HealthMental Health

Soothing without prescription: Are they effective?

In our difficult times it is very difficult to observe one of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, namely, to avoid stress. They lie in wait for us everywhere, both at home and at work, and sometimes to cope with them without medical assistance is very difficult. To date, there are a lot of different safe and effective sedatives, but unfortunately, many of them are sold only by prescription, and visiting a polyclinic is not the best way to cheer yourself up during strong emotional unrest. In addition, it is quite difficult for any person from outside to assess someone else's state of mind, even a specialist.

Fortunately, you can buy some good sedatives without a prescription, and almost in every pharmacy. In addition to the well-known drugs, one can also look at modern medicines that appear every year on the market. Some new sedative without a prescription are very effective, for example, the well-known Persen, Afobazol or Novopassit. Unfortunately, these are quite potent drugs, with prolonged use causing addiction and having a number of contraindications. And what if you need to immediately get a sedative without a prescription, so that it was effective and acted very carefully, for example, in pregnancy or a poor physical state of the body?

Here, tinctures on herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, peony and others can come to the rescue. They are used in cases when potent drugs can not be used, for example, these are traditional sedatives during pregnancy. If you are afraid that the alcohol contained in them can harm the baby, you can take the decoctions of these herbs or teas from them. By the way, all these plants are very fragrant, and their broths have a pleasant taste.

Usually tinctures of medicinal herbs are used in a complex way, for example, 15 drops of tinctures of valerian, mint and motherwort take three times a day for two weeks - this is a good sedative for acquiring equilibrium under prolonged nervous tension. Variants are possible with increasing or decreasing the dose and changing the set of components. It is important only to remember that when depressed grass, especially valerian, is not recommended - in this case, you need to consult with a specialist.

Also on a free sale there are such sedatives without a prescription, as well-known corvalol and valocordin, and also their analogues. What is most interesting, as drugs from the heart and pressure, they are not very effective, but they have proven themselves as a sedative. It is worth remembering that with uncontrolled long-term use, these drugs can also become addictive, so they also need to be cautious enough.

In addition to drugs, you can bring your feelings in order and in other ways. In particular, a good sedative is physical activity. No matter how much you want to stay at home and indulge in gloomy feelings, it's better to overcome yourself and get to nature, to the gym or to the pool. Here the main thing is to start, and already in the very near future you will feel the effectiveness of this method on yourself. Very good, if you are a close or just a positive person, or even a few, but not much - a noisy company can tire. You can go shopping or just down the street, go to a cafe or a movie - and most importantly do it as often as possible during a difficult period. Each person knows best what can restore his balance and distract him from gloomy thoughts, and most importantly, one can always get these sedatives without a prescription and in unlimited quantities without harm to health.

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