
What impression do we make on people in the first minutes of acquaintance?

At the first meeting, people form each other's opinion on a variety of aspects - from the level of intelligence to honesty. According to experts, the first impression we have is already in three seconds of communication. So, just shaking your hand, your interlocutor will already know if you like him and if he wants to deal with you.

Fortunately, in our power to contribute to the fact that in the first minutes of the meeting people have a favorable impression of us. So, if you are dressed in a strict suit and will look into the eyes of the interlocutor, then for sure intuitively he will feel that you are a reliable business man. However, it should be remembered that facial expressions or other aspects may give you away. So, suggest together to find out what unfamiliar people make up an opinion, only to meet with you.

Can you be trusted

A person is able to understand if his interlocutor is reliable, in only a tenth of a second! This conclusion was made by researchers from the University of Princeton during an interesting experiment. So, they gave a group of 245 students 100 milliseconds for them to appreciate the attractiveness, competence, aggressiveness and reliability of a person, inviting them to study photos of actors' faces. There was also another group, in which 128 students participated. They were allowed to spend as much time on the same process as they wished. Analyzing the results, the researchers found that in many respects the assessments of the subjects from both groups coincided. The greatest coincidence was the degree of reliability.

High social status

According to a study in Holland, it was found that people wearing branded clothes are seen by others as having a higher status and income. If you are dressed in simple clothes, then you are unlikely to be referred to this category.


A study conducted in 2007, led by Nora A. Murphy, a professor at the University of Loyol Marymount, showed that people who look in the face of the conversation seem to be more intelligent to their interlocutors than those who look away.

During the experiment, 182 college students were offered to discuss the topic in pairs within five minutes. After that, the subjects had to answer how clever the interlocutor seemed to them. As a result, it became clear that the assessment of the level of intelligence directly depended on whether the person was looking into the eyes of his partner during a conversation.

Professor Murphy also writes that glasses in thick frames, as well as expressive speech, can help make a positive impression of your mental abilities.

Are you inclined to dominate

At a small university in Pennsylvania, the following experiment was conducted: the undergraduates were asked to view 25 photos of men. Some of them were bald, some with lush hair. Students also rated men without vegetation on their heads as more prone to dominance.

Later, it was decided to conduct larger experiments. They were attended by 344 and 552 adults. The results were the same - bald men were perceived by the subjects as more inclined to domination than the representatives of the stronger sex with the hair.

Are you successful

If you want to look successful, then use the services of a good tailor. So, during the joint British-Turkish study, 274 subjects were asked to look at the pictures of the men (their faces were hidden), dressed both in suits sewn by tailors, and in ready-made clothes. As a result, most of the participants in the experiment found those who were wearing individually tailored clothes more successful.

Therefore, if you often have to meet people to work with, then get a pair of hand-sewn suits that fit perfectly on you.

Are you an adventurer?

A new acquaintance suggests that you not only look at the appearance of the interlocutor, but also observe his movements. So, in a small study, a group of students were shown videos of young people walking. On the walk it was necessary to form an opinion on each person. Most of the students suggested that free gait is inherent in extroverts and adventurers, and more rigid - with bound and nervous people. It is interesting that for the most part the subjects were mistaken in their assessment.


During the experiment in Canada, female students were able to fairly accurately assess how aggressive 37 different men are, in the pictures of which they watched for only 39 milliseconds. Pictures were taken at a time when representatives of the stronger sex were playing a computer game, and they were able to steal points from another player.

Are you a religious person?

People can say how religious you are by simply observing how you hold yourself. So, as a result of a study conducted at the University of California headed by Laura P. Neumann, it was discovered that undergraduates are more likely to appreciate the religiosity of a person simply by looking at his full-length photograph. It turned out that smiling, energetic, balanced and neat people, as a rule, are more religious than others.

Are you an extrovert

People need only 50 milliseconds to find out. To this conclusion came the German researchers. So, they conducted an experiment, suggesting that the subjects examine several hundred images and form an opinion on the identity of each person depicted in the photo. It turned out that in extroverts in photographs the facial expression is usually more cheerful. Because of this, they are easy to detect.

Are you a good leader?

Researchers suggested that university graduates consider photo portraits of almost one hundred managing partners of leading law firms and evaluate various characteristics of their personality, including leadership qualities, reliability, attractiveness, etc. Collecting points on these points, it was concluded how successful a leader is in this or that person and, accordingly, how much benefit he brings to his company. I must say that most of the subjects fairly accurately estimated the potential of people whose portraits they had to consider. Moreover, with high accuracy, they also assessed how developed a person's leadership qualities, even looking at photos from his school album, made many years ago.

Whether you are waiting for advancement on a career ladder

Here we are talking not only about success at work, but also about the prospects of getting more income. In 2011, a study was conducted, in which students showed photos of men dressed both in business suits and in ordinary clothes. After that, the subjects were asked about what successes in their careers, in their opinion, one or another person can achieve. Most students came to the conclusion that dressed in a business-like style, men have a great chance of raising and furthering the career ladder than the rest.

So, we found out what impression each of us has on people in the first minutes and even seconds of acquaintance. Taking this information into service, you can try to make sure that people can make up as much as possible a positive opinion about you.

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