HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is obstructive bronchitis?

The most common complication that develops due to a cold is obstructive bronchitis. The process of breathing is a powerful system. The lungs, which are the fundamental link in this chain, are a complex structure with many different functions and features. Structural changes occurring in them under the influence of external or internal factors, give an instant failure of the system. If the respiratory system is exposed to a permanent negative effect, this leads to a decrease in the degree of protection of the bronchi. Their mucous membrane, contaminating, makes it difficult to clean the inhaled air, thereby causing the development of bronchitis.

There are several signs of developing obstructive bronchitis. As a rule, the disease begins with a protracted cough. Cough in this case is the protection of the body from the effects of the external environment. It should be noted that the development of the disease occurs slowly enough, so often coughing remains one sign of the disease. The result of coughing is the sputum secretion, which is at first dry, and later begins to cough up a mucus of a yellowish-green hue. Later, breathing is added to it, accompanied by noise and whistling, the cause of which is the difficulty of exhalation due to narrowing of bronchioles. As a rule, obstructive bronchitis is characterized by a heavy and prolonged exhalation.

Physicians distinguish several types of bronchitis: obstructive and non-obstructive, acute or chronic.

Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by the fact that the inflammation is accompanied by obstruction (complication), in which the respiratory system becomes swollen and mucus accumulates. As a result, vascular ventilation is difficult.

If obstructive bronchitis affects children, they are treated with inhalations and a set of procedures that purify the bronchi. This stabilizes the blood circulation and relieves spasms. A sign of improvement is the decrease or complete disappearance of the whistle and the severity of breathing.

Acute obstructive bronchitis lasts, on average, from several days to several weeks. Inflammatory process in this case is caused by infection or external factors. In children, this disease can occur due to birth trauma.

If acute obstructive bronchitis is treated timely and correctly, the patient recovers without any consequences. An incorrect approach to treatment can lead to the development of chronic obstructive bronchitis of the lungs. This disease is much more difficult to treat, especially since it entails the emergence of a number of concomitant diseases.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature and a general weakness. Signs of chronic form is hard breathing and shortness of breath.

The main causes of obstructive bronchitis in children are viral infections, as well as severe hypothermia. Adults also acquire a chronic form of the disease due to prolonged smoking.

One of the forms of obstructive bronchitis is recurrent obstructive bronchitis. This form of the disease occurs when the patient was diagnosed with "obstructive bronchitis" for more than three times during the year. As a rule, with incorrect and untimely treatment, this disease often develops into a chronic one.

Obstructive bronchitis is treated in a complex way: first it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease (so that the treatment does not become meaningless), destroy the infection, then clear the lungs and conduct several preventive procedures. However, it should be done only in medical conditions with the help of a specialist. Remember that self-medication is very dangerous for your health!

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