions.

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