CareerCareer Management

What factors influence the choice of a profession: school, family, friends, personal abilities

In this article, we will not talk about what to do and what rules to adhere to so that your child is determined with further professional orientation. Practical tips for choosing a life path here you also will not find. We will try to maximally reveal a number of features that can prevent a teenager from solving this difficult task, but the environment needs only to try to avoid them.

Each of us has to face one day ...

Perhaps, in the overwhelming majority of cases, each of us does not take any fateful decisions, guided only by independent conclusions. Often we are helped by relatives, close friends and just people who influence our life and activities in general. Therefore, our decisions are based on the life experience and views of the representatives of society around us, whose opinion is not indifferent to us.

To the person making this choice, it is extremely important to make an objective analysis of the received information from the outside and from here to form own conclusions. Close people, in turn, need to convey information in the most correct and convincing form to those who are in a difficult situation. Especially if this someone is a teenager, who determines his future life.

So, what factors influence the choice of profession? Below we will try to understand this and maximally reveal this topic, which will be useful both for young people at the beginning of an independent life path, and for their parents.

The role of self-regulation in professional self-determination

The basis for choosing a profession is the direct vision of the world around the subject. And this means that the level of mental awareness of a person (in our case - a teenager) plays an important role in this path.

In other words, the child must be able to assess his own abilities and the characteristics of personal thinking with the goals that he sets for himself in the future. Such adolescents in modern psychology are given the title of "autonomously thinking", because they, like no other, can independently determine their own place in life and, accordingly, in the labor niche.

In order to find out how much a person is able to determine this important task, one can conduct a test for choosing a profession that will show the level of self-determination of the individual by its results.

The influence of the family on the future specialty

However, often by the age of 16-18 the child is not yet able to have the necessary level of self-sufficiency in order to determine without any problems his further way in the main activity. Therefore, the choice of the working profession in many families is based on collective agreement, weighing all the pros and cons. Sometimes it happens clearly, sometimes - only as an indirect influence on the child.

Often parents, without understanding it themselves, impose a particular way of life on the child, and one can not say that this position of career guidance (choice of profession) is correct from a psychological point of view. Whether this is due to its own unrealizability, or because this path is a generic field (the dynasty of teachers, doctors, lawyers). In general, the motives for choosing a profession are different. But this approach leads to the fact that the individual chooses the matter is not to his liking: he works in unloved work or, worst of all, does not have any predisposition towards a particular profession.

Sociological aspect of the choice of life path

What factors influence the choice of the profession, if the teenager is not mature enough to make fateful decisions on his own? That's right, the opinion of peers and friends. Unfortunately, this problem has been frequent for many years (and is by no means modern) - a child, when making an informed choice, can think not about what will bring him pleasure, or about what he has a physiological predisposition.

Quite often the choice of the working profession is based on a banal reluctance to part with close friends. For a teenager, finishing high school is always a psychological trauma to one degree or another. Therefore, if a close friend wants to become a famous doctor and leaves his hometown for further education, your child can go after him only because of an indirect fear of loneliness. An example of this situation proves the fact that parents should intervene in the process of professional self-determination of the child, but objectively.

Choosing a profession for schoolchildren - what's worth worrying about

Often, each of us is prevented from living the so-called myths - established stereotypes, usually having nothing to do with reality. This is a huge amount of information received, which accumulates over time and does not at all pretend to be the truth in this or that issue.

Therefore, the motives for choosing a profession are often based on these very myths. It often happens that a teenager (or even his parents, which is many times more deplorable) do not have a clear set of data on a particular specialty. As a result, the opinion about the profession can be formed on the basis of one's own subjective conclusions. Similar conclusions have nothing to do with statistical data, so the child goes to learn a profession that, only according to his parents (and no more), is prestigious, more in demand on the labor market and profitable.

Psychological blocks and settings

What factors influence the choice of a profession? Or rather, which of them prevent this task from being solved as correctly as possible? True - the psychological blocks and attitudes of the teenager, his insecurity in his own abilities, the fear of not justifying the expectations of parents or looking worse than their peers in the eyes of society.

Often this is due to the fact that the child is afraid not to score the right amount of points when enrolling in the chosen specialty and lose a whole year in vain. Therefore, often children try to choose a reserve option, take exams for the specialty that is less popular among applicants. In the near future such a picture looks great - a teenager is learning, there is no lost time. However, if you look at the situation a little deeper, everything turns out to be much worse - a broken fate, an unloved profession, and a job that does not bring any pleasure.

Therefore, it is better to think twice: is this lost year worth such a vast sacrifice?

Personal life and its influence on the choice of the future profession

For modern parents is not news that within the age of 16-18, almost every teenager has a first love, heart experiences, and with them dramas. Alas, now there is so much information for modern youth that, already at such a tender age, many of them are thinking about whether their future profession will rise on the road to a perfect family happiness?

The mass of serials, online resources, literature - all this makes the teenager think about whether he will let his favorite thing be happy not only at work. And again, everyone wants to assure that all these speculations are just another myth. Doctor is a doctor, a lawyer is a lawyer. Will your child work as a workaholic, how much it will give to work - this question can only answer time. Therefore, do not even think about the interaction of personal life and work in choosing the future profession of the child.

Professor Klimov and his view on the solution of this problem

Dr. E. A. Klimov for many years studied the issue of adolescent psychology and work orientation, so he has his own view on what factors affect the choice of the profession of adolescents.

He brought forth a number of driving factors that directly influence the self-determination of the child with respect to their future activities.

First of all, the role of the opinion of relatives, who are responsible for the child's further life, both before the society and before themselves. Therefore, on the ladder of factors, according to Klimov, the first step is taken by the parents' vision.

An important role is played by the close environment of the teenager - his friends and comrades, teachers who have authority, which influence the choice of the child is slightly less than the older members of the family.

And only after the immediate plans of the child and their own vision for further professional orientation are in place, wishes and pretensions to this or that activity. And the last stage of influence is occupied by the ability of the teenager, the warehouse of his mind, the opportunity to engage in a particular profession.

As you can see, from the psychological point of view, the test for choosing a profession in practice is not so popular among applicants. Since few people think at the beginning of their own way of life over whether he will like the chosen activity after several decades, will he be given work with ease.

And some statistics

In our country, the system of information support for applicants is sufficiently developed, so anyone can apply to the higher education institution they like and obtain the necessary summary of the facts on this or that specialty. But, as practice shows, from year to year adolescents choose the future path absolutely spontaneously, not guided by any professional orientation consultations.

As a rule, two-thirds of entrants can not decide until the last with a choice of specialty, but the remainder is deeply convinced of their views, which are often based on the opinion of the older and closest associates.

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